Jumble Answers for 03/16/2024


20 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/16/2024

  1. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    ONION: Last used – 10/04/2023 as INOON

    FLASH: Last used – 11/14/2023 as SAHLF

    STUFFY: Last used – 9/27/2020 as FTUYSF

    GLANCE: Last used – 7/16/2023 as CANLEG

    FLIGHT OF FANCY: Last used – 8/19/2021


    NINOO: Used on – 10/01/2014, 2/04/2009, 7/05/1999, 7/06/1984, 7/08/1975, 5/08/1960, 11/15/1958

    SALHF: Used on – 1/06/2023

    FYUTSF: Used on – New anagram

    CLAGNE: Used on – New anagram

    IONFAHTFFYGLC: Used on – New anagram

    • Good Morning, Everyone…✈️ THE FLIGHT OF PAY ✈️

      🎶It’s a FLIGHT OF FANCY…I’m exactly where I want to be…🎶 …“Flight of Fancy” – Kali Armstrong (Neil Armstrong’s granddaughter) 2019 https://tinyurl.com/3xwhdn2n

      ✈️ No longer just their pipe dream…one can tell by just a GLANCE,
      We don’t know if they’re STUFFY though…there always is a chance…
      With only just a FLASH of them, it’s not easy to tell,
      Sometimes with wealthy people they have heads that tend to swell…
      Champagne is what’s on tap we see…martinis would be nice…
      A Gibson served with ONION…and of course one holds the ice
      But here today our couple…looking pleasant… Nick and Nancy…
      Enjoying their own private jet…and this their FLIGHT OF FANCY!✈️

      Hmm…A private jet!…Wealthy, indeed…These surely aren’t any PLANE old regular Folks…Guaranteed we won’t see them CABIN it any time soon…

      So…Today we find ourselves aboard the “Nick of Prime”, and see our couple, Nick and Nancy, most definitely in the prime of their lives…Being wealthy enough to buy a private jet = FLIGHT and reap the benefits of a privileged = FANCY lifestyle…Well, good for them…they do seem pleasant enough…So, here’s 🥂 to their …FLIGHT OF FANCYhttps://tinyurl.com/bdew2h3n …And this puzzle TOOK OFF in no time…

      And while I’m not looking to FUEL any fire…even though our solve is an easy, breezy one, and brilliantly whimsical…better than FIRST CLASS…; today, just as yesterday, the true definition of the idiom is a bit of a RUN aWAY…The phrase, a “flight of fancy”, is mostly used to describe something unrealistic…yet in Nick and Nancy’s case, it is a reality. But, Nancy’s comment…”our ‘pipe dream’ came true” pretty much covers that base…so I guess it could be a flight of fancy…for this first time anyway…After this, while I’m sure they’ll still appreciate the ROUTES of their labor, the novelty may wear off…Depends on the type of people they are I suppose…Jet-setters…or simply Get-betters…I have a friend who’s a “get-better” type of person…he’s always exaggerating and opting for the “grass is always greener” thing. He’s actually been known to tell women that he has his own private jet…but he fails to mention the part where it goes with the rest of them…in his JACUZZI…He’s definitely a lot of HOT AIR….

      Anyway, Jeff’s Gem? I could be OFF TRACK, but I think the pilot is a woman. It looks like she has her hair up in a bun…Hard to be sure though, it could just be the headrest, since DELAY out of the shading kind of lends to INTERFERENCE…but it is a possibility…Especially since knowing Jeff. He’s always championing women…and makes no secret of his abhorring how women are still SOARly underrepresented in way too many fields…And for that he’ll always be a WINGer in my LOG book…

      So…There you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…and I’ll leave you with a little RICH humor…A man named Dave finds a magic lamp, rubs it, and a Genie appears…telling Dave he’ll grant him 1 wish…Genie: “What’s your wish”? Dave: “I want to be rich”…Genie: “Granted”…Rich: “Uh…”…And here’s where that Reading Comprehension comes in…😉… ✈️🙋🏻‍♀️

    • 🤦🏻‍♀️Washing and prepping the pounds of vegetables was no FLIGHT OF FANCY, and with the room already being, STUFFY, the FLASH of juice from the ONION she was slicing caused her to quickly GLANCE away …🤦🏻‍♀️

      🧅 Her sideways GLANCE, a STUFFY one, a FLASH of slight disdain,
      The Blooming ONION ordered? …looking sadly on the wane…
      They wondered should they eat it…or would that just end up chancy…
      They called the waiter, figuring…no need for FLIGHT OF FANCY…🧅

    • Another easy, breezy flight of fancy to end the week! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  2. Thought the first word was FLYING, but that form of FLY really didn’t fit the phrase. Anyway, Marsha helped me with GLANCE, saw FANCY and made a fast dash to the finish line. Wow, private jets…it must me nice. Thanks for the post and your funny Genie joke. See you tomorrow. Terry

  3. What a great way to close the week Saturday ! This was on top from yesterday’s ! All the anagrams were there with smooth solutions ! The jumble , on a private jet , was indeed real FANCY , and the FLIGHT word was not mentioned, so I saw FLIGHT OF FANCY ! I was so happy ! And Angela , your song choice was really interesting ! Neil Armstrong’s granddaughter ? Wow ! I really enjoyed it ! This was a great Saturday jumble ! Bring on Sunday Funday !!!!!!

  4. This Jumble did not appear in my newspaper this morning (Richmond Times-Dispatch). I had to find the Jumble online; it was in the Chicago Tribune.

  5. Good morning. Had the words but looked up the answer to the cartoon puzzle. I couldn’t get past flying for the first word. Until tomorrow take care.

    • Good morning again. Just in case you didn’t realize the above with “Good morning “ it’s Paul. For some reason it wouldn’t let me put the name in like Jim. Looks like it’s going it again. Got it I think.

        • Good Afternoon. Thanks Angela for correcting me on yesterdays message. That speech is implanted in my brain but I did get the names mixed up. Take care

          • You’re welcome, Paul…but I don’t look at it as correcting you…I just altered the comment! Take care…enjoy your day. 🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. I found the anagrams tricky but an easy solve as was the cartoon . A Happy start to the weekend indeed! Best wishes to one and all. Chuck.

  7. Flew right through the anagrams and cartoon answer this morning. ✈️. Happy Saturday all !! Betty

    • Flew right through, indeed! 😉 Happy Saturday to you too, Betty. ✈️🙋🏻‍♀️

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