Jumble Answers for 03/14/2024


10 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/14/2024

  1. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    TREND: Last used – 9/23/2023 as NRDET

    FLOOR: Last used – 7/05/2022 as OLFRO

    SKIMPY: Last used – 7/16/2023 as KYPSMI

    INDIGO: Last used – 1/17/2024 as GINDIO

    TOP OF (THE) MORNING: Last used – New solution


    NDRET: Used on – 10/03/2017

    OFROL: Used on – 1/10/2018, 3/07/2011

    MKYIPS: Used on – New anagram

    GIDINO: Used on – 9/07/2003, 7/04/1997, 10/25/1987, 1/07/1983, 12/14/1972, 5/05/1963

    TRNFOOIMPNGO: Used on – New anagram

    • Good Morning, Everyone…🧗🏻‍♀️CLAIRE-LY, SHE’S AMAZING! 🧗🏻‍♀️

      🎶 Here’s to the WINNERS- lift up the glasses..Here’s to the glory still to be…. Here’s to the heroes – those who move MOUNTAINS…Here’s to the miracles they make us see..🎶…”Winners” – Mr Frank Sinatra 1973 https://tinyurl.com/5cajw9nu

      🧗🏻‍♀️The clothing hardly SKIMPY, the air up there is cold,
      The sky has turned from INDIGO to showing rays of gold…
      The view, yes it can FLOOR you, the beauty has no end,
      But climbing Kilimanjaro?…It’s definitely not a TREND…
      Not many people do it…but here with the sun’s dawning…
      We see David and Claire, in awe…greeting TOP OF THE MORNING!🧗🏻‍♀️

      Today…2017…And we’re truly at the top of Mt Kilimanjaro. https://tinyurl.com/nhftkwz5 What’s not true though is that while Claire, David’s lovely wife, has summited, David hasn’t…YET…It’s still on his bucket list…But artistic license allows us to CLAIRE-ly see him here with her today…and what a way to start our MORNING…

      Ok…The first thing that PEAKED my attention was the solve. It came to me instantly, but I guess I thought it a little odd because I associate the phrase with St Patrick’s Day, and here we are three days off. But .. c’est la vie…The next thing, of course, was seeing David and Claire together atop the mountain. As I mentioned ABOVE, Claire has succeeded in reaching its peak…in fact, I have a picture of her standing there before the signage…but I’ve failed in trying to create a link to post it…Suffice to say it’s similar to this… https://tinyurl.com/mrx9dfpw save for the fact that Claire looks a hell of a lot better…But I was having a HELVELLYN time wrapping my head around it, because I couldn’t STAKE my life on the fact that David had climbed with her. I just couldn’t GET OVER IT…And even though it was probably just mind over MATTERHORN…and they do do a lot of mountain climbing together, this wasn’t one of those times…So, once I got over that HILL…I settled DOWN, and CLIMBED on board with doing this write-up…

      So…With our question giving us two HUGE clues…”Summit” = TOP and “Sunrise”, = MORNING, our dialogue giving us, “Hello, SUN”, and “hiking at night”, along with the positive nature of both their comments, not to mention our cartoon showing the Sunrise?… https://tinyurl.com/mrxp9dw2 This solve was an easy, breezy, gift from the HEAVENS…It was the …TOP OF THE MORNINGhttps://tinyurl.com/4zsvjzt2

      And as for Jeff’s Gems? That iconic sign, atop that iconic mountain? Here you go… https://tinyurl.com/3tr42z4n

      So…There you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And to SUMMIT all UP…Major Kudos to Claire. 👏🏻👏🏻! …She deserves the HIGHEST of compliments! 🧗🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

    • 🤷🏻‍♀️At the TOP OF THE MORNING she awoke freezing to find her dog had thrown her beautiful INDIGO blanket to the FLOOR, and replaced it with the SKIMPY towel he loves to carry around…this new TREND of his is definitely not a good one…🤷🏻‍♀️

      🤦🏻‍♀️ The wax she used to shine her FLOOR had dripped a SKIMPY flow,
      Perhaps it had dried up inside…though not bought long ago…
      The INDIGO container…somehow the newest TREND,
      You’d think it’d fight the elements…the darkness it did lend…
      But obviously not the case…since here…without a warning….
      The wax won’t flow…so far it’s def not the TOP OF THE MORNING …🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. My thirst of solving all the anagrams and jumble has been quenched ! I got all the anagrams with ease , which I’d like to start a TREND ! They all came to me from the FLOOR , up ! They didn’t at all make it SKIMPY, but were very colorful in an INDIGO mood ! The jumble with 2 short words before the giving (THE) word and sunshine was TOP OF (THE) MORNING ! It was right there ! Loved it ! And a really interesting and entertaining description of David and Claire ! This one was a very fun jumble ! Good one ! Bring on TGIF !!!!!

  3. Yes, Angela….all the clues were there for a successful blind solve, plus the anagrams were pretty clear cut. Interesting about Claire climbing one of the big ones. Not too sure about your Sinatra ballad, so must go take a listen. Thanks for great post. Terry

  4. Good morning. Another successful completion with very little difficulty but no blind solve. First time hearing that Sinatra song Angela. Until tomorrow take care.

  5. A slight pause on the indigo anagram, but then an obvious solve of the cartoon on a rainy morning. Chuck.

  6. Indeed, top of the morning to you

    As we take in this wonderful view

    The sun sets and it rises

    Always full of surprises

    Every day brings on something new!

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