Jumble Answers for 05/15/2024


22 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 05/15/2024

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…☀️SUNDRY MEANS TO AN END☀️

    🎶 Here comes the SUN, doo-doo-doo-doo…Here comes the SUN, and I say, It’s alright…🎶…”Here Comes The Sun” – The Beatles 1969  https://tinyurl.com/yvfrsdmx

    ☀️The work, nowhere near DINKY, it will USHER in new source,

    Creating electricity…as sunlight runs its course…

    Out to UPROOT naysayers…their TONGUEs they need to hold,

    Photovoltaic effect…it translates to paths of gold…

    They had their bases covered as today’s work had begun…

    Their panels at the ready…everything UNDER THE SUN…☀️

    We can make this really quick…all long as one ABSORBS all the obviously SHINING hints that we’re given…

    Today…SOLAR CELLS https://tinyurl.com/2s3tx529  (= SUN), right there in our question. Coupled with our cartoon…that blazing, RADIATING SUN…and not only our energy technicians, but the SUNdry, https://tinyurl.com/52jjv3m4 (= different), myriad https://tinyurl.com/ytsj8h4y  (= many) panels seen UNDER it? …BOTTOM line? They tried EVERYTHING…UNDER THE SUN https://tinyurl.com/muj737tv …And voila! We’re HOT to trot https://tinyurl.com/4ez458nd today…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe….And this puzzle reminded me of my friend, SUNny, who works at OHM Depot. A natural energy naysayer, https://tinyurl.com/5ef5bue6 he’s such a  grouch…always so HOT under the collar,  https://tinyurl.com/2vphnm9t  and having such a long PHASE. Especially whenever the topic of Solar Energy ARISES…For whatever reason, he gets so AMPed up, and he acts like the whole WORLD REVOLVES AROUND him…And we’re always telling him that he really needs to LIGHTen up..that let’s PHASE it, he’s hardly in CHARGE of things… Anyway, CURRENTly we’re all reFUSEing to deal with his attitude. His constant POWER trips just got to be a little too much, so WATT else could we do?…Believe me, we’re all BURNT OUT with him wasting so much ENERGY arguing about SOLAR panels…And until he WARMS up to the idea, we’ve just decided to leave him in the dark…☀️🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Was trying to leave a message…and seems like WordPress not responding. Anyway, as Sue and others point out, we appreciate all you do for the Jumble, and if not to somebody’s liking, they don’t need to respond. OMG, don’t know how I would make it through the day without seeing/responding to your/others posts !!! Hang in there

      • Thank you, Terry. I truly appreciate your kind words. You’ve always been a shot in the arm for me, and I look forward to your comments each day as well. And I agree..,there’s never a need for people to be unkind…God knows there’s enough ugliness in the world as it is…Thank you again, and have a good one. ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

        • My feelings exactly ! I totally agree with Terry and everyone in your corner Angela ! I , too would be lost if I didn’t have the jumble to do with your foundation on it ! I look forward each day to comment and read all the comments , so you have our team support always ! Thanks Angela !!!!

  2. 🤦🏻‍♂️The USHER, one always known to speak TONGUE-in-cheek, knew he needed to UPROOT from his present DINKY surroundings, which were causing him every problem UNDER THE SUN…🤦🏻‍♂️

    🤷🏻‍♀️The doll was rather DINKY, its TONGUE hung to one side,
    The Mom felt time had come to USHER it from the bedside…
    Just UPROOT it..replace it..but resistance had begun…
    When her daughter voiced excuses…every one UNDER THE SUN…🤷🏻‍♀️

  3. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    USHER: Last used – 9/19/2023 as SRUEH

    DINKY: Last used – 10/09/2023 as INKDY

    UPROOT: Last used – 12/23/2023 as TOUPOR

    TONGUE: Last used – 2/08/2021 as NOGUTE

    UNDER THE SUN: Last used – New solution


    HURES: Used on – 8/30/2017

    KDIYN: Used on – New anagram

    PROUOT: Used on – 4/06/2012

    GTNEUO: Used on – New anagram

    SHEDNURTNUE: Used on – New anagram

  4. 🌎 With the world’s population so vast,
    And some saying the die has been cast…
    We must do all we can,
    For the future of man…
    Saving energy cannot come last…🌎

    📱We’ve devices that can choke a horse,
    All depleting our natural resource…
    We need to rein some in, 
    Or much to our chagrin…
    We’ll find we’ve gone way too off course…📱

    🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️To our children we want to leave more,
    Than have been left by those came before…
    But with energy’s waste,
    We’re now getting a taste…
    Of what’s proven more than mere folklore…🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️

    🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️Our planet just isn’t the same,
    And before we’re headed to end game…
    We need find better ways,
    ‘Tween the black/white…think grays…
    So depletion can be kept on wane…🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♂️

    ☀️So today as these techs we see here,
    Striving to find a way that’s quite clear…
    To turn sunlight to “juice”,
    Help stave off the abuse…
    That man’s causing our Planet so dear…☀️

  5. What a slippery , over the hump day Wednesday ! I should’ve been an USHER for two of the anagrams , cause I felt DINKY trying to get the last two ! The one , I felt like I had to UPROOT and that made me stick my TONGUE out ! I just didn’t see those two ! But the jumble with them trying everything to make more solar cells with the big sun above them and then the old saying relating to space was UNDER THE SIN , which came right out ! Great day with just a little anagram -hump to get over Wednesday ! And as I’ve said Angela anytime the Beatles can have a song for this is always perfect ! One of my favorite groups ! And your information on the jumble relating to space and solar , was nice ! Great day ! Let’s get ready for thirsty-Thursday to quench our thirst !!!!!!

  6. I, too, had a quickly accomplished blind solve….that idiom just popped out to me. I spelled the anagrams in my head and misspelled the last one (OUTGUN). Such an appropriate song for today !! Concerning another person’s comment…what did you mean by “Aren’t you bothered by the screens of gibberish?” Have a great Hump Day. Terry

    • Good Morning, Terry. The person was rude enough to comment not once, but twice, that I post “screens of gibberish”. I’m just tired of rude, obnoxious people…I get no compensation for doing this…nothing…so I don’t feel that I should have to put up with abuse of any kind. For that matter, even if I was paid to do this, I still shouldn’t have to put up with any ^£[]€§
      ..I guess he/she was never taught that if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. 🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Angela, you are truly amazing. I always thought you were a paid part of the Jumble team…and you should be! Your talent is impressive and I imagine you spend a considerable amount of time coming up with your witty words every day. I have so much respect for you! Sue

        • Hi Sue. Thank you very much for your very kind words, they are much appreciated. I’ve no connection to the Jumble.. I’m just a fan, like everyone else. But I’ve just reached the point where I’ve had it with these “keyboard warriors” who think it’s ok to be abusive. You have no idea how ugly some people can be. Again, thank you…and I hope you’re enjoying your day. Take care. ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. The panels they put to the test

    To see which would be the best

    To capture the power of the sun

    They wanted second to none

    And they made it their number one quest!

  8. After a pause on the tongue anagram the cartoon was a quick and obvious blind solve! Happy Hump Day to one and all. Chuck.

  9. I too paused at tongue but the cartoon answer came easily. We’re still waiting for the sun to appear here, cool foggy morning so far. Have a good day all. Betty

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