Jumble Answers for 02/27/2024


14 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 02/27/2024

  1. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    WORRY: Last used – 6/30/2022 as RYOWR

    SPOIL: Last used – 11/10/2022 as OPSLI

    KETTLE: Last used – 8/14/2023 as TKLEET

    FLEECE: Last used – 5/12/2019 as CELEFE

    TOP SECRET: Last used – New solution


    ROYWR: Used on – New anagram

    OPLIS: Used on – New anagram

    TKELET: Used on – New anagram

    CLEFEE: Used on – 5/16/2010, 3/11/2006, 2/10/2002,  6/26/1990, 3/14/1987, 4/01/1984

    ORSPTTECE: Used on – New anagram

    • Good Morning, Everyone….🎬 HAIR-RAISING NEWS? 🎬

      🎶James Bond Theme”…🎶 John Barry & Orchestra 1962 http://tinyurl.com/mt9pzk6

      🎬 There was no cause to WORRY, it didn’t look like FLEECE,
      The man exuded charm and class…with or without that piece…
      It didn’t SPOIL anything…would it have if we’d known?
      (And here’s where KETTLE bites the dust…today it stands alone)…
      Sean Connery, God rest his soul…as Bond? There’s no regret…
      He played the role so perfectly…and that’s no TOP SECRET!🎬

      Hmm…Didn’t we just COVER this PLOT four days ago? I guess we should “NEVER SAY. NEVER AGAIN”, huh?…Anyway, fasten your SEAT belts, Folks…this may TAKE a while…

      So…Sean Connery, http://tinyurl.com/w27vttm2 as “James Bond”… http://tinyurl.com/2ecbfksb …The first 007 in the franchise, who went on to STAR in 7 “Bond” movies…That charming, handsome, dashing and debonair International SECRET Agent….”SECRET” Agent?…Uh…You gotta see where this is HEADed…right?…

      Ok…If I had to bet “GOLD, (and put my) FINGER” on it, there might have been a time or two…or three…where Sean Connery’s hair did look a bit like a “THUNDERBALL” might have run over it…especially in “YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE”…but “DR, NO” way did it matter. Let’s face it, we were so taken with “James Bond”, that he could have been a SPY “FROM RUSSIA…(And) WITH LOVE”, we’d still have adored him…Toupee? Touché! Who cared?…Look, yes, “DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER”, but when it comes to hair? …Not so much. That’s life…So Mr Connery looking so angry here? IDK…I guess he was just “SHAKEN…AND NOT STIRRED” http://tinyurl.com/bp8n4398 up about the idea, since It wasn’t his choice to begin with…Sean had just reached the point in life where he was SEAN of hair…And that’s why the toupee he wore aTOP his head in his role as Bond, the SECRET Agent? http://tinyurl.com/5f95erp3 ..It was meant to be…TOP SECREThttps://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/top+secret …And once again, Folks, just like on Friday…that about COVERS it all…

      …Except for the PART of the puzzle where we go BEHIND THE SCENES…
      Jeff’s Gems….First, at the top left corner of the PICTURE, there’s either a light or a camera….and I’m thinking, more or LENS, that in LIGHT of our SECRET subject matter, it’s probably a light…Next, Sean’s seated in a Director’s chair… http://tinyurl.com/5ahfsrzw , CHARACTERized by its low back, scissor-like legs, and those paddle-shaped armrests. The seat and back are made of a strong FABRIC, usually canvas… Jeff’s REELy working working with some good MATERIAL here…but I’m thinking, wouldn’t Sean be SCENE in a make-up chair for something like this? Odd, but hey, let’s just ROLE with it….And as for our other two characters, I’m CASTING fate to the wind, and going with whom I believe to be Terence Young, http://tinyurl.com/494fk4ze the Director of “Dr No”, the first film. STRANDS to reason that that toupee would be fitted from the HEAD start of his films. Our hairdresser? I’ll call her BARBER-A…and STREISAND she might, she’s never given in to divulging a SECRET…Anyway, Terence…note his bio PICTURE…and then notice the CUT of his hair in the cartoon…That PART, and those errant bottom wisps are looking pretty SUSPECT to me. He’s gone now, so we’ll never REELy know, but once again, from his dialogue? He may have BONDed with a hairpiece or two in his time also. And note the VIEWfinder http://tinyurl.com/565j7k2z around his neck…I think that’s in answer to Sean’s comment…But it’s two PARTS dealing with Sean that TAKE the cake…. One, if you take a CLOSE UP, you’ll see that he’s already wearing his ubiquitous bow tie…Again, wouldn’t this be done before he dressed…( I’m just having a little trouble PIECEing it together)…but the REEL SCENE-stealer here? You have to REELy ZOOM IN on it…but there, inside the cap of the toupee? It reads 007! MARTINI & Rossi…🍷I’ll drink to that! Brilliant!…Talk about getting STAR FILLING!…. And…CUT!…Phew!…Yes…this did TAKE some time, didn’t it? …And if anyone’s interested, it’ll be out in paperback shortly…

      So…There you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And while Mr Connery wasn’t the easiest man to get along with in real life, a man pretty RUGged and terse, the character he made famous in REEL life is one that’s forever etched into our memories. From that first glance in “Dr No”, from that first, “Shaken, and not stirred”, from that first love scene..did we RELLy care if he was wearing a toupee or not?… Please…it was neither HAIR nor there… 🎬 🙋🏻‍♀️

      …And for those music non-purists… http://tinyurl.com/pk6tabwk …HAIR you go…

    • 🤷🏻‍♀️It’s no TOP SECRET that if you WORRY over SPOIL, I mean spilt milk, it’s akin to the pot calling the KETTLE black…neither does you any good, and you just FLEECE yourself out of valuable time…🤷🏻‍♀️

      🤦🏻‍♀️The KETTLE burned, her FLEECE scarf tore…it’s just that kind of day,
      The word SPOIL is on her mind…and WORRY’s on its way
      She’s standing there and wondering how much worse things can get…
      To say her luck is running bad? Trust, it’s no TOP SECRET! 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • 🤷🏻‍♀️In the movies he was debonair,
      Secret agent who exuded flair….
      And so what if we knew,
      That Sean’s hair never grew…
      Got to wonder if people would care…🤷🏻‍♀️

      🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe back then it was a big deal,
      People then perhaps felt it unreal…
      If a man of intrigue,
      Wasn’t of certain league…
      And without hair he’d not have appeal…🤷🏻‍♀️

      👎🏻 Hard to tell because we only knew,
      That James Bond was virile through and through…
      And toupees at the time,.
      Maybe didn’t seem prime…
      And it all fed into the taboo…👎🏻

      🤷🏻‍♂️So we know Connery did agree,
      To don hairpieces so folks would see,
      That just like in the script,
      He was def well-equipped…
      To play the James Bond role to a T…🤷🏻‍♂️

      🏆Whether or not it would matter now,
      Where we don’t see an actor kowtow…
      It’s just up in the air,
      But with or without hair…
      Connery earned that very last bow!🏆

  2. Wow ! I get tacos today on taco-Tuesday ! All the anagrams did not SPOIL anything ! And I didn’t have to WORRY ! So I made a cup of coffee from the KETTLE ! And that mr warm as FLEECE ! So I went on to the jumble and the first word that came to me was Respect , and that threw my thinking away ! So I was hoping to keep that a SECRET ! So that put me on TOP ! So onto tomorrow for a no-hump Wednesday !!!!!

  3. Good morning. Another day of enjoyment even though the simple word of Spoil almost blew my top. It amazes me how the mind goes blank sometimes at the easiest of words. No blind solve even though I had the last word before putting the letters down. Loved both versions of the song choice Angela and all your l e n g t h l y input. Thanks for a fun read. Until tomorrow take care.

  4. So this gives bald men a real bond

    To the charismatic James Bond

    Just don’t give a fig

    About toupee or wig

    It’s how others to you do respond!

    And they responded to Bond really big

    (I’m sure he danced a wee jig!)

    When he landed the role

    Things got out of control

    This was far more than simply a gig!

    Yes, the charismatic Connery, from modest beginnings to superstar. One of his first jobs was delivering milk in Edinburgh and when he he first rose to fame, it seems everyone in the city claimed that he had been their milkman! He must have covered a lot of ground even then.

  5. Sean Connery and the Bond films were my favorite. Secret was the obvious choice for the second cartoon word but thought the first 3 letter word was ‘his’ rather than ‘top’. But after sorting that out it was an easy Tuesday Jumble day, Happy Taco Tuesday to all! Chuck.

  6. Easy puzzle today, though no blind solve. Angela, you weaved a most wonderful story conveying all the Connery films. I remember, too well, the first time I saw them….absolutely astounding. And that Bond theme…and it still lives on. My favorite is From Russia With Love, a true spy movie, in my opinion. Thanks for today’s post. Terry

    • YW, Terry…Tk you for noticing. Good thing there were only 7! 😂 Enjoy your day…and again thank you…🎬🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. So Connery’s toupee is TOP SECRET, but is the rest of the 007 crew POT SECRET? What are they high on, anyway? Does Bond have a PET ESCORT? Does he have a SET COPTER that he uses to fly to where he wants to be? In any case, I did find a TOP SECRET that is out there. Where Imagine Dragons (“Follow You”) group gets its name from. It’s an anagram, but a TOP SECRET one evidently because when you try to find anagrams for Imagine Dragons, it won’t find them for you.

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