Jumble Answers for 02/16/2024



19 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 02/16/2024

  1. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    HOVER: Last used – 10/02/2021 as ORHEV

    VIGIL: Last used – 2/14/2023 as SAME ANAGRAM

    ASTRAY: Last used – 6/04/2023 as AARTYS

    LICHEN: Last used – 5/26/2023 as CLEINH



    VOREH: Used on – 4/06/1955

    GVILI: Used on – 2/14/2023, 8/18/2022

    SARATY: Used on – 7/06/2012, 9/01/2001, 9/12/1996, 7/28/1992, 5/30/1983, 2/22/1979, 3/05/1975, 6/23/1970, 7/28/1965

    CLNIEH: Used on – 5/17/2019


    • Good Morning, Everyone…🦅 AN EAGLE EYE…(PRE)VIEW🦅

      🎶Away, I’d rather sail away,,,Like a swan that’s here and gone…A man gets tied up to the ground, he gives the world its saddest sound…Its saddest sound…🎶…”El Condor Pasa – (If I Could)” – Simon & Garfunkel 1970 http://tinyurl.com/bddz8w4y

      🦅 Some wine and dine so lavishly while others HOVER by,
      Keeping a sort of VIGIL …and wondering just why…
      They’re not considered welcomed…why they must remain ASTRAY,
      To deal with things like LICHEN…as the wealthy get to stay…
      The Club Condor is where rich soak…a hot tub and a drink,
      And listen to piano tunes…while they’re just left to sink
      To just remain the hoi polloi…and never get to see…
      What life would be if they could dwell in HIGH SOCIETY! 🦅

      If only…right? I guess there’ll always be the “them” and the “not them”. It’s definitely not a BALD, I mean bold-face lie, it’s just the way it is…And it won’t do any good to be a SOAR loser either…some things just FAR what they FAR…

      So…Today, FAR UP, HIGH in the sky…The Condor Club…and its wealthy denizens, the elite = SOCIETY Andean Condors http://tinyurl.com/mtdzym5c ,listening to FEATHER Locklear tickle the ivories, while the TALONted Mr Ridley and BEAKoncé are seen as they drink and CARRION – tickled by the FLIGHT PLIGHT of poor BIRDIE Sanders…the eagle who tried to gain entrance, but to no aTAIL – and wait to be served dinner…(where they have been known to eat like VULTURES)…Oh, and yes, there’s WINGston Churchill in attendance too…sitting, totally blasé…smoking his ubiquitous cigar, while LEAFing through a copy of “Jumble GOLD-STRIKE IT RICH”, published back in April 2017. Such an old version though…wonder why…It’s NOT that he could be a FLY-BY-NIGHT type of reader…Anyway…that’s really neither hAIR nor thAIR…What is though is that just beCLAWS eagles and condors may be different species, and there might be those who have managed to see their wealth SOAR to great HEIGHTS, there’s still no reason why they can’t just WING it, cast their PLATE to the wind, and offer an olive BRANCH to the less fortunate…BEAKS me how people can be so divisive…Just ‘cause you’re part of HIGH SOCIETY http://tinyurl.com/52v3nhjc doesn’t mean you should be all UP on a HIGH horse…

      Jeff’s Gems? The aforementioned Jumble book (look closely) is a cute addition to today’s pseudo-PAGEantry…And Mr Ridley’s martini, and BEAKoncé’s HIGH-ball glasses fit the scene…As does her fur collar…The club’s banner is TOPped off with condor finials, FEATHER wears pearls and WINGston’s sporting a bow tie.…while the chair he’s sitting in has CLAWS for legs…And I thought it a little odd that the left front leg seems to be blurred somewhat into his right foot…it’s not completely clAIR…And I couldn’t help but think that if the ritzy club paid full price for a damaged chair…that’d be HIGHway robbery, IMO…But I’m not DRAWING any conclusions…

      So…ThAIR you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And I’ll leave you with a little Vulture humor…There was a condor, who asked his wealthy father for his share of the family estate, going off to spend it wantonly, ending up broke. The Prodigal Vulture then went back to his father, hat in hand, begging forgiveness…and of course was welcomed home with open arms. The father, deciding to throw a party in celebration of his son’s return, flew off and came back with a dead rabbit…prompting the Prodigal Vulture to ask his father…”What is that”?…And the father replied…”That’s *CARRION, My Wayward Son”* Give it a minute…🦅🙋🏻‍♀️

      *But just in case…
      Kansas – 1976 http://tinyurl.com/2k2r8bwx

    • 🤷🏻‍♂️They started to HOVER over the LICHEN growth with their cameras ready, hoping they’d not need to keep VIGIL here, and laughed when someone said, “I think we may have been lead ASTRAY in life…I don’t see any of us getting into HIGH SOCIETY doing this”! 🤷🏻‍♂️

      🤦🏻‍♂️He lost his way, he’s so off path, he sees an airplane HOVER,
      The VIGIL hopefully remains until him they discover…
      What lead him ASTRAY he’s not sure…but he’s trudging through mud,
      …And LICHEN, moss and mushrooms…God knows what other crud
      He hopes they spot him pretty soon…he’s riddled with anxiety…
      But still grateful for the effort made because he’s HIGH SOCIETY …🤦🏻‍♂️

    • 🤷🏻‍♀️Being rich doesn’t give one the right,
      To laugh at another one’s plight…
      And just ‘cause one’s blessed,
      Doesn’t mean that one’s nest…
      Is so special that you’re wont to spite…🤷🏻‍♀️

      🦅This Club for the Condor elite,
      Where the wealthy love to meet and greet…
      Is exclusive we see,
      High above any tree…
      And outsiders can hardly compete…🦅

      🎶 A piano with music so fine,
      Very soothing while the condors dine…
      And they whistle away,
      Many nights, many days…
      While the hoi polloi’s left to resign…🎶

      🤦🏻‍♂️…Themselves to the fact they don’t rate,
      So they’re getting shut out at the gate…
      A tough nut def to bite,
      They’re just left to a flight…
      Not fancy but sadly their fate…🤦🏻‍♂️

      👍🏻Seems like life can be hard for a bird,
      Just like people’s lives…but how absurd…
      Guess things are what they are,
      But we should raise the bar…
      It’d be nice if cohesion occurred…👍🏻

  2. TGIF ! Todays jumble made up for yesterdays Pilot light going out in my head ! Although two anagrams were not there for me ! One left me ASTRAY and the other one turned my brain into a LICHEN ! The other two were there ! Now the jumble , talking about Vultures being a bird living in the Andeas mountains and part of riches , had the word SOCIETY come right out ! Then being up HIGH was there ! Angela Simon and Garfunkel are my favorite band and the song you chose Elcondor pasa is one of my favorites of theirs ! I love harmonies ! And your joke was so cool ! I’ve been singing that Kansa tune ! Well , what a very nice and rewarding jumble today on Friday !!!!!!

  3. Well, we condors are really high fliers

    There ain’t no bird can go higher

    And those birds down below

    Just so you know

    There’s no chance they will ever aspire…..

    …….To even think of joining our club

    Their avian rank’s below sub

    They can stay in their world

    Watch OUR life unfurl

    No chance they’ll soak in our tub!

  4. Today is NATIONAL NO ONE EATS ALONE DAY, with participation in all 50 of our states, encouraging young people to make new friends and become more aware of how social isolation can harm a child…Kind of fits today’s puzzle theme…👭🏻👫🏻👬🏻 🙋🏻‍♀️ http://tinyurl.com/3j5fn3xe.

  5. It wasn’t a great Friday effort, and it took the anagrams to find the puzzle answer. Spelled LICHEN wrong for starters, but even with that mistake, did solve the puzzle and go back to correct. It’s always nice to read about all the subtle nuances found in the cartoon. Thanks, Angela. Terry

  6. Good morning. Mess with the bull and you get the horn. That old adage bit me good today. I sort of gripped that jumble has been like dummies for us lately and today I got bit. I had to look up LICHEN and also its meaning. It flew way over my head. Now the cartoon answer took a little time but my outcome was successful. Like a gift that keeps coming Angela, I look forward to what song you pick out every day. It’s my high point and you do not disappoint. Until tomorrow take care.

    • Good Morning, Paul. LOL…Tk you. ❤️I always look forward to seeing you here too. As for Lichen, it’s not exactly a word one hears every day. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve never come across it except for here on the Jumble…Take care, and have a good one, 🦅🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. I had a blind solve of the cartoon and knew I needed the c,h, and i from the ‘lichen’ anagram but couldn’t come up with lichen for that anagram. Yuck! Plus we awoke to cold and SNOW! Chuck.

    • Tk you, Paul….But that’s not how it “works”. The song “True Love” has nothing to do with the puzzle. Enjoy your night! 🦅🙋🏻‍♀️

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