Jumble Answers for 02/03/2021








38 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 02/03/2021

  1. Happy Wednesday everyone! I suppose the best shadow puppets would be those that were made using a clear lightbulb. A frosted bulb, or even those new LED style bulbs don’t seem to produce as much light as the more traditional ones. And of course you’d need a crisp white screen to display the shadows on. I didn’t see one being used by the puppeteers in today’s cartoon, but the light source they’re using looks like it’s producing high-quality shadows that aren’t blurry or fuzzy.

    There weren’t any new clue words to be had this morning. David has been consistently pumping out new anagrams though, so we can’t say that we haven’t been challenged! Three of them were repeats, leaving LOFDO to be the only one that we’ve definitely encountered before. A couple of extra looks to identify SHREWD seemed to be my only hiccup.

    I haven’t seen a shadow play in years! It looks like this one is taking place in a classroom or library. The shadow on the left looks like a giraffe while the one on the right looks like a bird. I’m always impressed when Jumble Jeff adds shading and shadows to his artwork. There’s just something about the addition of those elements that makes it visually appealing.

    The final solve was an anagram consisting of 12 letters. Eight of them were consonants and four were vowels. I thought the layout was nice and cryptic, but the fact that the kids had their hands in the air made it an instant solve. Definitely good clean fun. Have a wonderful Wednesday, and keep Jumbling!

    • I’m a puppet expert,scoring a 90%.FYI I saw a live performance of the Howdy Doody show in Cleveland at the Higbee’s Dept store in the 50’s.

      • Brings back fond memories Chuck. I was in the peanut gallery probably in the late 40s. Before everybody had televisions the candy store around the block “Pennies” used to invite all us kids to watch the show on their set in the store. He use to put up about a dozen chairs for us. If you were lucky your parents might give you a nickel or dime for treats. He sponsored us kids and rented a bus to take us to their taping. We were on TV, sung the song, still know it to this day. Mr Penny was a good gentleman to the neighborhood. He did good because a couple of doors down there was a movie theater. Think by the 1970s the theater was gone. Take care.

  2. Personal best time today. Not meaning to be brash but my shrewd mind has a flood of energy now. How about a show of hands? Who else solved the puzzle at a glance?

  3. Good morning. It’s ground hog day all over again. You wouldn’t know today was hump day by the jumble we received this morning. Easy breezy from the words to the blind solve. It sure helped seeing the kids hands up in the air. Until tomorrow stay well and stay safe.

  4. Good Morning, Everyone. I hope this finds you well…🙌🏻 🙋🏻‍♀️

    🎶 Pull the string and I’ll wink at you…I’m your PUPPET…I’ll do funny things if you want me to…I’m your PUPPET…🎶 “I’m Your Puppet” – James and Bobby Purify 1967 http://tinyurl.com/g4gjme72

    🙌🏻 They dressed in BRASH bright colors, figuring it would be SHREWD,
    When entertaining groups of kids…and there was quite a brood…
    The had to make it HAPPEN, and they hoped applause would FLOOD,
    Or else they’d end up crestfallen…their faces one of mud
    The lights went off, and they performed, and it went over grand…
    And kids loved their own shadows when asked for A SHOW OF HANDS! 🙌🏻

  5. Can the solve be quicker than instant? The anagrams were an instant solve after a quick glance and the cartoon solution a blind instant solve independent of the available letters,given the picture of the hands in the shadow show.Good news is I got my first covid vaccine shot yesterday and except for a slightly sore arm,no after effects today.

  6. 🙌🏻 When he asked for A SHOW OF HANDS, there was way too much a FLOOD of responses, as the BRASH group of teens thought they were SHREWD by holding up both their left and right…just as the Professor surmised might HAPPEN…🙌🏻

    💦 The FLOOD brought on an onslaught of garbage and debris,
    He needed to be SHREWD and quick if cleanup there would be…
    He knew it wouldn’t HAPPEN if some help he didn’t get,
    But BRASH he couldn’t be in asking, or there’d be regret…
    But luckily he got his help, and things went as he planned
    And afterward he asked…”Pizza”? And got A SHOW OF HANDS!💦

  7. Hands down this was a super easy puzzle this morning. Can’t say the same for the quiz – only scored 50%. I seem to remember a character from the Howdy Doody Show called Cecil The Seasick Sea Serpent but don’t recall if he was a puppet. Hope all you folks in the snow are doing okay. The weather back there looks absolutely dreadful. Stay warm.

      • Oh you’re right. I got my programs mixed up – it’s been awhile. I wish they’d build a pipeline from the East Coast to the West Coast so that when the snow begins to melt, they could bring some of that much needed water out here. Take Care.

        • Are you kidding? I give you major props 👏🏻👏🏻 for even remembering Cecil! I only knew it because my friends and I are constantly playing Trivia games. You wouldn’t believe half the crazy things that come up. And I wish so too…I think I said something similar to that on here the other day…Definitely a case of who has too much, and who has too little. Life…🤷🏻‍♀️. ( I’d try a rain dance for you…but me? With my horrendous sense of direction? I’d probably just end up having it backfire…and causing a FLOOD here)! 😂 Have a good one, Betty…and you take care too…💦💦💦🙋🏻‍♀️

    • I’m getting all the exercise I need today by you folks jogging my memory!
      The big three early cartoons for me – Beanie and Cecil, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, and one of my earliest memories, Crusader Rabbit, one of my brother’s favorites.
      Speaking of these old shows, the puzzle today made me remember that my brother probably considered the Mickey Mouse Club a puppet show, because he wanted to marionette! 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

  8. Hi all – Today’s not Monday, but this puzzle was so easy I actually set a personal best solve time. (I see that most everybody had an easy time, but I had to laugh after I wrote this, and then read oldomaha actually also use the phrase “personal best.”)

    Great song, Angela – this really is a day for memory-jogging!

    I’m loving these quizzes, Mike! Scored 80%, missing 5 and 10. Should have been 90%; should have gotten #5 (NOT A PUPPET! DUH! 🤦🏻‍♂️😂)

    Good wishes to everyone.

    “The BRASH young forecaster earned the respect of his colleagues when he was the only one SHREWD enough to realize that a FLOOD could soon HAPPEN.”

    • What was #5? Can’t go back and look without taking the whole quiz over again…🤦🏻‍♀️

      • They asked which one was the non-puppet on the show. I read it as which one wasn’t on the show, and didn’t remember one of the puppets.

        • Oh, ok. I only guessed at one question, the one about the Sound of Music, because I’ve never seen the movie. But “IV’E READ ABOUT IT”(😉😂) so much, that it was the right guess. There’s a wealth of knowledge in those Trivia games! 😂🙋🏻‍♀️

  9. Like Old Nebraska this was an instant solve for me! Squeaked by at 70% on Mike’s fine test. Today was indeed a fun one…. On a personal note I got the first does of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Less than an hour from getting in line to returning to my car. Quite a relief!

  10. Also speaking of the Mickey Mouse Club, one of the funnier things I’ve see was Mad Magazine’s parody, where they showed the Peanut Gallery, but then the camera panned a little too far to the right, where stood a big muscular goon (with a tattoo of a heart and “Mother” on his bicep) holding a bull whip. 😂

  11. On February 3, 1959, American Rock and Roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and “The Big Bopper” J. P. Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with pilot Roger Peterson. We remember them today on what later became known as “The Day the Music Died”, after singer-songwriter Don McLean referred to it as such in his 1971 song “American Pie”….
    http://tinyurl.com/yurhn365 🎶🙋🏻‍♀️

    • I was 10 years and already loved Rock and Roll.
      🎵”Bad news on the doorstep;
      I couldn’t take one more step”🎵

      • It’s such a beautiful song…And ‘til this day, whenever I hear the word “Pie” this song still starts playing in my head…

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