Jumble Answers for 05/27/2024


17 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 05/27/2024

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…I hope this finds you well…


    🌭🍔The dialogue so ‘full’ with clues, Jeff definitely out to PLANT,

    Enough of them so no one says…”The solve today?…I can’t”…

    No concentrating like with CHESS, no HOLLOW feeling here,

    The food for thought…it’s all laid out…he’s made it very clear

    It’s all about the cookout…FUTURE hours? If I guessed? 

    I’d say with that abundance it’d be sleep TO THE FULLEST!🍔🌭 

    Ok…Note that not only did every character today MOUTH a comment…taking up a pretty big PATIO cartoon, but except for the woman, PEPPER, every word referred to OVER-EATING = being FULL…And as I mentioned above, Jeff definitely set the TABLE for this one… I’m sure you all got our solve INGEST a minute…

    So…Today, a cookout…pretty MUCH on the MENU for a lot of Folks on Memorial Day. And we see from left, CHUCK STEAK, his wife, PEPPER, the man in charge of the MEAT and greet, BUTCH R Block, his young son, CHIP OFFTHEOLD, and his Dad, FRANK. And our solve quickly MEATS the eye…Everyone was enjoying the food..TO THE FULLEST https://tinyurl.com/mr46ahky And…HOT DOG! It doesn’t GO DOWN any easier than this…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And all joking aside, as I bring this puzzle home, let’s not forget the true meaning of today…A day set aside to honor the memory of the brave men and women who didn’t come home. Today’s not the same as Veteran’s Day, so prefacing a greeting today with the word “Happy” is so out of place. Today wasn’t instituted in joy, it’s a day of solemn contemplation marking how high a price was paid to allow us to have an abundance on our tables…and to enjoy the freedom that we’re so blessed with as Americans. It’s not just a day for huge retail sales, barbecues and fireworks. It’s a day of remembrance, that affords us the privilege and opportunity to reflect upon  the service paid by our fallen brethren… and to thank them for how their sacrificed lives allow us to have and enjoy the ones we have today. So in the spirit of that remembrance, as we gather together today, I wish Everyone, especially those of you whose families were called upon to pay that ultimate price, a Blessed, thoughtful and peaceful Memorial Day…And may God continue to bless America. 🇺🇸🙋🏻‍♀️

    🎶All gave some, SOME GAVE ALL…Some stood through for the Red, White and Blue and SOME HAD TO FALL…And if you ever think of me…think of all your LIBERTIES…and RECALL…SOME GAVE ALL..🎶 …”Some Gave All” – Billy Ray Cyrus 1992 https://tinyurl.com/2ypr833b ❤️💔🇺🇸

  2. ♟️The Captain of the CHESS Club, intending for its members to enjoy their success TO THE FULLEST, hoped to PLANT seeds of confidence in them…in an effort to ensure they’d avoid a HOLLOW FUTURE…♟️

    🌱They were raised in a HOLLOW and knew,
    When the time to PLANT each year came due…
    And to keep CHESS at bay,
    So as not to delay…
    The FUTURE of their crops that grew…
    So they toiled…with hand over fist,
    Growing grain that they’d turn into grist…
    And the yield that survived,
    Fed the family of five…
    With a bounty enjoyed TO THE FULLEST…🌱

  3. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    PLANT: Last used – 2/01/2023 as LATPN

    CHESS: Last used – 7/14/2023 as SEHSC

    HOLLOW: Last used – 8/08/2022 as HLWOOL

    FUTURE: Last used – 9/21/2020 as UUTFER

    TO (THE) FULLEST: Last used – New solution


    APTNL: Used on – New anagram

    HSESC: Used on – New anagram

    LOWOLH: Used on – New anagram

    RUUTEF: Used on – New anagram

    LTESOLFTU: Used on – New anagram

  4. Thanks for the reminder about not associating this day as a “Happy Holiday” while greeting others. Goodness Gracious….it’s kinda tragic how, where and why we’ve sent U.S. troops through the years.

    You were right about the easy Monday puzzle…and as I did a quick look, didn’t glom onto TO as the first word, and that kind of doomed me to move forward. Alas, completed the anagrams swiftly to find the answer….but of course, how could I miss the word FULL ??

    Enjoy your holiday and I hope if’s fairly cool where all your readers live….it’s stifling hot in Texas. Terry

    • YW, Terry. It’s mind boggling how so many people have such a cavalier attitude about today. And yes, it’s way too early for it to be this hot. I hope you’re nowhere in the path of the storms. Take care. 🇺🇸🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. Mondays are always the best way to start off the jumble week ! I love them ! All the anagrams came right to me ! Not a problem with any ! The jumble with outdoor cooking and eating , made me full and all the people made them the FULLEST ! Great Monday start of the week ! And yes , your explanation of the meaning of Memorial Day was perfect and for us all to remember ! Everyone have a great day today and make the way for taco-Tuesday !!!!!

  6. Good morning. TGIM (Thank goodness it’s Monday). Nice way to start the week off with an easy jumble. Not much for the thinking cap but I’ll take it. No blind solve but once the letters were down it was very apparent what the answer was. Enjoyed your side trips Angela and learned a few facts like the flag starting out after reaching the top at half mass till noon than raised to the top. Until tomorrow take care.

  7. An easy jumble solve on this “Decoration day”, the name for Memorial Day when I was growing up! May all our lost veterans, RIP!Chuck.

  8. Off to a good start Jumble wise today. Our local Scouts decorate the graves at Presidio National & Golden Gate National Cemeteries in the Bay Area. There are also ceremonies to honor the fallen. May they Rest In Peace. Betty

  9. When to a cookout you’re invited to sup

    The fresh air picks the appetite up

    And the food is so tasty

    You just get too hasty

    And overfill your plate and your cup!

    The aroma, the sizzle, the smell

    How much you’ve eaten – you simply can’t tell

    When it’s wurst after wurst

    ‘Til you think you will burst

    Just hope it won’t leave you unwell!

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