Jumble Answers for 01/15/2024



14 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 01/15/2024

  1. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    SLASH: Last used – 07/11/23 as SHSAL

    TEMPO: Last used – 03/03/23 as METOP

    CRUNCH: Last used – 01/07/24 as RNHUCC

    EVOLVE: Last used – 04/09/23 as LOVEEV

    ONE-COURSE MEAL: Last used – 12/30/22 as ULEMOECANOSRE


    SSHLA: New anagram

    MEOTP: New anagram

    NCCHUR: New anagram

    LEOVEV: New anagram

    LASEMOCRUNEOE: Used on – New anagram

    • Good Morning, Everyone…🌭WILL THAT HOT DOG BE PAR-BOILED?🌭

      🎶 HOT DOG you say you’re COMING HOME for good, HOT DOG…I’m going to keep knocking on wood And Baby I can hardly wait..I’m gonna meet you at the gate…HOT DOG…🎶…”Hot Dog” – Elvis 1957 http://tinyurl.com/bdzphs5c

      🌭 Jeff needs to SLASH his leisure time, it’s come down to a CRUNCH,
      He’s hungry though and was hoping to have a leisurely lunch…
      The TEMPO of the game went slow, things took time to EVOLVE,
      So he and David figure a quick bite will be their solve
      Today no chateaubriand nor cutlets made of veal…
      It’s just a simple hot dog…making it a ONE-COURSE MEAL! 🌭

      I know people who do that…Parboil http://tinyurl.com/yc4nbhku their hot dogs beFORE grilling them. Something about CUTting the salt…Makes sense I guess. But I figure if you’re gonna eat a hot dog anyway…you might as well just BITE the bullet and DIVOT all it’s got…As far as our health goes…let’s not LIE about it…with all the FAT and everything else that’s said to be SCRAMBLEd up in there…letting that salt KICK IN might be the least ANGLE OF ATTACK…And by the way, I’m HOOKed on hot dogs…

      So…Today…a Golf puzzle…And to those of us truly dedicated Jumble fans, who’ve been BREAKing these words down for years…and really belong to the CLUB, we know two things…1- Both David and Jeff, who we see here today, are avid golfers, and 2- We’d be in the GREEN if we were paid for every time a Golf puzzle HONORed our pages. They’ve been IN PLAY so many times it would throw you for a LOOP…But there’s no reason to FEED ‘em and weep, Folks…they’re always entertaining of COURSE….and we do RELISH them…

      Ok…enough CHIP chat…Our solve…David’s given us another easy, breezy CUT to the chase one today. PRESSed for time, there’s not enough for our TWOSOME to sit and dine on a JUICY steak, or an OPEN FACE roast beef sandwich…And between our question giving us “hungry”, Jeff giving us “starving” = MEAL and David going with “just grab “A” = ONE…It’s a ONE and done as they’ve finished their 18 holes = a COURSE…Today it’s a quick ONE-COURSE MEALhttp://tinyurl.com/yc47w7mk beFORE they head out…

      And what has Jeff brought to the TABLE http://tinyurl.com/3n473bfy (no pun intended) as far as his gems go? Gotta love the 19th Hole… http://tinyurl.com/bdh98h3e the common idiom for the bar or clubhouse of a golf course, the view of a SWINGing golfer seen through its glass window, the “Caddyshack” Gopher head cover http://tinyurl.com/88wphec8 on the club behind Jeff’s head, and his Jumble polo, identified by its signature logo “J” encircled in a square…But the ACE of today’s drawing? The club in his hand. If you look real closely, you’ll see that the script letters “ble” are visible…which means “Jum” is below his fingers. A Jumble golf club…Definitely PAR FOR THE COURSE!

      So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And I hope no one fell into a TRAP today…and was unable to PUTT this one to bed without it DRIVING you crazy…After all, these puzzles are always all FORE the best…🌭🙋🏻‍♀️

    • 🤦🏻‍♂️As things did EVOLVE, and It came down to CRUNCH time, the TEMPO of the situation was likened to a ONE-COURSE MEAL…and they knew they’d need to SLASH the budget…🤦🏻‍♂️

      👨🏻‍🍳 He was hoping to EVOLVE into a chef that carried weight,
      And build his TEMPO to the point where everything they ate…
      The patrons would have praise for…and he’d not prices SLASH,
      For right now things were iffy…and he sure could use the cash
      Perhaps he’ll try a gimmick…create some sort of deal…
      Call it “CRUNCH Dine” and offer Folks an early ONE-COURSE MEAL!👨🏻‍🍳

  2. what a great way to start off a new week ! I got all the anagrams ! I felt like it was a song and one word threw me off , but then I got the right TEMPO ! The jumble , when you’re talking about golf , puts you on a course and if you’re hungry , you want a meal ! So when you’re done , you have a ONE COURSE MEAL ! Excellent jumble today ! And Angela , your play on golf words to describe the jumble with David and Jeff was really good ! You PUTTER believe it ! And you can never go wrong with Elvis ! Good song choice ! Great start of the week Monday !!!!!!!

  3. Like Jim, totally agree with your excellent use of weaving golf terms into your Monday post. No blind solve for me and I broke one of my cardinal rules for solving Jumbles involving golf…try to see if COURSE fits. Therefore, after speedily doing the anagrams, took out that word and everything fell into place. Spot on song, Angela…and oh how I love them grilled ones !!

    Enjoy the MLK holiday today…something ironic though, our central Texas city canceled the parade for 25 degree weather….yet my KC Chiefs played 3 hours in sub-zero temps in front of 70,000+ fans !! Go figure. Terry

    • Tk you, Terry…I tried to squeeze in as many as I could. 😂 And yes, thinking COURSE was the key. As for your closing thoughts? Cha-ching! Have a good one. 🌭🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. Good morning. Straight down the list of words with no trouble but drew a blank on the cartoon answer. Loved your post Angela and even though my girlfriend (wife) at the time and I were Elvis fans I must admit it was the first time I heard that song. She had a picture of Elvis inside the box for her roller derby skates. We use to go to Eastern Parkway (Brooklyn) to the skating ring. Until tomorrow take care.

    • Good Morning, Paul. Tk you. And Brooklyn, Elvis, roller-skating and young love…a beautiful memory. ❤️ Take care, and stay warm! 🌭🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. at least I was in good company in getting stumped by the multi lettered hyphenated cartoon jumble. I had solved the anagrams and guessed one for the first cartoon word solution and more for the 4 letter word, but was thinking along the lines of one more hole to play or shot to take rather than, “ one course more.” With the holiday and no mail delivery to deliver my paper, not having a paper copy of the Jumble to work from didn’t help. BTW my temperature has risen to a balmy -7! Chuck.

  6. Easy time with the anagrams this morning but had to ponder the cartoon answer a bit. Saw “meal” right away but had to put on my thinking 🧢 cap to arrive at “one course”. Happy Monday all and keep warm. Betty

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