Jumble Answers for 11/11/2023



11 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 11/11/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…🏒 STICKING UP FOR ONESELF! 🏒

    🎶 Where players dash, with skates aflash the home team trails behind…But they grab the puck, and go bursting up
    And they’re down across the line…🎶 ..”The Hockey Song” – Stompin’ Tom Connors 1973 https://tinyurl.com/5n7z7st4

    🏒 A Hockey player can FLASK by, oh…typo, I meant flash,
    They skate around a hockey rink, while at a puck they slash…
    Some liberties are TAKEN, and penalties ATTACH,
    And it’s into that holding box when the umpire does catch…
    Infringement to the rules of play, and calls the player out,
    It’s time then they INVEST down time for what he saw one flout
    And for this Hockey player seems like this night he sure sat…
    He’s not happy, and it looks like…The Ump? He’ll SHAKE A STICK AT! 🏒

    Our GOAL here today? Let’s make this a quick one…We can SKATE through this easily…without a bit of a FIGHT…

    A Hockey https://tinyurl.com/34d7pn2s game. A STICK…Literally being SHAKEN at the Ump by the penalized player, who’s wearing a Jersey sporting the Signature Jumble “J” encircled in a square…and the Penalty Box. https://tinyurl.com/mryvmrf6 …Plus an age-old idiom…And with our question and dialogue telling us that this game was PUCK FULL, I mean chock-FULL https://tinyurl.com/nxt3fnbf of penalties? …There’s our solve…MORE than you could SHAKE A STICK AT! https://tinyurl.com/ye2peftt

    Oh, and the man opening the door? The Penalty Bench Attendee… https://tinyurl.com/4bfd7tfd. Most times a very busy man…

    And Jeff’s Gem? If you look closely at the ad on the Penalty Box, you’ll see that it’s touting The Mac King Comedy Magic Show… https://tinyurl.com/78cs4bx7

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And the Mac King reference? Seems apropos…Rumor has it a lot of standup comedians play hockey…Since they all have their SHTICK…🏒🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🤷🏻‍♂️Realizing he should have TAKEN the time and money to INVEST in a better shed, he sighed, took a swig from his FLASK, and decided to SHAKE A STICK AT the mice that had decided to ATTACH themselves to a niche in the corner…🤷🏻‍♂️

    🤦🏻‍♂️The roof is hardly holding up, he’s dealing with a leak,
    He’s broken not one FLASK but two…no good of which to speak…
    He can’t ATTACH the screen door hinge…he’s really feeling stressed,
    And lacks the time and money that one really should INVEST
    It’s TAKEN quite a toll because if it’s not this it’s that…
    Things piled up…and it’s more than he can SHAKE A STICK AT! 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. In honor of the brave men and women whom we celebrate today, the heart and soul of all that is America, I thank you for your service, I pray for your strength, and I offer you my utmost respect…HAPPY VETERANS DAY to you all…God Bless America…Today and every day….🇺🇸🙋🏻‍♀️

    “It’s about how we treat our Veterans every single day of the year. It’s about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they’ve earned when they come home. It’s about serving all of you as well as you’ve served the United States of America.” — President Barack Obama

  4. Today put a puck in the way to cap the week off ! All the anagrams were there except FLASK ! That one didn’t come to me ! Now , the jumble , I was looking for words like Skate , Ice , or Puck , but I didn’t see STICK , so this one was too slippery on the ice for me today , but the whole week was fun ! This was a good week and wanting to do it again , this next week also ! Everyone have a great Saturday !!!!!!

  5. I’ll take a blind solve today, even though my answer was THROW A …. I think both THROW and SHAKE are both pretty common idioms (but I could be wrong). Anagrams easy and when I went to check my answer, there was no R, so I knew I had the wrong first word. Anyway, a fun Saturday Jumble and am sure all the Ice Hockey players are happy this morning. Tough sport and you’ll probably loose a front tooth or two if you’re in the game. It’s been a good Jumble week and will eagerly await the Sunday Challenge !! Thanks, Angela. Terry

  6. Though we’re on the ice just to skate
    We often end up at the gate
    We’ve made a faux pas
    Ref says “Nah, nah!
    You’re gone – there’s no debate!”

  7. Whew! I’m back! A clean quick sweep of the anagrams followed by a blind solve of the cartoon! Have a great Saturday! Chuck.

  8. The letters of SHAKE A STICK AT also spell TEACH A SKI TASK, although the patterns of the word lengths are not right. But I can imagine someone trying to go skiing using hockey sticks instead of ski poles.

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