Jumble Answers for 09/12/2023



16 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/12/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…📉 CREATIVE ACCOUNTING -101 📉

    🎶 Yeah, I am no thief, but a man can go wrong when he’s busted …The food that we canned last summer is gone and I’m busted right now…Well, the fields are all bare and the cotton won’t grow…Me and my family got to pack up and go…I’ll make a living, where I don’t know…’Cause I’m busted…🎶 “Busted” – Mr Ray Charles 1963 https://tinyurl.com/f7txz8k2

    📉 Kevin thinks something smells fishy…could his partner be a SKUNK?
    He tried to BLOCK suspicions out, he wanted to debunk…
    The thought that his co-owner is looking like the cat,
    That ate the ORIOLE…I mean canary..,(sorry ‘bout that)
    Things aren’t looking GLOSSY here…he’s wondering while he cooks…
    Is Reuben doing just the same…is he COOKING THE BOOKS? 📉

    I CANNOLI imagine that being in business with a partner who’s EATING up your profits has to be enough to make your blood BOIL…And it looks like our partners here today, KEVIN BACON and REUBEN HYDEN SOMETHING are a little at CODS…We hear Kevin saying…”KALE me crazy, but something’s not KOSHER HARE…I’m trying to ROMAINE calm…but how can we be losing money? LETTUCE be frank…I’m starting to think REUBEN STEAKing some LIVERties with these numbers. A new car, VEALly? How are you MEATing those payments on THYME if we can’t CARVE out a profit? I definitely have a feeling that I’m getting the RAW end of this DILL…and you FETA come clean…We had our best month ever, and instead of DUCK SOUP, you’re telling me we’re up the GREEK without a LADLE”?…And Reuben’s response? “Listen, it’s a WISKY business right now…food prices are WHEY up, and as for the car?…It’s a BITE off”…Hmm…Personally, I’m with Kevin…I think Reuben’s a real PIZZA work, and I don’t BRIElieve him one bit…I think he is FUDGEing the numbers…Yes, he’s definitely…COOKING THE BOOKShttps://tinyurl.com/p7kkuzth And I’d STEAK my repuSTATION on it…

    Jeff’s Gems? Looking closely, I SAUTÉ top of a Wilco T-Shirt under Kevin’s apron …And he has two vessels going and a BIRD in his hand…I mean four going and a fifth in his hand…All this number talk is making me conFOODsed… And I can’t help but look at our characters and think…”MEN, U both are so distinctively drawn”. There’s no way that they’re run-of-the-MILL BREAD and BUTTER Jumble denizens. So after I wasn’t BACON much progress at first, and had already written up my post and went with Kevin and Reuben, it suddenly hit me. They’re Jeremy Allen White https://tinyurl.com/a86m6dz8 and Ebon Moss-Bachrach https://tinyurl.com/rm3d82f3 from the TV show “The Bear”. https://tinyurl.com/wrvwdpsa …Which would explain the little Bear logo they’re both sporting, and the Wilco shirt, since so much of their music makes up the soundtrack of the show. But just for the HALIBUT, I’m not changing my characters…Two reasons, 1- the PASTAbility of me rewriting the whole thing? I’d have to be POTS. (Pazzo = Crazy, in Italian. I speak dialect,…we say Pots)…And 2- I like my take on it…Let’s face it, I did COOK up a SAUCEy little narrative there…So, a PENNE for my thoughts…And even though we really don’t KNEAD to know who they are, you know how I like to keep you all aBREAST of these things…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And I’ve often thought of opening a restaurant and calling it, “Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold”…The menu? JUST DESERTS! Give it a minute… (And yes, it’s spelt with just one S)…📉🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️
    SKUNK: Last used – 08/20/19 https://tinyurl.com/2yankjyf
    BLOCK: Last used – 03/29/19 https://tinyurl.com/ybmpadmz
    ORIOLE: Last used – 08/17/23 https://tinyurl.com/4ypcktdb
    GLOSSY: Last used – 12/01/20 https://tinyurl.com/2p86u4r9

    NKUSK: New anagram
    COLKB: Used on – 03/29/19, 02/01/16
    LOORIE: Used on – 08/29/10, 03/15/00, 04/01/95, 06/12/84, 07/23/79, 09/01/74, 03/18/64
    SLOYGS: Used on – 02/09/20, 02/27/17

  3. 📒The GLOSSY covered children’s book, titled “COOKING THE BOOKS”, was about a SKUNK and an ORIOLE who were facing a road BLOCK trying to open a snack bar inside the local library…📒

    🤷🏻‍♂️A true lover of idioms, he was researching to see,
    If any of them cited a SKUNK or chimpanzee…
    He found a few that mentioned birds, but not an ORIOLE,
    Right now he suffered writer’s BLOCK, but still stuck to his goal
    He wanted something GLOSSY…and another thought just took…
    He needed to look up the meaning of COOKING THE BOOKS…🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Being on the tacos ! One anagram had me flying on yesterdays bird and then I got ORIOLE ! This one did not smell like a SKUNK ! So I was real comfortable on the BLOCK , which made the jumble so GLOSSY ! So the jumble had me thinking of a new restaurant and co-owners being cautious about the profits so when I saw COOKING and then he was looking at THE BOOKS , I got it ! Angela your many food related words to tell a story was Berry good ! That’s all I got ! Nice taco-Tuesday and I have to say my son , Cameron is visiting from Los Angeles and he helped and it was fun ! Everyone have a great day !

  5. I guess a normal Taco Tuesday and somewhat of a blind solve. Knew it was XXXXXXXX THE BOOKS…and kinda saw in the anagrams that there were two “K”s. COOKING flashed before my eyes, though I had not heard of that idiom before. And the anagrams were easy to unscramble. Great Ray Charles song !!

    • Hi Terry…I’m surprised that you’ve never heard the phrase before. Always fun to learn something new, right? And Ray Charles? Yes…📉🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. Good morning. Three for three. I knew the third word Oriole right away but took me some time to get the correct spelling. When it came time for the cartoon answer I got the blind solve. Being a New Yorker I’m familiar with that term cooking the books. Enjoyed your song choice Angela. Until tomorrow take care.

    • Good Morning, Paul. Tk you…and I’m very familiar with the phrase too…👍🏻. Take care..📉🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. The owner’s partner could have been COOKING the BOOKS. But he could have also been BOOKING the COOKS? That is, booking his food preparation personnel on plane flights and at hotels at the restaurant’s expense. And so to conceal his BOOKING the COOKS, he was COOKING the BOOKS.

    And apparently these jumbles are full of LOORIEs, as the above says that this “word” has appeared over half a dozen times in Jumbles. Why not RIELOOs for a change? They’re all the same bird.

  8. After a late night monitoring the Cleveland/SF baseball game on my phone last night and a restless morning it was a surprisingly quick solve of the anagrams and a virtual blind solve of the cartoon! Maybe the Taco Tuesday preview dinner last night was a help!

  9. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Running a business is no piece of cake,
    And one needs to beware of mistakes…
    With a partner on board,
    Make sure you can afford…
    The chance that he might be a rake! 🤦🏻‍♂️

    🔢 Sometimes two sets of books can be kept,
    And one definitely can show decept…
    It’s a tough break to see,
    That a partner may be…
    Cooking numbers…all the while adept! 🔢

    🤷🏻‍♂️Looks like Kevin is having his doubts,
    And is worried that Reuben’s a lout…
    Is he’s skimming the top,
    And will the business flop?
    It’s an issue to def talk about…🤷🏻‍♂️

    🤦🏻‍♂️ Kevin’s cooking throughout the whole day,
    And is figuring bills will be paid…
    But to then come across,
    That the till’s at a loss?
    His suspicions he needs to allay…🤦🏻‍♂️

    🤷🏻‍♂️Here’s to hoping the problem is solved,
    And with Reuben no deceits involved…
    Kevin so needs to trust,
    Honesty is a must…
    And he’d hate to see the place dissolved! 🤷🏻‍♂️

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