Jumble Answers for 07/14/2023








17 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 07/14/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…🪚🐴 DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? 🐴🪚

    🎶 Your love is like a SEE SAW…Your love is like a see saw, Baby…Your love is like a see saw…Going UP and DOWN….And all around…Like a SEE SAW…🎶 “See Saw” – Miss Aretha Franklin 1968 https://tinyurl.com/5n6mr6a6

    🪚🐴 I WAGER it’s a building that the city’s planning to,
    Enhance the playground area…not bid it fond adieu…
    An indoor space for CHESS let’s say, or if the heat does SCORCH,
    Cool respite to be found there… Maybe they’ll add on a porch…
    Buildings like this not SCARCE these days…additional resources…
    Contribute to our comfort…and that’s why we SEE SAWHORSES…🐴🪚

    We’ve two 6-letter words starting with S C today…might be a first…But despite how S C this puzzle is…you gotta love this PLAY on words!… No matter how you SEE it!

    So…Today…A neighborhood Playground, where we SEE two little girls on a SEESAW, https://tinyurl.com/2rzdw8rr worried about what’s in their SITE…And if that’s not enough of a hint right there to give up the solve, the construction men are working atop SAWHORSES! https://tinyurl.com/3jps48wk That the kids can SEE…We can GO BACK AND FORTH like this for hours, Folks…but today, dialogue doesn’t even need to come into PLAY…We can just SWING right from the cartoon to our solve! The kids could SEE SAWHORSES!…SEESAW HORSES…Again, no matter how you LOOK at it…or no matter how you PLAYS it, I mean phrase it…it’s as CUT and dry as they come…Definitely CONCRETE evidence here…no SEESAWing today, Folks….And no GRASS growing under our feet with this one… It ends our week of Jumble PLAY as easily as it started…NOTHING TO IT!

    As for me, I didn’t SEE past the SAWHORSES, but as far as the remainder of the cartoon goes…there’s a Merry-go-round, https://tinyurl.com/3xrcatnv and the two workmen – one wielding a saw, the other removing a level from a toolbox – look BOARD out of their minds…The building? As I mentioned above, what WOOD it be, if not something Playground related…with it being built in such close proximity? Housing perhaps for a snack bar, indoor CHESS tables, a restroom?…I SEE a ton of possibilities…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe …and too bad it’s been so horribly hot and humid here in NY this past week. The kids have been wanting to go get Chinese food, and then eat outdoors at the playground’s picnic tables right across the street from the restaurant…Sounds good too…Been a while since we had a nice WOK in the park…🪚🐴🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 👮🏻‍♂️On the way to their CHESS match, they saw police cars, and were surprised to SEE SAWHORSES put up, since they were usually very SCARCE in their neighborhood…and one of them said…”WAGER someone’s about to know what the ‘SCORCH’ feels like”! 👮🏻‍♂️

    ♟️The sun did make their skin SCORCH, SCARCE now any relief,
    They packed up the old CHESS board…upset the game so brief…
    They had just begun to WAGER who would definitely know defeat,
    When they noticed that a crowd had formed off the beach at the street…
    The throng so large was causing them to look for other courses…
    To reach their cars…and matters worse? Now they can SEE SAWHORSES!♟️

  3. It’s end of the work day week Friday ! And this week has been a tough one for me ! Today’s anagrams were all there for me ! The jumble was cute with the playground next to the construction site , but I just couldn’t SEE the HORSES , and yes the legs of the construction tables looked like them , but that was after I had to look ! I’m gonna rest my brain and get ready for Saturday and Sunday jumbles to prepare me for next week ! Everyone have a great fun Friday !!!!!!!

  4. Didn’t have my favorite thinking cap on this morning, didn’t get a blind solve…and even with anagrams solved, SEE taken out and HORSE twirling around in my brain…couldn’t put it all together. Angela, hope you get that Chinese food you’re after…sounds yummy, even for breakfast !! Hope Fall is just around the corner. See you Saturday.

    • I’m looking forward to Fall too…right now we’re in the middle of a thunder and lightning storm that has me wayyyy too on edge. Mother Nature with a vengeance! 💨💦⚡️…And that Chinese Food? LOL! I have been known to indulge at breakfast! Have a good one, Terry. 🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. Yes, reading about all the Northeast storms the last few days…looks like they are still around your neck of the woods. Hope they dissipate soon.

  6. 🤷🏻‍♀️At a PLAYGROUND we see girls at play,
    What should just be a usual day…
    But something halts their bliss,
    Construction that they can’t miss….
    And they’re hoping that it keeps at bay…🤷🏻‍♀️

    ⬆️⬇️ On a SEESAW they’re having some fun,
    It’s a nice ride for kids…one-on-one…
    But with each up and down,
    We can see our girls frown…
    As one child says…”Looks close to done”…⬇️⬆️

    😟We see SAWHORSES set up for work,
    Comes to wood-work it’s always a perk…
    But again to our kids…
    They just wish they’d be rid…
    Of seeing them with each neck’s jerk…😟

    🫰🏻Hopefully their worry’s all in vain,
    And the building won’t encroach terrain…
    Where they love to hang out,
    I think there’s not much doubt…
    That the building’s less loss and more gain…🫰🏻

    👍🏻Far as puzzles go, this one a breeze,
    Long as SAWHORSES ring bells with ease…
    It’s great wordplay for sure,
    David’s done it once more…
    The solve? Served up with the slightest tease! 👍🏻

  7. Good morning. Didn’t have my thinking cap on this morning. I had to look up both six letter words. The cartoon answer had me for the longest time until I really studied the twelve letters and the picture. Taking out see for the first word and seeing the three horses in the picture it finally clicked. Until tomorrow take care.

  8. See was a given for the first word but had to ponder a bit before I saw saw and of course that left horses. Good puzzle this morning. Thinking of all you folks in the heat, floods, tornadoes etc. Mother Nature has really gone wild. Take care!

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