Jumble Answers for 01/12/2024



15 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 01/12/2024

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…💻 WHO PROGRAMMED THIS? 💻🎶 “The Office – Theme Song” 🎶 –  Jay Ferguson 2005  http://tinyurl.com/4pn8xabt

    💻 No way Wilson OUTRAN him,  but now he must FORGO,The plan he had for moving up…but why he’d like to know…Life’s definitely no BUFFET….times you don’t get to choose,And things just can seem GAUDY….’cause it’s  tasteless when you lose…So one can’t fault a person…he’s def right to be so blunt…And say that he’s really annoyed…no doubt  BY THE AFFRONT…💻

    Taken aBACK… http://tinyurl.com/4c2mtafz  BY THE AFFRONT http://tinyurl.com/2s4add3f  …you gotta love the pun! 

    Today, a spoof of a scene from the 1999 movie, “Office Space” http://tinyurl.com/dpwwkjc6  …and we see Peter Gibbons, played by Ron Livingston, voicing his surprise = TAKEN ABACK and resentment over the insult = AFFRONT… to the Vice President of Initech, Bill Lumbergh, played by Gary Cole….(who’s holding an “I ❤️Jumble” mug)…And PEERing out from the BACK, Stephen Root, in the role of Milton Waddams…Office POLITICS…We’ve probably all been PARTY to it…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And I’ve entertained the idea of writing a book about office politics for years…I figure it’d be a NOVEL idea… 💻 🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    FORGO: Last used – 11/12/22 

    GAUDY: Last used – 06/23/17

    OUTRAN: Last used – 03/25/22

    BUFFET: Last used – 09/25/23


    GROOF: Used on – 11/12/22, 09/20/21, 03/17/18, 10/10/15, 06/19/15, 02/24/15

    DYUGA: New anagram

    URATON: New anagram

    FBTUEF: New anagram

  3. 🤷🏻‍♂️At the BUFFET he tried to FORGO his annoyance at the comment that his outfit was GAUDY,  but it OUTRAN his patience, so to speak, and he remained insulted BY THE AFFRONT…🤷🏻‍♂️

    🤦🏻‍♂️She def OUTRAN her husband, no reason to FORGO,

    The fact that too much BUFFET time had made him rather slow…

    The whole race somewhat GAUDY,  no more than a mere stunt…

    But just the same her husband quite annoyed BY THE AFFRONT…🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. not a good end of the work week Friday ! I did get all the anagrams, but the jumble had me not figuring out what AFFRONT is ! The best part of it was your description Angela , of the whole jumble , but this one was not there for me ! And your book was a NOVEL idea ! Bring on the cap of the week Saturday ! I’m ready !

  5. Today’s Jumble was fairly tricky…and maybe a little bit cryptic. Thus, no blind solve, but easily solved with anagrams out of the way. The mega-clue was using the word ABACK in the dialogue…so how could I miss the opposite of that word?? Another obvious clue was the answer (most likely) starting with BY THE…. Oh well, just didn’t put it all together. Your references to OFFICE SPACE’s Gary Cole were spot on…In fact, I think he is the funniest comic relief in the movie. Anyway…all a good read for a Friday morning. Hope all is well for everyone’s Arctic Blast coming soon !!

    • Tk you, Terry…but what’s truly spot on is Jeff’s drawing of Gary Cole. He did a great job of capturing his image. Stay warm! 💻🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. Good morning. Even though I claimed no difficulty with anything I stand corrected because I had a devil of a time coming up with Outran for my final word and took forever to come up with Affront for the cartoon solution. I’m glad I conquered it but not happy with all the time spent to achieve success. Until tomorrow take care.

    • I also was initially stumped by the outran anagram, but after looking it up in the ‘anagram solver’ and seeing outran was a legitimate solution, I had the letters for the cartoon solution. Probably too cold and snowy for a bright Friday solve! Chuck,

      • Kudos, 👏🏻👏🏻 Professor for the solve… And I think Outran will definitely be the stumper of the day. 💻🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Good Morning, Paul. You’re not alone with Outran, a few of the Early Birds wrestled with it too. Those compound words can be tricky…Take care. 💻🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. What do you mean, the promotion’s not mine

    Just look at the effort and time

    I’ve put into this job

    And now I get robbed

    Have you done this to me by design?

  8. Another vote for “outran” here. Was able to solve the cartoon answer and back into that anagram. Have a good day all! Betty

  9. I don’t know if I should be giving away any secrets for future puzzles but here’s the thing and I didn’t follow my own clue. Anytime you see the letters O U T scrambled in the anagrams, there’s a good chance its out something, such as outlaw. I didn’t follow my own rule and had a tough time with outran. I needed all the letters in the anagram to solve the puzzle. I finally solved it only after I came up with outran remembering the rule.

    Steve from Toronto

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