Jumble Answers for 10/05/2023



16 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 10/05/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…💲 LET’S MAKE A STEAL! 💲

    🎶 Let’s take it nice and ETSY…It’s gonna be so ETSY… To rush would be a crime…’Cause nice and ETSY does it every time…🎶…”Nice ‘n’ Easy” – (with apologies to) Mr Frank Sinatra 1960 https://tinyurl.com/bdh74mm6

    💲She needed to AWAKEN and see what she could do,
    With the PUDDLE of toys and games…’cause now what’s old is new…
    A sure-fire way she could ABATE the bills they had to pay 
    Monet’d go to some swap meets…and from there?…Path to payday…
    She picked up BERRY Baby doll, for years it stayed unplayed…
    Determined it would be her start…Monet’s now LEARNED A TRADE!💲 

    Swap Meets https://tinyurl.com/bdfxhf9h have been around forever…But it wasn’t until the early 2000’s, when eBay https://tinyurl.com/2p8nzade  really took off like a bat out of SELL…followed by Etsy, https://tinyurl.com/38b5xxxk  that online TRADING became very, very lucrative…And our girl MONET, didn’t waste any time learning the HOPES…E-commerce? Egads!!  …BAZAAR, you might say? Hardly…There’s a ton of MONET to be made…And now Monet wouldn’t TRADE what’s she’s LEARNED for all the fine-bone China! 

    So…Today, a Swap Meet…And we MEET Monet and her husband Fret, I mean Fred. Having just TRADEd a box of Beanie Babies https://tinyurl.com/3veybsxp  for a Cabbage Patch Kid, https://tinyurl.com/nckyt2at  still in it’s box, Monet is heard telling her husband not to worry his pretty little head…she’s already LINEd up a sale…’Cause Monet is one of the millions out there who LEARNED how to turn over a profit with online TRADING…It might take time, and research, but there’s always someone out there who’s looking for something….You know…the old “One man’s CASH is another man’s pleasure”…something like that….Anyway, what it comes down to is Monet’s making money on ACCOUNT of she  LEARNED A TRADEhttps://tinyurl.com/c6hhuf6j

    …And now…Jeff’s Gems…Fasten your seatbelts, Folks…There’s a HAUL lotta shakin’ goin’ on…Where do I stART? Ok…You already SLAW my mentioning the Cabbage Patch Kid/Doll…so I’ll LEAF that alone…The box of Beanie Babies Bears…if you look real closely, you’ll see that the baby at the far right side isn’t a bear. It’s a Platypus… https://tinyurl.com/4nkyd52p which was very popular back in the day. Ok…now that we’ve taken care of what was spoken about in our dialogue, let’s get into the real MEET of this cartoon…the unspoken…Under the table is a Darth Vader figurine carrying case, https://tinyurl.com/43e2v32f  and partially hidden behind it is the end of a …Gund Bear https://tinyurl.com/y9te2ct6  …Atop the table, is a Teddy Ruxpin Bear… https://tinyurl.com/2f28jbj7. at one end, and a set of state spoons at the other. https://tinyurl.com/2cd9z75p  …But like an Oreo cookie…it’s what’s in the middle that takes the cake…Besides being an accomplished graphic artist and cartoonist, Jeff has been inventing and designing toys and games for years…And what we have here are two of his best draws…(pun intended)…The larger item, is a Jurassic Park inspired Dino Chomping Spoon that Jeff designed for General Mills… https://tinyurl.com/3u96kzcy. The smaller object is an AstroBall that he did for Kellogg’s. https://tinyurl.com/3czdk2pp …Both are from the 90’s, and both are considered collectors items today…That Jeff…a regular CEREAL killer in the toy market, right? And leaving the featured table… at back left…some nondeSCRIPT items, in the middle, a man with a cuckoo clock, a desk fan, and possibly some NOVELS…it’s a little hard to READ…leaving us with the sled propped against the table at right. Look closely…there’s a rose… https://tinyurl.com/39yn6nwr …Jeff, BUD…KANE I be more impressed? Definitely not…Today you’ve surely SWAPped me off my feet! 

    So…Phew…There you have it Folks…Done. And with more links than a box of Jimmy Dean…I think I’ve left you with enough to PLAY around with for today…so I’ll just BID you adieu…💲🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🤷🏻‍♂️Finding her in a PUDDLE of tears, her Father said…“BERRY, it was fortunate that I LEARNED A TRADE, and I advise you to AWAKEN if you want to see your financial problems ABATE”…🤷🏻‍♂️

    👍🏻 He dropped his BERRY ice cream…it sat there in a PUDDLE,
    His friends said, “Hey AWAKEN, Dude…you’re looking real befuddled”…
    He went back into Carvel, needing to ABATE his woe,
    The kindly clerk had seen it all…and said, “Tell you what, Joe…
    You help me fill up the machine…the ice cream’s yours, unpaid”…
    And that day marked a turning point…’cause Joe now LEARNED A TRADE! 👍🏻

  3. Hello thirsty-Thursday ! Jim here , and I really worked hard with 2 E’s , 2 R’s , 2 D’s , and 2 A’s  , but there was just too many possible words to find the one that fit swap meets and profit ! I came up with Deal , Dealt , Dealer , And , after that my brain was swapped at a meet ! It was fun though ! The anagrams were there for me , but the jumble I had to LeARN A TRADE ! And yes Angela I looked at all your keys of a swap meet and they were quite interesting ! That looked like some research ! Very interesting ! So I’ll just get an cold ice tea to quench my thirst on this Thursday ! Everyone have a great day !!!!!!

  4. 💲So Monet’s decided she’d make,
    Some money with the give and take…
    She learned what she’d need,
    To Swap Meet succeed…
    Determining classic from fake…💲

    🤷🏻‍♂️A business online she’s begun,
    She’s working and having some fun,
    Sometimes Fred’s not sure,
    ‘Bout the trade-off du jour…
    But she tells him…”Don’t worry, Hon”…🤷🏻‍♂️

    👍🏻 “A buyer already awaits,
    I’m not one to leave things to fates…
    We’ve settled on price,
    I don’t roll the dice…
    I def keep up on going rates”…👍🏻

    💲A Cabbage Patch doll’s today’s trade, 
    A good swap our Monet has made…
    It’s pristine in box,
    You know this one rocks…
    And Monet gets handsomely paid…💲

    👍🏻 So patience and research proved well,
    Learn this trade…watch the coffers swell…
    Monet’s hitched her wagon,
    To a trade not laggin’…
    And success no time soon will quell! 👍🏻

  5. Obviously, TRADE was part of the answer. TRADED was too short, so must be XXXXXXX A TRADE. That’s as far as I got. Resorted to the anagrams and figured out the first word. It’s always nice to awaken to a Frank Sinatra Classic…thanks for that, Angela. And your attention to detail in your musings were spot on. Have a great Thirsty Thursday (from Terry)

  6. Good morning. The words were a breeze but when it came time for the cartoon answer I couldn’t come up with the answer. Always enjoy when you pick “Old Blue Eyes” for your song choice Angela. Until tomorrow take care. 

  7. Had all the anagrams and letters for the cartoon and should have recognized trade as the 5 letter word but it stumped me.

    • Yes, Professor…TRADE was the key. Once that and A was taken firm the letters, the remaining ones would have given up the solve. But if one didn’t get Swap Meet to equal Trade right off the bat, it’s understandable that so many letters could be a bit overwhelming. Here’s to tomorrow, right? 💲🙋🏻‍♀️

  8. Hi Everybody – I had Weaken but was able to find my mistake. A friend thought her Princess Diana and other Beanie Babies might be worth a lot. Didn’t turn out that way since so many were made. Thanks for all the detailed info, Angela.

  9. I thought the first word would be traded but when that didn’t work resorted to trade as the last word and there was learned left.  Thanks for all the information in your analysis Angela.  I know Jeff is talented but didn’t realize that he actually designed toys.  That’s just great!  Happy Thursday all!  Betty

    • YW, Betty and Tk you. Yes, he is talented, indeed. And I try to sing his praises wherever I can. He has a lot to be proud of. Happy Thursday to you too. 💲🙋🏻‍♀️

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