Jumble Answers for 09/19/2023



19 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/19/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…🐜 I’LL DIE ON THIS HILL…🐜

    🎶 Oh well goodbye…Although I’ll cry…ANT THAT A SHAME…My tears fell like rain..🎶 “Ain’t That a Shame” – (with apologies to) Fats Domino 1955 https://tinyurl.com/bdzjymzu

    🐜 (I’m leaving ENVOY at the door, I’ll tell you that right off,
    I tried to make it relevant… but it just made me scoff)…
    We’re looking at some aardvarks…what a way to USHER morn,
    I can’t help it…these animals? In my side they’re a thorn…
    They’re ugly and a FRIGHT for sure, but the show must go on,
    I don’t mean to seem CRANKY…but over them I can’t fawn…
    But anyway, our theme today…in with the sauce and cheese?
    They’re anteaters..so of course they’re opting for “ANT-CHOVIES”! 🐜

    Ok…here’s the deal. Something’s FISHy around here…ANT no way a morning should start off with insects…So yes, it BUGS me a little …Plus look at that pizza…Oh! The humanity! And to make things worse, I, for one, have never “dirtied” my pizza with anything. And CRUST me, I NOSE my pizza! Italian, and coming from Brooklyn, pizza is one of our major food groups. So any way you SLICE it, this to me is sacrilege…I’m proud to say that I’ve always eaten my pizza as God intended it to be eaten, plain and simple. No pun intended…Besides, I think it’s one of the Commandments, if I remember correctly…”Thou shalt not COVER thy neighbor’s…”…

    Anyway…Today, a Pizza Place…anywhere but Brooklyn..with three anthropomorphic characters…And we see that the signage up top is reading…”Carpenter, Army, The Works and Red”. So if you haven’t BITTEN by now, and put the PIECES together, that the place caters to ANTeaters…well, as a Jumble denizen you may not be worth your SALT…And you may as well call it a SPRAY, because there’s no SNOUT where we’re going with this …ANCHOVIES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchovy have been known to serve as a pizza topping. Why? Who NOSE…And between said signage, the presence of the ANTs on the pizza, our question using the word Aardvark https://tinyurl.com/5hdchwct instead of ANTeater… https://tinyurl.com/yw355np6 the dialogue…”fresh from the HILL, “delicious”…and of COURSE those tell-tale quotation marks? It’s “ANT-CHOVIES” for the FIN…I mean the win…

    …Oh…and as far as the pizza man goes? IDK…a hedgehog, a skunk?…You got me. It’s a creature, it’s hairy…enough said. And you know I’m not going to do any research…I’d usually go right to the SAUCE…Google…but I’m so ready to CAN this whole thing…it’s JARred my nerves enough as it is…For PIZZA sake, I’m FINished!

    So…There you have it Folks..Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And again, while we might have a very clever solve here today, I just can’t SINK my teeth into it…no pun intended…Ants, anteaters in the same BREATH as pizza? …Ugh!…PISCINE it all…Let us SPRAY… 🐜🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Having such a strong aversion to ANCHOVIES, she became CRANKY and felt a bit of a FRIGHT, when she overheard the USHER saying that the ENVOY Anchovy Company was catering the event…🤦🏻‍♀️

    🧆His Father was an ENVOY, they traveled quite a lot,
    They’d USHER in the New Year in many different spots…
    He learned to try all kinds of foods, no FRIGHT of tastes anew,
    Mealtimes? No one was CRANKY… be it callos or moo shu
    So there wasn’t any problem with the new food…quite a breeze…
    When he was introduced to tiny fish called ANCHOVIES…🧆

  3. Very fun one , and I’m gonna get me some tacos instead of pizza ! This one was one of the hardest ones we had in a long time ! The anagrams made me CRANKY , cause that’s the only one I got ! The jumble , I googled what aardvarks ate and ANTS was one of their favorites ! So I pulled ANTS out ! But I couldn’t get CHOVIE ! It was fun , but very tough to get ! So I’m just gonna settle for tacos on this Tuesday ! Everyone have a good taco-Tuesday !!!!!!

  4. I disagree just a little bit….I could have pizza for breakfast. And looking at the sign, I could order a “Works”….and maybe hold the ANTS, and that might get me a yummy slice of who knows what !!

    Easy blind solve followed by easily solved anagrams this Taco Tuesday morning. Always good to hear Mr. Domino singing away. With all this talk about food…am kinda hungry now. Think I’ll try cereal instead.

    • LOL! Pizza for breakfast? Of course! That didn’t come up, did it? And you do realize that “the works” in this case, can mean 2 things…either worker ants, or all of the others combined….So I’m thinking you’d definitely take a pass…Bottom line? We’ve no disagreement at all as far as I can tell…😉…And I agree with Mr Domino too…As for the food? We’re going with French toast and bacon…but I’m already considering pizza for lunch! 🍕🙋🏻‍♀️

        • Except pizza! 😂😂Connections…I’m addicted…and it happened so quickly! 😂 I found a bunch of old ones going back to June…I’m devouring them. You’ve created a monster! 🤦🏻‍♀️

  5. Good morning. As Gene Autry would say …. I’m back in the saddle again. Easy one for me this morning with even a blind solve. You picked one of my all time favorite singers Angela. I think I have three of his albums. The man always had a smile on his face and you never heard a bad thing about him. Just a gentleman. Until tomorrow take care.

    • Good Morning, Paul. Tk you. I enjoy listening to him too. Have a good one. Take care…🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. A pizza with our favourite topping
    That’s something we won’t be swapping
    Those ants, what a flavour
    They’re something to savour
    And soon our mouths we’ll be mopping!

  7. I guess I cheated and googled what an Aardvark was and what they ate. When the answer was ants the rest was easy. I have never heard of an Aardvark. Some days you just need a little help. Hope everyone has a great day.

    • Marlene…That’s hardly cheating…That’s why God gave us Google..,😉 I’m always looking things up…I sometimes wonder how we survived before, without information at our fingertips…Wishing you a great day too…🙋🏻‍♀️

  8. The animal references are killing me. Even after looking up aardvarks and seeing their eating habits.I couldn’t come up with the cartoon answer, Yuck!

  9. Easy but fun one today. I won’t be visiting that pizza place any time soon, but, of course, it must be in southern Africa.

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