Jumble Answers for 09/16/2023








16 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/16/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone ⚾️ TALKIN’ TRASH ⚾️

    🎶 We’re TALKIN’ BASEBALL Kluszewski, Campanella….TALKIN’ BASEBALL…The Man and Bobby Feller….🎶 …“Talkin’ Baseball” – Terry Cashman 1981 https://tinyurl.com/ecun82fc

    ⚾️ With nicknames like the BISHOP, No neck, The Bird and such,
    A pitcher’s vital to a team, and needs that magic touch…
    Push comes to SHOVE he sets the pace, defense is the man’s game,
    Lucky LOCKET in a pocket may sometimes lead to fame…
    A fastball hot as SALSA, a curve thrown with such speed,
    Are two pitches perfected in the repertoire they need
    And ‘long as he stays steady he won’t get caught in a mess…
    His job…to keep his rival team hitless…and hence…BASELESS! ⚾️

    A great PLAY on words! I love when our solve has such a distinct DOUBLE meaning!

    So…Today, the broadcast booth overlooking a ballfield…Where we see the wining team RUNNING to the mound to celebrate their PITCHER’S PERFECT GAME… https://tinyurl.com/4dyartex But there appears to be a bit of criticism RUNNING from the mouth of the announcer at LEFT. Seems he’s down-PLAYING the pitcher’s prowess…Is he kidding?…it’s a PERFECT GAME! Yes, fielding’s important, but …did I mention that it’s a PERFECT GAME? That no one reached first BASE? = The losing team was BASELESS…same as his comment…BASELESS! https://tinyurl.com/ycyenjzj …And the look of indignation on his fellow announcer’s face shows that he HIT a nerve…So I’m glad he chose to STRIKE back about how well the pitcher did…

    …And as we see that last dejected batter walk away…Look CLOSEly at the CALL letters on the microphones…WJUM…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay SAFE… And I’ll leave you with a quote I’ve always loved from Brett Musburger…”Folks, I’ve had the best seat in the house. Thanks for sharing it. I’ll see you down the road.”..And I feel the same…⚾️🙋🏻‍♀️

    • ‘Bobby’ Feller,Rapid Robert was my favorite ball player when I was growing up in Cleveland!

  2. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️
    SALSA: Last used – 10/11/22 https://tinyurl.com/2p8h6ceu
    SHOVE: Last used – 01/05/23 https://tinyurl.com/4shn8a7c
    BISHOP: Last used – 05/12/21 https://tinyurl.com/yxxkb942
    LOCKET: Last used – 06/13/22 https://tinyurl.com/3ndtsvpy

    SSLAA: Used on – 12/05/20, 05/30/19, 07/05/18
    VOHES: Used on – 07/10/19, 08/20/12
    BHIPOS: New anagram
    CELTOK: New anagram

  3. 🤷🏻‍♀️When push came to SHOVE, the argument over whether or not the SALSA colored blouse with the BISHOP sleeves would go well with the LOCKET, proved totally BASELESS…🤷🏻‍♀️

    🤦🏻‍♀️ She went to move the table, slipped and gave it quite the SHOVE,
    It hit the wall and caused the sconce to fall from up:above…
    It fell into the SALSA, and of course it ruined the dish,
    The BISHOP due in ten minutes! And now she’s burnt the fish!
    She reached up to grab her LOCKET, praying hard to ease the stress…
    And knew for sure her apprehension def wasn’t BASELESS! 🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. Nice cap on the week Saturday ! Is this Monday ? All the anagrams did not SHOVE me at all ! I didn’t have to call the BISHOP ! So I’ll have a plate of SALSA and wear a LOCKET that promotes today’s anagrams ! The jumble was in the same position ! But the announcer and the actual game conclusion had two different meanings , but spelled the same ! Very clever ! This one was fun and entertaining ! The pitcher pitched a good game and no one was on base , and the announcer’s base speech was not on either ! Bring on Sunday Funday and everyone have a great weekend !!!!!!!

  5. Good morning. Don’t think it could have been much easier than today. Sailed through the words and cartoon answer. Enjoyed the song video Angela. I had about 8-10 autographs of mostly Brooklyn Dodgers from the mid 50s that I cut out and scotched taped over them in a scrap book to preserve them and after all them years the scotch tape peeled off taking the writing with it. Oh well…. Until tomorrow take care.

    • Good Morning, Paul. Tk you. Yes, definitely an easy one. …Sadly, I think a lot of old treasures were ruined by those old type scrapbooks. I doubt you’re alone….no consolation though, I know. Take care and have a good one. ⚾️🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. I paused on the salsa anagram but having solved that and having the letters , the 1 word cartoon was a quick solve but ‘hitless’ would have been a better solution given the no one reaching first base cartoon discussion!

    • You’re missing the PLAY on words, Prof. BASELESS was used as the double meaning..,It was a BASELESS comment that the announcer didn’t see great pitching…which was the reason the losing team was BASELESS…⚾️🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. Seems like most everyone, including me, hit a home run on the Jumble this morning. Happy Saturday all!

  8. A perfect game is a pitcher’s delight
    Level’s raised to a lofty height
    Great pitches and throws
    Oh the game how it flows
    For today the future is bright!

    But tomorrow’s another game
    Will the outcome be the same
    Maybe…. this time a no-hitter
    Oh the glory and glitter
    Then the baseball world will proclaim

    This team has got what it takes
    No errors, no fumbling mistakes
    Throws are right on the mark
    No hits out of the park
    Other team says “We don’t get no breaks.”

    • Helen, I aways enjoy your succinct limericks! Well done! Not really one who posts, but felt you deserved some kudos. Like you, also a tennis fan & player. Appears someone is trying to compete with you.

  9. 💪🏻 Comes to pitching one needs to have strength,
    Throwing over the plate…a great length…
    One most always stay it,
    To reach the catcher’s mitt…
    Lasting innings while not getting spent…💪🏻

    🤦🏻‍♂️A no-hitter…rare as a hen’s tooth…
    And the man sitting up in the booth?
    Should he witness it hap,
    Surely’d sound like a sap…
    If he didn’t proclaim it the truth! 🤦🏻‍♂️

    ⚾️ Be it fastballs or sliders he pitch,
    With his fingers grasped tight on the stitch…
    Mixing up plays a part,
    If a pitcher is smart…
    All comes down to knowing when to switch…⚾️

    👍🏻 Good fielding of course gets it due,
    Making sure batters cannot pursue…
    A place on a base,
    Fielders definitely erase…
    A batter’s chance to follow through…👍🏻

    🏆Bottom line, when you stand on the mound,
    Chances are one might be honor bound…
    Pinch a no-hitter? Tough,
    There’s been hardly enough…
    And those who have? Kudos all around! 🏆

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