Jumble Answers for 09/02/2023



27 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/02/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…💤 TO SLEEP…PERCHANCE TO SCHEME?💤

    🎶 I COULDN’T SLEEP AT ALL LAST NIGHT…got to thinkin’ of you…Baby things weren’t right…Well I was TOSSIN’ and TURNIN’…Turnin’ and tossin’…A tossin’ and turnin’ all night…🎶 “Tossin’ and Turnin’” – Bobby Lewis 1961 https://tinyurl.com/mr2kjs3u

    💤 When nighttime worries fill your head, they’re so hard to DELETE,
    You lie in bed and toss and turn, the thoughts you can’t defeat…
    Embedded like a STIGMA, you just can’t shake them off,
    So you try to wake your partner…maybe try a tiny cough…
    An ARENA’s worth of worry, you just can’t seem to rest,
    You want so badly to discuss these things that have you stressed…
    You lean towards your partner, hoping he is still awake,
    (If you saw the look he’s wearing though…you’d cut the guy a break)…
    His eyes IMPLY, at this hour?…It’s not the time to fret…
    And he’s dreading that you’re going to ask…”Uh…ARE YOU ASLEEP YET”?💤

    This one definitely SPEAKS for itself…One can never answer “Yes” …to the question…ARE YOU ASLEEP YET?…And from the look on our guy’s face…I’m sure he wishes he was!

    So…There you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And II always wonder…When I dream in color, is it a pigment of my imagination? 💤 🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Another one that came to mind that you’ve probably used before, “Last Night I Didn’t Get to Sleep at All” by one of my favorite 60s acts The Fifth Dimension. Alan in GA

  2. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sitting in the park outside the ARENA, he was reading “ARE YOU ASLEEP YET”, but when he came to the words STIGMA and DELETE…used in the same paragraph…he needed to look up the meanings, since he coulda’t understand what they were supposed to IMPLY…🤷🏻‍♂️

    🤦🏻‍♂️ The ARENA had turned shoddy, a poor rep it sadly carried,
    The owners, hoping to DELETE the STIGMA were quite harried…
    Harsh word of mouth that did IMPLY indifference was the cause,
    Was so untrue and gave the couple reason to have pause
    The husband knew they had to sell, and one night with regret…
    He turned towards his wife and asked her…”ARE YOU ASLEEP YET”? 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. 🤷🏻‍♀️With the lights out you’re trying to sleep,
    But into your mind those thoughts creep…
    And you’re struck wide awake,
    Now what will it take?
    Before you can give them the sweep?🤷🏻‍♀️

    🤦🏻‍♀️Be it money, or children, or love,
    You lay staring at ceilings above…
    Thinking now way too much,
    About this, that and such…
    And there’s no sleep come push or come shove…🤦🏻‍♀️

    ⏰ So you toss and you turn and you fret,
    About things you wish you could forget…
    And the hours go by,
    You feel you might just cry…
    ‘Cause that sleep you need hasn’t come yet…⏰

    🤷🏻‍♀️You start thinking perhaps you could see,
    If he’s sleeping… this man next to thee…
    So you lean towards him slow,
    In an effort to know…
    If there’s any chance he might agree…🤷🏻‍♀️

    ⛰️That these things lying hard on your chest,
    That are keeping you from getting rest…
    Will all work out in time,
    And these mountains you climb?
    Are no where as high as you guessed…⛰️

  4. Today is 🥓INTERNATIONAL BACON DAY!🥓 … Be kind. Don’t BACON-descending to those of us who have a love affair with Bacon..Almost anything can be improved with the addition of Bacon…So I say ..”SWINE not”…NJEYO! 🥓🙋🏻‍♀️ https://tinyurl.com/2zmkxxzy

    • Good morning. In Guantánamo on Sundays you could have eggs anyway you wanted with steak, bacon or sausage. That was the guys favorite, very few missed it because it was steak for them. Me, give me bacon anytime. Take care.

  5. A nice way to start the weekend…a blind solve, although the YOU probably helped a little bit. Anagrams were easily unscrambled, too. First thing I did was open the song link and sang along with that 1961 melody. Sad news about Jimmy Buffett…yes, RIP. And didn’t know there was an international Bacon Day. Thanks for that tidbit !!

  6. Good morning. Clean sweep today even a blind solve. Easy choice for your perfect song pick today Angela. Until tomorrow take care.

  7. The solution to the Jumble is ARE you ASLEEP YET?, but there are other possible questions that one can’t say yes to, such as “Is this red light a green light?”, “Is this dry towel wet?”, or “Are you a barber who shaves everyone who do not shave themselves?”

  8. That delightful item called sleep
    For most, it comes easy and deep
    But elusive for some
    Though they will it to come
    And are prepared to count thousands of sheep!

  9. This was the first time I couldn’t get most of the anagrams and the jumble ! Not a good Saturday ! I had a hard time with IMPLY , ARENA , and STIGMA ‘ so the one I got , I couldn’t DELETE ! The jumble gave me ARE “YOU” but I thought Yes and that kept me from being ASLEEP ! This one was very clever and it required me to be a little more analytical on the structure ! I am going to be more disciplined from here on ! I hope everyone has a great weekend !!!!!!

  10. A tricky question in the cartoon but having the letters and the ‘you’ a given in the question, the answer was a quick solve!Have a great but hot Saturday!

      • Hello Angela,
        I’m not sure what you mean by “scroll up.”
        I see that the correct answer is imply. I was just sharing that I had erred in thinking the answer was limpy instead of imply.

        By the way, I loved your poem that coincides with today’s puzzle.

        Enjoy the holiday weekend!

        • Hi Suzanne…I apologize if I wasn’t clear or sounded curt in my reply. It wasn’t my intention…I’m just tired…By scrolling up, I just meant that you can see the earlier comments that were made regarding LIMPY. The word IMPLY has appeared more than once before in the Jumble, and the same issue arose. I’m going to mention it to David…but I know that if a word isn’t in Merriam-Webster, it’s off the table as far as he’s concerned. You know I only “report” the news, I don’t make it…😉 Thank you for your kind words regarding my poem,…I must admit, it was a bit of a challenge getting such unrelated words to meld. So I truly appreciate your comment. And I wish you and yours an enjoyable Holiday too…Be well, and stay safe…🙋🏻‍♀️

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