Jumble Answers for 07/20/2023








13 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 07/20/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…♦️ONE OF STRIFE’S LITTLE LESSONS ♣️

    🎶 I sat there with TWO TENS…I thought I’d have some fun…The DEALER hit SIXTEEN with a FIVE…Just enough to make TWENTY ONE…Hey hey hey, yeah yeah, how unlucky can one man be…Well every quarter I get…Yeah, BLACKJACK takes it away from me…🎶 …”Blackjack” – Mr Ray Charles 1958 https://tinyurl.com/dmcfn2rh

    ♣️ Blackjack a game of skill more than luck, ABSORB all that you can,
    It’s been known to outwit the weak…destroy many a man…
    Frustration can ERUPT if one thinks he will be EXEMPT,
    From losing all he came in with…the devil need not tempt…
    And here TRACT’s off the table, it becomes today the debtor
    Why take a chance at failing? I’ll just stay the BETTER BETTOR! ♦️

    You know the other day when I mentioned how we’ve had enough Golf puzzles to choke a HORSE? Well…I may have to REIN that comment back in, because I BET that Golf may just have to take a back SEAT to Gambling….How do they STACK UP against one another? What’re the ODDS Gambling WINS? Too close to CALL…

    So…BLACKJACK… https://tinyurl.com/2r389we7 … BLACKJACK is a GAMBLING card game in which players try to get cards with a face value as close as possible to 21, without going over; and when playing, you’re only playing against the Dealer. DOUBLING DOWN is when after you’re dealt your two original cards, you choose to double your initial bet in return for a single card – with no further options. You do this, hoping that you’ll either hit a hand that beats the dealer’s or the dealer will bust (go over 21) when their turn comes. It can be risky, but it’s a chance you’ll have to take if you want to be a winner at Blackjack. The doubling down ruling is pretty much the same as the first rule of blackjack – you always assume that any card you can’t see is going to have a value of 10. If you COUNT the four 10s and the 12 face cards, there’s more cards in a deck that are worth that amount than any other value. And since Blackjack’s about playing the odds, it’s just the rule of thumb that you go by. So, knowing this, you’ll only want to double down on a hand where the total value of your cards is 11 or less, as seen here in our puzzle. This way, no matter what card you’re dealt, you’ll never have the chance TO GO OVER 21. You don’t want to put yourself in a position where you’re hedging your bet with the chance of busting. STRATEGY…all STRATEGY.And in Blackjack it COUNTS to have STRATEGY…

    And with that being said…Today we see our ILLUSTRATEd, I mean illustrious graphic artist, Jeff, seated at a Blackjack table…(the ODDS being at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino https://tinyurl.com/4wncbt4s in Vegas, going by his T-shirt reading “The Mac King Comedy Magic Show”. https://tinyurl.com/3b53nc3k Jeff’s close friends with Mac)…giving the thumbs up to another very close friend and Poker Buddy, standup comedian, Lissa Sears… https://tinyurl.com/2ca9pk52 And if you’re a true Jumble aficionado, ODDS are you recognize Sears from many a past GAME…she’s had a HAND in a great NUMBER of puzzles OVER the years. And today, from our dialogue, it apPAIRS that she’s new to trying her HAND at Blackjack…She’s trying to become a…BETTER BETTOR…And by the looks of it, I’d say she’s HITTING it off, since if you comPAIR her STACK of CHIPS to Jeff’s, you’ll see that he’s definitely UNDER…But then again, Jeff’s never been an OVERwhelming card player…And I’m by no means JUDGING, I’m only going by what he’s SHOWN us in the past…Just LAYING MY CARDS ON THE TABLE…so to speak…

    And speaking of cards on the table…While the dealer’s showing a 6 of ❤️, Sears has a 4 of ♣️, and a 7 of ♦️ = her 11…and Jeff shows a 2 of ❤️…with just a STREAK of his second card visible UNDER the deck in the dealer’s HAND…Here’s hoping he STAYS out of the RED…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe… And thinking again of Jeff’s T-Shirt, hopefully it’s lucky for him. I’ve a favorite lucky Blackjack T-shirt too… Mine reads: “If this GAME was called 22? I’d own this town“!…And with that in mind…remember…If you’re playing Blackjack? Try to COUNT your Blessings…but more importantly…ALWAYS COUNT your cards! ♣️♦️🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️
    ERUPT: Last used – 01/21/23 https://tinyurl.com/53ff9y7c
    TRACT: Last used – 01/02/23 https://tinyurl.com/mujyap2h
    ABSORB: Last used – 05/09/22 https://tinyurl.com/3axr926m
    EXEMPT: Last used – 11/23/22 https://tinyurl.com/zyekhmx3

    PURET: Used on – 01/31/15, 06/12/14, 10/09
    CATTR: Used on – 01/02/23, 01/19/22, 02/19/19
    ROASBB: New anagram
    PETXEM: New anagram

  3. 🤷🏻‍♂️Worried that he wouldn’t be EXEMPT if problems would ERUPT over the new TRACT of land he acquired, he tried to ABSORB it all while wishing the odds could have made him a BETTER BETTOR…🤷🏻‍♂️

    🤦🏻‍♀️ No way could she be EXEMPT…they’ll all ABSORB the loss,
    The signage needed to say “Track”…no way this one to gloss…
    So the word TRACT an error…and problems will ERUPT,
    And whatever peacefulness they had…this definitely will disrupt
    What are the odds that such turmoil could occur from one letter?
    Not she…but then she’d never been much of a BETTER BETTOR…🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. 👁️👁️ So you sit at a table and wait,
    Staying calm so as not to tempt fate….
    You should try to pay heed,
    To everyone’s feed…
    And it pays to keep your numbers straight! 👁️👁️

    🤷🏻‍♂️We see Jeff with a smile on his face,
    Seems he’s comfortable there in his place,
    Playing smart we can hope,
    So he stays off the ropes…
    With no blunders he’ll look to erase…🤷🏻‍♂️

    👏🏻👏🏻Seems that Sears has caught on pretty quick,
    And it’s looking like things def have clicked…
    Here’s to her having luck,
    Going home with big bucks,…
    Blackjack just may be her bailiwick! 👏🏻👏🏻

    ♦️Blackjack def not for the faint of heart,
    Yes, there’s luck…but it’s more on your part…
    One needs to stay alert,
    Or you’re prone to get hurt…
    It’s a game that moves fast from the start…♦️

    👍🏻 Here’s to all those who try 21,
    Yes, the game can most surely be fun…
    Just don’t let down your guard,
    And play loose with a card…
    ‘Cause the odds are you’ll surely be done! 👍🏻

  5. I was a little thirsty on two anagrams that I just couldn’t get ! I tried to stay on TRACT but the two I couldn’t get became EXEMPT! So the one didn’t ERUPT and the second one I couldn’t ABSORB ! But the jumble came right to me and made me a BETTER BETTOR ! This one was a good one ! I guess you can’t have easy anagrams every day ! But I got through and can’t wait till tomorrow Friday ! Everyone have a great thirsty-Thursday!!!!!’

  6. Nice post…and I learned a lot about BlackJack that I have forgotten through the years. Don’t quite know how the blind solve came today…but I do get a hint when both words are of the same length. First tried WINNER to no avail…then thought for just a short minute and the word BET came to mind and voila !! For the anagrams, ERUPT puzzled me for just a moment. Love Ray Charles. See you TGIF

  7. I bet you’ll like this game
    For card players it’s really tame
    If the numbers mount
    You could be out for the count
    And it’s only yourself to blame!

  8. Good morning. When I checked to see if my words were correct I found out that sabbor wasn’t a word that it was absorb. Correcting that and moving to the cartoon puzzle after putting down all the letters I was able to come up with the answer Lickety split. First time hearing the song from Ray Charles. Always nice listening to him Angela. Until tomorrow take care

    • Good Morning, Paul. Lickety split! 👏🏻👏🏻! And I enjoy Mr Charles too…♦️🙋🏻‍♀️

  9. The multiple B’s had me stumped for awhile but then the solution popped into my head. According to my comics today is the anniversary of the first Appolo moon landing! Quite an achievement for mankind! More than a small step!

  10. I first wrote down puter thinking pewter but knew the cartoon answer was Better Bettor so had to revisit puret and voila – erupt. Have a good Thursday all!

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