Jumble Answers for 05/14/2020

















35 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 05/14/2020

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…I hope this finds you well… https://tinyurl.com/y7m5cvjw Theme from “Wagon Train” 1957

    👨🏻‍🌾 👩🏼‍🌾 Most men were tall and LANKY…not much food and life was hard,
    Emotions ever TEPID, ne’er a TIRADE to regard…
    The “No man is an ISLAND” wasn’t something that you’d hear,
    Folks worked all for the common good…each year after each year…
    They traveled far, they traveled hard and willed with all their might
    That they’d find land to settle..looking for it IN PLAIN “SITE”👩🏼‍🌾👨🏻‍🌾

    I can’t even imagine the hardships these early pioneers endured…And traveling as this couple did, with three small children in tow couldn’t have been easy at all…And what’s IN PLAIN “SITE” with our puzzle? The water flowing by, and the Wagon Train off in the distance…Be well, Everyone..Stay safe…👨🏻‍🌾🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🧍🏻‍♀️Standing there IN PLAIN SITE, he watched the TEPID ISLAND waters wash over her LANKY frame, and hoped she would find it soothing after her recent TIRADE…🧍🏻‍♀️

    🤷🏻‍♂️His attitude was TEPID now, the TIRADE having passed,
    His LANKY body shaking still, him feeling quite aghast
    The ISLAND sun was setting, he regretted now the fight…
    He stood in shadows fading…but he still was IN PLAIN SITE…🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Good morning. Thank goodness the format is back to normal. My choice for hardest word was Island. It took me a long time to finally come up with it and as most times when I get it I actually screamed out loud “Oh My God”. Couldn’t believe it was such an easy word to get. Tepid and Tirade should have been the ones but not for this young whipper snapper. There’s a phrase you never hear anymore. Anyway the cartoon answer took some time to get but it was clear the solution was in plain site. Until tomorrow stay well.

      • Thank you Angela for a good laugh. Funny I would use that word and you come up with that list. My daily dress is dungarees and I guess it’s time to get rid of the unused floppy disks that I still have stashed away in case of a come back. Be safe.

        • LOL! Paul, it gave me a good laugh too. I had barely finished reading the article…and there you were with Whippersnapper! Too funny! And I love what you did here with the words! Now as long as you keep those blueberries that you favor fresh enough in your icebox…we’re good! 😂 It’s all groovy, Brooklyn! Be well, stay safe…🙋🏻

  4. Hi Everyone –
    Tirade took me the longest, and site was the last answer word I found.
    I loved cowboy shows but can’t recall watching Wagon Train or its theme song. Perhaps it was on at a bad time for me.

    • Hi Caroline, Good Morning. I don’t remember it either, https://tinyurl.com/y7eln4ha , but what I do remember is that so many times watching “It’s a Wonderful Life”, when Bert the cop would come on screen, somebody would say..”Ward https://tinyurl.com/y75tzssd Bond……Wagon Train” . So I thought it odd looking at the clip last night that I didn’t see him or his name in the credits..This morning I read that he died in 1960…So even though the show started in September 1957, the clip has to be from a later date. I love all these 6°-type things…Be well, Caroline. Stay safe. 🐎🙋🏻‍♀️

      • I didn’t know that Bert the cop was in Wagon Train, Angela. You may know that Seneca Falls in upstate NY claims to be the inspiration for Bedford Falls in the movie. Zuzu – and sometimes other children in the movie – have come to the town’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” weekend.

        • Well….Ward Bond was in “Wagon Train”…Bert the cop was still back in Bedford Falls! 😉 And yes, I know about the setting, but I wasn’t aware of the weekends. I think I’d love going to something like that…I could watch that movie a gazillion times…and always cry…right on cue. It’s one of my all time favorites. And I swear, as soon as “Bert” comes on screen…I hear “that” voice in my head! (And yes..there’s a lot of voices up there)! 😂😂

      • Thanks for the information on the Wagon Train TV show, Angela. Much as I loved Westerns when I was young, I haven’t watched them since.
        I’m a big fan of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” too. One of the few films that I never grow tired of.

        • You’re very welcome, Caroline, I enjoyed reading up on it myself…Yes, “It’s a Wonderful Life” is in a class by itself. Definitely a classic. I have a few “Wonderful Life” Hallmark ornaments. Not as many as I wish, but some good ones. The movie theater, the one of Donna Reed and Jimmy Stewart together, and the one with Donna Reed holding Zuzu by the Christmas tree. I love the lights and sounds of them…Hallmark does some amazing work…🎄🙋🏻‍♀️

        • Caroline…I apologize. I addressed you by Betty’s name in the above email. I corrected it. I was working on 2 iPads, and Betty’s email was on the screen in front of me as I answered you. Sorry! 😘🙋🏻

    • Caroline. Here in New York we can watch it on cable TV (optimum) channel 33 everyday at 4:00pm, Monday thru Friday. Shucks ma’am I’m just a public servant sharing what little I know. Stay safe.

    • My family always watched the show. Gene Roddenberry pitched “Star Trek” to NBC as “Wagon Train to the stars.”

  5. I remember Wagon Train,but then I’m an old guy.As far as the Jumble tepid and tirade gve me reason to pause,as did the final cartoon answer,except for the 2 letter in.But then the answer was also in plain site.Stay well.

    • “Yer Durn Tootin”! 😂😂 Hey! Good to see you, Chuck. Hope all is well! Stay safe…🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. Paused at tirade but was able to figure out the other words and cartoon answer without difficulty. My Dad was a great fan of Wagon Train, Gunsmoke, Bonanza and all those TV Western shows. They still show reruns of Bonanza and Gunsmoke on one of our local channels. It’s kind of fun to watch them occasionally. I like to watch reruns of Twilight Zone. So many unknown actors who later became famous often appeared in their episodes. Hope all of you are well.

    • Hi Betty. I’m with you on old TV. Such a different mindset…definitely an innocence. Most of it is all so campy, but you still can’t help but enjoy it. And you’re right, there’s so many young fresh faces amongst the casts. Sometimes I recognize them, but I can’t place their names, so I Google it…I hate leaving stones unCAST…I mean unturned…😉 Hope you’re well too, Betty. Stay safe.

  7. Hi all – It took awhile to see “island”, but “tirade” almost stumped me. I got the answer from “see for miles” showing “plain”, and the quotes gave away “site”, which gave the letters AIE for TIRADE, but it took many jumbles to see it.

    Good wishes to everyone.

    I loved all antique words today in that article, Angela. One of my very earliest memories is seeing the iceman put a block of ice in my grandparent’s icebox, but they soon bought a refrigerator.

    “The LANKY surfer went on a TIRADE to his travel agent about the TEPID water temperature at the supposedly tropical ISLAND resort.”

    Inspired by the cartoon, here’s “I Can See For Miles” by The Who:

    • 👏🏻👏🏻 LOL! Today may just be a day of freaky coincidences! The Who popped into my head immediately this morning, and I even dabbled with using it…Way funny! But then I settled on the “Wagon Train” angle because it really fit the theme of the cartoon. But guess what? We pulled it up and listened to it a few times …just for the heck of it! 😉 It’s definitely a song that stays with you. As for the article, I got a kick out of it too…And there were a few more also. I’ll send them to you. And icebox? I always think the Honeymooners…the “Ice Man” lugging this huge block, (anchored with those tongs)…up all the flights of stairs…There’s one episode in particular. I’m going to see if I can find it. Be well, Steve, stay safe…📺🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Here’s a little (very little) bit of trivia about that. I was working at my college radio station when that came out. We all loved the song, but we also marvelled at one other thing – the radio board had VU meters with a needle to show the volume of the signal going out, and when that record started, it went straight to 100% and stay exactly there for the whole song – the first time we’d seen “compression” on a signal, and an indication of all the special effects that were soon to flood recording studio technology for better or worse.

  8. I LUV’Z the Jumble puzzles. But I still have a problem with solving the anagrams.

    • Practice makes perfect, Sunshyne. My advice would be to keep trying daily and don’t become discouraged if you miss a few. It happens regularly to seasoned players as well and it’s one of the reasons why I keep coming back for more. Wishing you (and your beautiful name) all the best!

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