Jumble Answers for 03/31/2020















15 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/31/2020

  1. Good Morning, Everyone! Stay safe. 🏡🙋🏻‍♀️

    🏡 We often have a puzzle where the theme is real estate,
    And today we see a couple finding what they think is great…
    The agent not INEPT at all, she’s pushing for the sale,
    And nothing’s looking LOUSY here…so she may make a deal
    The Mr’s pretty VERBAL about living near the course,
    While the Mrs likes the cul-de-sac…I wonder who’s the boss…
    I’m dubbing the development CANOLA Property Prime,
    ‘Cause it’s the only way I’ll fit Canola in the rhyme…
    I wonder where they’ll choose to live…who’s got the bigger pull…
    They have so many choices with these LOTS AVAILABLE 🏡

    This puzzle immediately rang a bell, so I searched…Back on February 6th, 2019, https://tinyurl.com/w5fqzka while at Sunset City, we had a puzzle very similar to today’s. Older couple looking for a new home site, being shown the lots by a bespectacled female property agent. The woman here liking the cul-de-sac, the woman that day liking all the amenities. And the man? Yep, you guessed it. Looking to live near the golf course! The question that day…”The subdivision where they chose to build their dream home had”?..The solution…”LOTS TO OFFER”…
    …And there was some controversy that day…because amenities was spelt wrong in a few publications. 🏡🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy and his son, Spencer, were booked to be the closing musical act on Jimmy Kimmel last night. Because of Covid-19, and the subsequent shut down of most TV productions, Jimmy broadcast live from his home, while Jeff and both his sons, Spencer and Sam performed live from the bathroom of theirs. The acoustics I guess! It’s not on YouTube yet, but most TV providers offer Jimmy’s show On Demand. So, if you’re a fan and you missed the performance, check it out there. They sang “Evergreen”. 🎸🙋🏻‍♀️ https://tinyurl.com/v5eoluy

  3. Good morning. My choice for hardest word is Canola. I was stuck on it and went to the cartoon and after some thought had it solved. Having the three letters I needed to finish it off I finally came up with it. I’m more of an olive man myself. I have it in the pantry but it’s used the lest of all. Until tomorrow stay well.

  4. Even though I was a grade A speller in grade school,I had to check the spelling of lousy,no z,and verbal ,not el,and then come up with canola as the last anagram solution.Lots was a given for the first word and with the multiple availability of a’s for available,the cartoon was solved.Have a great day,if you can,given the state of things.

  5. Angela just remembered and went back to Sunday and checked to see if you answered my question. I’ll try to answer how I solved the words. To the left of word is order listed. To the right of word is my order of answering it. I had said the listing of words from 1-6 was answered 6,5,4,1,2,3. In other words. 1-Sentry-6, 2-Infant-5, 3-Occupy-4, 4-Mature-1, 5-Annual-2, 6-Borrow-3. I truly hope this clears it up. Take care.

    • Hi Paul. I had to go back and look at the order of Sunday’s words. And I even got out paper and pen…(Which you know I never do, because I solve the Jumble in my head).🤷🏻‍♀️..And reading it the way you’ve explained, (which I know you’ve done for me before)…it makes sense. And it even makes me wonder/second guess what “formula” I was using….It’s the strangest thing. It just doesn’t seem to register…and I don’t know why! Weird, huh? And frustrating to boot! 🙄🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. I’m with Paul – stuck on canola. Had to take out paper and pencil and still couldn’t figure it out. Kept thinking laconic – finally went to the cartoon and once I figured out that answer, canola fell into place. Good mental workout this morning. I was very moved by your heartfelt thoughts about your beautiful city, Angela. This too will pass — if only we knew when. Take Care All.

  7. Hi all – It took a few tries before I saw VERBAL, but my hardest word (for what it’s worth Mike, the fourth word today) was CANOLA. I had to back into it from the answer and other letters. I saw the answer right away because I saw LOTS for an oddball reason. I think David’s too young to remember, but the late-night horror movie host on WGN in Chicago, “Svengoolie”, always did joke commercials, and in one of his most common he would try to sell real estate while holding a shovel, with the catchphrase “Ve got LOTS, if you can dig it!”
    (Angela, I looked up your link, and I see I noted “Svengoolie” then also. It’s still new to me though, ‘cause I didn’t remember the puzzle or my answer! 😂)

    I got a good laugh from “out of COMMISSION” and “inDEED” in the voting box.

    Good wishes to everyone.

    “Even though there was LOTS AVAILABLE at the warehouse, the market had no CANOLA oil due to the INEPT buyer accepting a LOUSY VERBAL agreement from his supplier instead of getting it in writing.”

    • Too funny! I had to go back and look up my link too! I wasn’t sure where you were going with this…I never read through it when I posted it..I was just thinking of the similarity between the 2 puzzles. You did mention Svengoolie then too! 😂 It must have left quite an impression…What’s funnier, is that I remember these catch phrases, and idioms at the drop of a hat, (now “that” would make a good puzzle solve)! and yet I can’t seem to digest Paul’s numerical road to fruition! What is it with me and numbers? 😂😂 Idiom Savant indeed! 😉 And great coupling of Lots/Available and Lousy/Verbal. 👏🏻👏🏻. Excellently done! Be well, Steve. Stay safe…🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Thanks Angela, same to you. I wish we were using the phrase “Safe at home” in a different context right now, but it will have to do for awhile. ⚾️ 🙋🏻‍♂️

        • Yeah, right? Instead of seeing the numbers be what’re sliding up…🤷🏻‍♀️

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