Jumble Answers for 08/24/2019












Good Morning  Everyone!       ⚾️ SAVE-TY IN NUMBERS⚾️

 🎶And now we’re standing FACE to FACE ...Isn’t this world a crazy place? Just when I thought our chance had passed...You go and SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST…🎶Save The Best For Last” – Vanessa Williams 1991

⚾️ I think a Baseball Manager would love to CLONE his men,
You get those Pitchers with strong arms…you get security then…
You never FROWN on Closers, without them where’d we be?
But get a Bullpen with them both? You’re winning EASILY
Imagine if a MERGER? You take the best of both…
And build yourself a Super Star? Boy then you’d really gloat…
Until that day though…here’s the key to keep a game from grief,
Know when to pull your Starter…and bring in WELCOME RELIEF! ⚾️

I feel like I’m being thrown a CURVE BALL, because I’m really finding it a little hard to believe, but could it be possible that we’ve never seen CLONE or MERGER in our puzzles before? And I’m pretty sure I’ve FOLLOWED THROUGH and COVERED all the BASES too…I really searched. Emerge is RUNNING rampant, and we’ve had MERGER as a puzzle answer way back on August 13th, 2011…but Merger as an anagram? Nope, I STRUCK OUT. And CLONE? How familiar does that sound? IDK, maybe it’s just me…maybe I PLAY around with these words so much that it’s all STARTING to blur…Anyway, EASILY was in PLAY on 03/25/18, and FROWN, the OLD TIMER, STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE in 2012 and 2015. And while the Early Birds didn’t find themselves PULLING back on any of our words, there was the slightest bit of a BALK at FROWN…Ok…Now LET’S PLAY BALL!!

Today we find ourselves standing at the PITCHER’S Mound, on a Baseball Field somewhere in America…and our puzzle’s dealing with Major League Baseball Pitchers…The Starters, and the RELIEVERS. For those not familiar with the Sport, a RELIEF PITCHER basically is brought into the game when the Starting Pitcher needs to be REPLACED…or RELIEVED. He can be a CLOSER. He can come in to SAVE the game, and close it out. And most times, it’s a RELIEF to see him brought in, because often at this point in a game, the team is most likely in a bit of a bind. Not always, but for the most part. And seeing that man WALK out onto the FIELD is quite often…A WELCOME RELIEF! Way to go, David! You’ve HIT another one OUT OF THE PARK!

Ok, eye candy. The background shows a SERIES of small arcs, representing fans in the stands. Each of the men, DECKed out in light blue Jerseys, with navy caps and pants, has the “look” of a “real” person, suggesting they were purposely drawn in someones’ image. The Pitchers’ Plate, or Rubber is visible on the Mound. We see our struggling Starter, a SOUTHPAW, looking a little rattled but smiling, RELIEVED to give up the Ball, with our Manager telling him to HIT the shower, as he reassuringly pats him on the shoulder. Lines of motion can be seen. (But the Starter wouldn’t be handing the ball over to his Replacement, he’d be giving the ball to the Manager). We see our Reliever, whose distinctive mustache is putting me in mind of Goose Gossage. And then…we see the little details, the DIAMONDS, so to speak. In gold. The printed “J” on the caps. The somewhat cursive “J” (strangely reminiscent of the old Expos logo font), on the Jerseys, with the center circle being a Baseball. But the HOME RUN here? If you look real CLOSEly at the Patch on the Relievers’ sleeve? It reads “65th Anniversary“. We’re at a JUMBLES GAME, Folks…and the Patch represents 65 years of Jumble PLAY! Congratulations, Guys, and nice details, Jeff. So, There you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone! And always keep in mind…One must never HIT the UMP…Because, you know…The Umpire STRIKES Back….⚾️🙋🏻



36 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 08/24/2019

  1. For some ROSIN, I thought I wouldn’t SWING it, with the word CLONE being so restrictive, but once I WARMED UP, and tried a SECOND and THIRD APPROACH, I MANAGED to DELIVER, and get it OVER THE PLATE….⚾️🙋🏻

    ° With the MERGER hanging in the balance, he noticed them FROWN, as they tried to make it clear that they weren’t looking to CLONE the company’s principles, they just wanted production to flow more EASILY, which would be a WELCOME RELIEF…

    ° Admiring his brother, he emulated him…
    And people uttered the word CLONE, albeit with a grin…
    As if there were a MERGER, he EASILY fell into,
    Adopting all his brothers’ ways…as time went by it grew.
    You never saw him with a FROWN, he never had a beef…
    But individuality would prove WELCOME RELIEF…

  2. Good morning. Finally I have my mojo back. No problem with the words,they were pretty easy. The cartoon took a little time with 13 letters. About the only time you would not be happy with a relief pitcher coming in is if you were Mets pitcher deGrom. They usually blow the game for him. Nice job Angela. Was her song used for the James Bond movie.? Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Good Morning, Brooklyn. Tell me about it. Poor guy. and he even contributed with a long one. SMH. Tough, tough loss. Anyway…l’m glad to hear you’re feeling better with the puzzle, It was pretty straightforward..As long as you know about Relief Pitchers! 😉 And thanks so much for the Shout Out…But the music? I don’t think there’s any connection with James Bond…Maybe you’re thinking of another song? ⚾️🙋🏻

  3. As the company executive exited the meeting with a FROWN on his face, it was EASILY seen that the proposed MERGER with the competitive business across the state didn’t materialize, even though each was a CLONE of the other.

    • Good Morning, Chuck. Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻.Heard you guys had a tiny bit of a nip in the air this morning…A WELCOME RELIEF from the rain and humidity, right? Enjoy the beautiful weather! ⚾️🙋🏻

      • Yes, Angela. It went down to about 53 degrees last night and was a welcome relief. I hope your day is proceeding nicely.

        • Nice little respite from the August weather. And thank you for asking, my days going well. 🙋🏻

  4. We’re on the road again on twin watch(girls not Minn Twins)in Dixon so I had to access the Jumble online.Easily gave me reason to pause,but relief quickly followed by welcome, with the w being one of the letters led to a quick solve.

    • Good Morning, Professor! You are one hell of a traveling man! 😉 And I agree. As I told Paul, if you know Baseball, the solve was an EASY OUT…Have a great time with the kids, Prof! ⚾️🙋🏻

  5. No problem with the words or cartoon answer this morning. Thought it was a clever puzzle – a welcome relief for the end of the week. Happy Saturday all.

  6. Hi all – EASILY would have taken the longest, but was quickly solved by putting LY at the end. RELIEF was obvious, and a glance at the remaining letters showed WELCOME.

    The talk of cloning baseball players brought to mind the classic Twilight Zone episode “The Mighty Casey” which had an unhittable robot pitcher.
    Also, George Plimpton’s fictional pitcher Sidd Finch, who could supposedly throw 168 MPH.

    Angela, I seem to remember MERGE appearing in the clues, right? (But not MERGER, I guess.)

    Happy Saturday everyone, and happy 65th anniversary to Jumble.

    “You could EASILY tell the difference after the MERGER of the biotech firms, because each CLONE they produced now wore a FROWN”.

  7. I would say Jim Leyland as the manager, any rookie as the pitcher, and Dennis Eckersley as the reliever!

    • Hi Clay, Good call! 👏🏻👏🏻 You may definitely be in the BALLPARK! Eckersley did achieve greater fame as a Reliever, and the ‘stache does look about right! And there is a resemblance to Leyland. Nicely PLAYED! ⚾️🙋🏻.

    • Eckersley was my first thought too, but when I looked up his pictures, he *always* had the moustache tips carefully curled, and then I thought Gossage.

        • Funny coincidence – Goose Gossage was mentioned in a Chronicle story today as being one of four Hall of Famers who have played for both the Giants and the A’s (the two teams play each other today and tomorrow at The Coliseum.)

          • I think the Goose played for just about the entire Franchise! 😉 And he was always good for a story…I’m going to see if the Chron lets me in…,⚾️🙋🏻

      • LOL! Look at that #1 Rollie Fingers ‘stash curl! – I figured it couldn’t have been him in the Jumble today. The Goose at #3, Eck at #7, and even the worthy Keith Hernandez made the cut (or didn’t have it cut as the case may be.) 😂🙋🏻‍♂️

        • Keith still looks adorable with that mustache of his…Too funny…all of it. 👨🏻🙋🏻

  8. Good Afternoon to the folks in the East and good morning to all those in the West. Not to CLONE everyone else, I got the words EASILY, and when I got MERGER with with a sigh of RELIEF with Welcome, I turned my FROWN upside down. Now I’m off to see what Eugene Sheffer has in store for me . Hope everybody has a fun day because SUNDAY is six letter day. Sonny.

    • Hey Sonny. (I’m just sticking with Hey this time)…😉 I see we have another PLAYER in the house! Welcome. It’s always fun to see how differently people make the words PLAY out…And you seem to be a worthy contender! 👏🏻👏🏻.Enjoy your X-word Puzzle! Have a good one! ⚾️🙋🏻

      • Angela.
        I know, and it;s all your fault. Something just came over me when I saw FROWN and then upside down just came and POW! I couldn’t stop myself. 🙂

        • ROTFL! Really? My fault, huh? Yea, I got it like that! 😂 Sure, why not…It should be the worst thing I take the rap for today! 😂😂 Well, I’m not apologizing…And as you said before, tomorrow’s the 6-letter day. So…Fasten your seat belt, Sonny…it’s going to be a bumpy ride”! 😉🙋🏻

        • Sonny – I’m still chuckling! So,this is for you….😉🙋🏻

          For those with the proclivity to play this game we play,
          One only needs to meld the words of any given day…
          The only rule we stand on, just like the Jumble states,
          Is proper names are taboo, no “Frank” or “Golden” Gate…
          Besides that, we’re wide open, imagination’s key,
          It’s not a competition…just let your thoughts run free…
          But trust me it’s addictive, and pretty soon you’ll find,
          The words will permeate your thoughts…and settle in your mind.
          So make your choice most carefully…and should you join our game?
          You may find yourself hooked, Sonny…and I’m not taking blame!

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