Jumble Answers for 04/15/2019












Happy Monday, Jumble fans! April 15th is also Tax Day so if you’ve procrastinated over the past couple of months, you have until midnight tonight to get those forms postmarked. On a brighter note, it’s also Boston Marathon Monday, and if you’re in Maine or Massachusetts, it’s Patriot’s Day!

David and Jeff decided to offer up a tax-themed puzzle this morning which, quite honestly, was as easy as filling out a 1040ez form. All of our clue words ended up being familiar favorites while three of the four anagrams came up as new. The odd one out was KNEAT as it was used on 9/29/14. It was also the oldest clue word of the day and was jumbled as KENTA the last time we saw it on 2/7/17. All of the solutions were instantly visible upon first glance so I’ll forgo choosing one as the most difficult to decipher. On an interesting note, KNEAT was the early leader in our difficulty poll but was overtaken by NSDALI shortly after 5am.

My heart goes out to the two Jumble characters that we see in today’s cartoon. They both appear to be exhausted as they scramble to finish up their tax paperwork. I had that same crushing feeling a few ago as I prepared ours but thankfully without that midnight deadline.

The setting appears to be a home office and we see a plethora of paperwork and receipts on the desk. Everything on the desk appears to be stacked in neat piles though in attempt to control the chaos. The gentleman is seated hunched over in a chair as he pours over the numbers with a dull pencil and a calculator to print out his work. There’s also a spare roll of paper on the desk just in case he runs out. The tiny bottle of liquid paper was a well placed detail, but my favorite out of all of them was the “I ❀️ Jumble” coffee mug. We last saw it in a cartoon on 2/27/19 and it’s still available for purchase HERE.

The final solve was an anagram consisting of 6-letters and didn’t require rocket science to figure out. The X and T coupled at the front of the layout brought the whole answer into view for a speedy finish. Have a terrific start to your week everyone, and I’ll see you all right back here tomorrow!









29 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 04/15/2019

  1. Good morning. Sitting at DMV waiting for the system to go back up so I can renew my drivers license. It opened at 8:30 and went down right away. Today’s jumble was not your typical Monday one,at least not for me. The words made you think for a change. The cartoon came to me after writing down the letters. Until tomorrow stay well.

  2. Having just TAKEN first prize in the JIGSAW puzzle contest which was held on an exotic ISLAND, the woman proceeded to EXUDE extreme happiness.

    • Well done, Chuck! Here’s my attempt:

      The family EXUDED frustration as the JIGSAW puzzle of an ISLAND had TAKEN most of the evening to complete.

      • Good Morning, Everyone!
        …And mine…Nice job guys…πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» I used JIGSAW in its other context…

        Β° He was TAKEN aback and found it so TAXING, that as he traced the outline of the Coney ISLAND puzzle, the JIGSAW seemed to EXUDE a burning smell…

    • Hey Guys…Notice…The English language is so amazing…And goes to show how you’ll hear people, taking it on as a second language, speak about its’ idiosyncrasies and quirks…We’ve all three TAKEN it upon ourselves to use TAKEN in three different veins…πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ™‹πŸ»

      • Great sentences, and good observation Angela! And then we can start talking about the British!

        • Thanks, G. It’s just one of so many such words in our language. And it can be so confusing…Here, I’ve penned (which describes animal enclosures also)! πŸ˜‰ two different poems, and both also show how our words can be used so differently: πŸ™‹πŸ»

          Β° Somewhat a JIGSAW puzzle, it has TAKEN people down,
          The TAXING feat of filing causes most of us to frown…
          While no man is an ISLAND, no one here can save your neck,
          Unless someone creative helps you muddle through the dreck.
          A taxman so proficient, he’ll EXUDE confidence rare…
          And the choice is yours to go along…the IRS to dare!

          Β° He wanted a new JIGSAW, this old one had grown dull,
          He searched all through the choices…a lot it was to mull.
          He wanted a new ISLAND built, remodeling the Kitchen,
          The saw would help EXUDE some hope, since no one there would pitch in…
          They all had TAKEN leave last week…he’s no time for relaxing…
          The Kitchen must get finished…even though the job’s so TAXING!

          • Nice! Since you PENNED those words, I’ll share a sentence about the guy in Australia who was killed by his pet bird.
            He should have been cassAware-y and cassoWary of his cassowary. πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

            • I don’t know if you’re just randomly joking, and it’s a weird coincidence.. but do you know that this really did happen to a 75-year old man in Florida on Friday? πŸ˜ŸπŸ™‹πŸ»

              • What an insanely horrible way to die…I’m watching the news and the fire at Notre Dame…unbelievable…so sad..πŸ˜₯

      • It would have TAKEN me all day to have noticed that, Angela. Kudos to you for observing that!!

        • LOL! EYE thank you, Chuck! (Pun intended in answer to your NOTICE)! πŸ˜‰ …As I just told Steve, it’s a LOT (an open field), more common than we realize. I think the word is Homograph? Spelt the same but with different meanings? As compared to Homonyms which “sound” alike with different meanings…(i.e.) Fare and Fair, Pair and Pear, etc, but are spelt differently? And then, of COARSE…(πŸ˜‰), there’s those words that BOTH SOUND THE SAME AND ARE SPELT THE SAME…they’re both homonyms (same sound) and homographs (same spelling). Example: lie (untruth) and lie…See..I told you it was confusing! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But as frustrating as it can be, it’s also very fascinating, don’t you think? ….Well to us English as a first language folks, anyway. But, to those ESL folks, it’s definitely a challenge…πŸ€”πŸ™‹πŸ»

  3. It can be a taxing day indeed. I was at the post office last week and thinking how, thanks to e-filing there don’t seem to be such long lines anymore. Several of the post offices in the city used to stay open until midnight on April 15th. There would be postal clerks with big bins standing outside and a queue of cars lined up waiting to drop off their huge tax forms. Hope all of you have a good Monday.

    • Hi Betty. It’s so funny that you mention this. We were speaking about it yday over dinner. For years I was working in the city, right in the vicinity of the main Post Office at 31-33rd Sts, and 8th Avenue, which is open 24/7. It was a zoo on Tax Day. There’s a very, very long wide flight of stairs leading up to its front entrance, and at any given time you’d see people sitting there…eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, reading, sunbathing, participating in PDA’s πŸ™„! etc, etc…But on 4/15, there’d be clowns…(after all it IS the government)! πŸ˜‰ and free coffee and snack foods being given out, Uncle Sam on stilts, and entertainment of all kinds. We’d hang out just to watch the show! And 9 out of 10 nights over the years, as I’d be leaving for home…time ranging anywhere from 4PM to 11, the crowds would still be there. It definitely was a sight. And now, as you’ve said…there’s no need to venture out anymore..Things are better….but no where near as exciting! πŸ˜‚ Happy Monday to you too, Betty. πŸ”’πŸ’ΈπŸ™‹πŸ»

        • LOL! I know, Betty..right? It was so entertaining! We’d even see a few guys walking around in white jackets with stethoscopes hanging from their necks! And I know one for a fact was a real Doctor, because a girlfriend of mine was so TAKEN with his good looks, that she started up a conversation with him…and ended up marrying the guy! And they’re STILL (which can also mean an apparatus for distilling alcohol)! πŸ˜‰ filing those JOINT (which can also mean some reefer, or a skeletal structure…or prison)!!! πŸ˜‰ returns! You can’t make this stuff up! It was all so much fun..And no one ever called out sick on April 15th! I was always confident that I’d have a full STAFF..(which can also mean a rod or a scepter)! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™‹πŸ»

  4. Puzzle was the easiest in awhile for me.My son did our taxes a week ago Friday on Turbo tax,and we got our refund within a week,all online.No paper forms,or US postage system involved.

  5. Hi all – TAKEN took an extra look to verify that the KN didn’t go together. Then JIGSAW took me the longest until I separated the two parts of the word.

    I’d forgotten all about Patriot’s Day, Mike. And if the Marathon’s today, it must mean the Red Sox are at home also. I hope those are the Marathon runners, and not the Sox being chased out of town! Β πŸ˜‚
    Also, it wasn’t until you pointed out the bottle of White-Out correction fluid that it dawned on me how retro the whole picture is. A printing calculator, pencils, paper, that cute extra roll of paper held together with the piece of tape – surely now he’d be using tax software on a computer.

    Have a great day, everyone!
    I have an early dental checkup and some chores, so see you later.

    • Exactly, Steve. And don’t you think there’s a resemblance to Jeff and Kathy? πŸ€”πŸ™‹πŸ»

    • I’m watching the game right now, Steve. Even though they’re down 4-0, I don’t see any fans filing out of Fenway!

      It did have a dated feel and at first I thought it was JK & KK. Oh, and I especially liked (but forgot to mention) the roll of paper flowing over the back of the desk in a ribbon formation. So well drawn!

      • Hey Mike…Right? There is a remblance to them both, but definitely a harried looking one. And this guy in the cartoon “seems” Southpaw-dominant, while Jeff is right-handed. Although this guy looks pretty adept at the calculator too, no? And then there’s the coffee cup, stationed by his right hand, where a right-handed person would place it….It’s a bit confusing…HAND it to Jeff, right?….Or left? πŸ˜‰ Good luck with your game! We’ve had rain all night into morning, and now it’s on and off..πŸ™‹πŸ»

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