Jumble Answers for 12/07/2018










Good Morning, Everyone!                🐛 GRUB-A-DUB-DUB 🐛

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on…🎶 “Space Oddity” – David Bowie 1969     https://tinyurl.com/y97ao3fn

🐛 As many of you surely know, Grubs in the grass remain
One of the things we dread to find, a gardeners true bane.
Those TORRID days we spend outdoors, trying to cultivate
A stretch of grass to GLOAT over, a display quite first rate…
We chase away the TOMCAT, the rabbits and such ilk…
Our SUNNY dispositions hoping to grow grass like silk.
But Grubs show up and oft times tend to definitely take its’ toll
And we’re left high and dry as we perform our GROUND CONTROL🐛

So, Fellow Jumblers, we’ve sucSEEDED in drawing another work week of Jumbling to a close…and as our week winds down, we find that all of todays’ words have been PLANTED here before. The one word that stopped 7 of the 11 Early Bird Jumblers dead in their TRACTS this morning, and had them SCRATCHING their heads, is TOMCAT, one of those oft times complicated compound words. …And it just so happens to be the oldest of the group today, having last appeared way back on August 6th, 2015, and anagrammed as MOACTT. There was also a very slight PAWS at TORRID, but GLOAT and SUNNY easily SHONE through…

Once again today, we find ourselves outdoors in a field of GRASS. Jeff’s LANDED us onto the GROUNDS of the Lyndon B Johnson Space Center, in Houston, Texas. This is where Spaceflight training, research and flight CONTROL take place. You know, the GROUND work…We see three LANDSCAPERS, one most likely an Environmental Engineer, whom I’ll call Tom Jones, and two other GROUNDSkeepers, named HOEmer and DRAKE. Tom is kneeling, as is Hoemer, inspecting the dead patches of GRASS that have been caused by GRUBS. It’s most likely mid-summer, (which is when we usually see this type of damage) and the white C-shaped larvae of various beetles and chafers, has unfortunately FEASTED themselves into our SOIL and eaten away at our GRASS ROOTS...We see Tom turning and HOEmer tugging on pieces of the TURF. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that when GRUBS are the culprits, the dead patch rolls up just like a carpet, and you can easily see that it has no roots. It’s totally ROOTless! But our dialogue is telling us, that desBLIGHT the presence of these intruders, our men stay calm and in CONTROL, and remain solidly GROUNDED. GRUB Spray is mentioned as a solution, and we feel assured that it’ll definitely sucSEED  in restoring the 🎶Green, Green Grass of Loam…🎶 So, in answer to our question…The LANDSCAPERS specialized in…GROUND CONTROL!…And that about COVERS IT! Good one, David…MEALY good one!

Ok, eye candy…We see two beige-bricked buildings, with a large structural sign identifying it as the Johnson Space Center. The NASA logo is featured, which is a Sphere representing a Planet, the Stars representing Space, the Red Chevron, in the alternate shape of the constellation Andromeda, (which is a Wing representing Aeronautics), and then the orbiting Spacecraft going around the Wing. There’s also a logo displayed on both HOEmer and Drakes hats, and HOEmers’ shirt, that appears to be a triangled Blade of GRASS. There’s a large black and white Aircraft at the backGROUND, off to the right. DRAKE, at left, is holding a rake, and a small utility bucket’s behind him. He’s wearing black PLANTS, I mean pants, and his shirt is teal. HOEmer, kneeling off to the right, wears jeans and a navy shirt. But it’s Tom who provides us with the candy today. He’s wearing white gloves…White gloves? To work in the GROUND? Hmm..I think we’ll need some exSTAINing here…He’s digging with a three-pronged Cultivator, and he’s a leftie! I’ll give you a big HAND for that Jeff! He’s dressed in black pants, to match his tie, a brown vest, and a white shirt. But the cute little treat that I KNEEded  to see this morning? He’s wearing khaki-colored KNEE PADS! I just really FELL for those! So, There you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone! Bye, bye…GROW Long! 🐛🙋🏻

22 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 12/07/2018

  1. Avoiding the TORRID SUNNY daylight hours allowed the TOMCAT to GLOAT about his nighttime forays.
    Had to pause at TOMCAT for a while and it appeared here before my debut. The solution was fairly easy and I did not need to write out the circled letters.
    Have a stress-free weekend, all.

    • Good Morning, Earl. I felt the answer a given also, and a very clever one to boot. I know TOMCAT arrived here way before Steve and I also, (we entered as a duo)! and when I went back to check, there were no comments for that day, so I couldn’t guage how difficult the readers may have found it back then. And I SEED that once again, we’re on the same TRACT with our thoughts..👏🏻👏🏻.and “showcased” our TOM’s “travels”! 😉 Wishing you a great day, Earl! 🐱🙋🏻

      Go ahead and GLOAT, he thought, but I’d still rather be known as a TORRID TOMCAT, instead of a SUNNY Siamese…😉

  2. Agree on tomcat being a stumbling word,but torrid was also second.Ground came quickly with control not as quickly.All in all a not too difficult a puzzle.

    • Hi Professor, Good Morning. Yes, they both were masterfully anagrammed 6-letter words. I really enjoyed the tie-in of the GROUND CONTROL so dominant with both the LAWN care and the Johnson Space Center. It seemed to give it away, and I picked the phrase right up from it. It was beyond clever..I found it ingenious! Have a good one, Chuck! 🐛🚀🙋🏻

  3. Good morning. Angela and Earl,Thanks a lot!! After reading what you two said about the cartoon answer,you ruined it for me. I was starting to think I was clairvoyant because,the answer came in a blink of an eye. The last couple of days had been easy for me. Agree that Tomcat was the hardest of the four words. After switching the letters around,I noticed what it was. After looking at the cartoon answer I looked up Grub to see if I could get a clue to the answer. I do not have a lawn. I have what you would call “An Italian Lawn”. Now don’t get mad at me,it might just be a Brooklyn thing. It means I have all cement in the back yard. Once I realized grub had nothing to do with the answer,the answer came right away. Another cute finish. Reminds me of duty watch on the line in Gitmo. Pitch black out and no one in sight and you can hear the wild dogs howling in the background. Just enough suspense to make darn sure you don’t fall asleep under a wheelwell. Earl and Angela, great job. The sentence was purrrrfect. The song choice plus poem and puns were The cats meow. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Brooklyn! How could you? An Italian lawn? You trying to kill me here? Does Marie know about this????😂😂 TBT, I’ve never heard that, and you know I’m born and bred! But as far as the answer, it was pretty much a Gimme, even though you don’t give yourself enough credit…You’re good at this, you just need a little more patience! 😉 Thanks for the Shout Outs, and I guess I’ll let you slide…only because I know you were smart enough to marry an Italian woman! 😉 Otherwise? MEOW!!!🙄 Have a good one, Brooklyn! 😘🙋🏻

      • Oh come on. You never heard of that expression. Were you living in a closet? Marie knows what that means. And as for patience, unfortunately I’m lacking in that. I was so much in a hurry to get here I came two months earlier. That’s a whole story in itself. You were right that I was lucky and smart enough to marry an Italian. Thanks for the laugh.

        • Brooklyn, I swear. I wouldn’t lie to you. I’ve never heard it. And I haven’t had a chance to ask any of my cousins that I grew up with. What can I say? I’m not even sure I get the meaning, because everybody I know loves their lawn! 😂 Anyway, A premie, huh? That may explain things! 😂😂 I’m glad I gave you a laugh…I was laughing too…Have a good night, Brooklyn…😘🙋🏻

  4. Another vote for tomcat. Didn’t seem like it should be difficult but it took me the longest to figure out. No problem with the cartoon answer. Saw ground first and then control fell into place. I too was unfamiliar with the word grub in reference to a lawn. Paul, you are not alone. I too have what we refer to out here as an “Italian Backyard” (and I’m of Italian heritage) so that term is not confined to the East Coast. There are 75 new Jumble puzzles on the app as of yesterday so will get to that next. Happy Friday everyone.

    • Hi Betty, Good Morning. I guess I’m familiar with Grubs, because I had them here in my Italian grass! 😂😂! Too funny! I have to ask my cousins if we know about this pavement thing! I have a good amount of property, and I have pavers in my back, but I have a good stretch of lawn back there too..where I plant my tomatoes and basil, etc.and flowers… And I have my lawn in front, where I plant flowers and bushes and have my trees…This Concrete Jungle talk has me stumped! 😂😂 And yes, TOMCAT was tricky..those compound words can be a stretch sometimes…The new puzzles? I got a notification last night…but I’m trying to be patient, and haven’t peeked yet! Have a great day, Betty! Don’t do them all at once! 🐛🙋🏻

  5. Hi all – Yes, TOMCAT took the longest (almost ATOMIC). Wrote the other letters to see GROUND in the answer, and then CONTROL appeared, then backed into the last word.

    Looking out at the other felines in the snow, the huge TOMCAT got to GLOAT about the TORRID temperature inside his SUNNY window.

    Quoting the Vatican which was quoting David Bowie, 🎵”Check ignition, and may God’s love be with you.”🎵 Ground Control to Major Tom, the grass is dead; there’s something wrong. Can you dig it, Major Tom?

    I knew that the Andromeda galaxy is the closest to ours, but after all my stargazing and “Sky Guide” app, I didn’t know that there was an Andromeda constellation that it took its name from, or anything about the NASA logo; thanks Angela!

    Have a great day everyone!
    I hope I soon have TORRID water coming out of my faucets.

    PS – are we talking about the Just Jumble app? I don’t see any updates for the app store on my phone or pad.

    • Hey Steve…Yes, Just Jumble. Take another look, it came out as an update y’day….Nice sentence..👏🏻👏🏻 At least your cat wasn’t out there creating all kinds of TOMfoolery! (You know I’m sooooo not a Cat person) .😉 And I would have sworn that the phrase GROUND CONTROL would have automatically come to you…Maybe I was just GRUBbing at Straws! 😉 Thanks for the Shout Out, Bud…but it wasn’t Rocket Science! 😂😂 Gotta love that good old Internet…Hope ..🎶The heat is on…🎶 soon. Have a good one, G! 🐛🚀🙋🏻

    • Steve..The guys are on FB too as of three hours ago, announcing it. Big picture of them both and a big accompanying post…Have you managed to get it? 🤔🙋🏻

      • Thanks for the info! No, I haven’t gotten a notification yet, and if I look in the app store manually, it just says “open”, not “update”. I’m sure it will show up soon, and I’ll let you know. Maybe they roll it out to different parts of the country at different times to avoid overload (?) 🙋🏻‍♂️

        • That can’t be, Steve, because it’s on FB, and besides Betty has it. If you go into the App Store, down at the bottom right, do you have Updates numbered? Mine updated itself…

          • I just now used the link in their Facebook message, and that took me to the update, so thanks again! Don’t know what was going on before. 🙋🏻‍♂️

              • I don’t have a FB account and don’t need one to read many posts, like that one. 🙋🏻‍♂️

              • I had no idea you could do that…I’m on it for years, but I don’t use it. I just go on when I get a nonfiction that there’s pictures of the kids…The announcement’s on Twitter too, but I didn’t mention that to you beause you told me you don’t Tweet either! 😉 I’m just glad you got it…I’m showing great restraint..I haven’t done a single one yet ..I’m too busy! 😂🙋🏻

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