Jumble Answers for 11/30/2018







Good Morning, Everyone!               πŸ„πŸ» WAVE OF THE FUTURE? πŸ„πŸ»

🎢 Let’s go SURFIN‘ now, Everybody’s learning how…Come on and safari with me
Come on and safari with me…🎢 ” Surfin’ Safari” – The Beach Boys   1962 https://tinyurl.com/ya56tjg6

πŸ„πŸ» I give a surfer credit, it takes real nerves of steel,
To get aboard with riding waves, at least that’s how I feel.
One needs be BRASH and unafraid, while at the oceans’ mercy…
And magical they seem to me…Just like the Goddess Circe.
I’m sure there’s things of TABOO, they keep amongst their peers,

And yet they all get out there, FACADE or not of fears…
So is it SCARCE to give oneself to monstrous waves toward?
I guess not to these guys who love their lives ACROSS THE BOARD! πŸ„πŸ»

Today once again our words are all Sweet Repeats, with SCARCE having appeared earlier this month on the 2nd. TABOO, last seen on August 1st, was anagrammed exactly the same, and was the “unspeakable” word that day…but so far this morning it hasn’t stumped any of the Early Birds. Our oldest word, BRASH, has been seen twice, August 2015, and September 2016, and FACADE last appeared on October 15th of 2017…And as I’m sure most of you may have guessed by now, “Decaf” was definitely not on the menu this morning! SCARCE has brought in a murmur or two, but nothing this morning has caused a WIPE OUT…

If you’re feeling a WAVE of nostalgia looking at our puzzle today, it may be because once again the Jumble brings a familiar theme to the SURFace. Having had a SURFING puzzle on April 7th, and again on May 9th, one may not have expected to see the subject here now, in winter. But I guess the Jumble Guys are BEACHY keen on the sport, and think it’s SWELL. Our scene today opens upon a blue-washed panel. Standing in a SURF SHOP, which I believe to be in Hawaii, we see two men discussing not the rising WAVES, but the rising cost of Surf BOARDS. The Surfer there to rent, is asking the proprietor if he’s PULLED UP the prices, since he didn’t intend to WIPE OUT his bank account just to SURF. But let’s face it, Folks, no matter what we’re CURRENTly in the market for, SURFice to say, the price has gone UP. With that in mind, the owner of the Shop is seen telling him..”SHORE, I did, I added 20% to everything”. And he’s also added new price tags, which are seen posted…ACROSS each BOARD. Good one, David! The prices rose…ACROSS THE BOARD! A perfect (HANG) TEN!

Ok, eye candy…Each BOARD has a Yellow banner ACROSS it, with prices reading left to right…$400, on the Blue Flowered one, $600 on the Brown one with the Black Stripe, and $550 on the Red one with the Lightning Bolt. The BOARD lying at front on a SEAhorse is marked at $700. Our SURFER, in bare feet, wears a Green shirt, with Red Flower-patterned shorts. The owner is clad in Blue, and wears Brown sandals. Looking very closely, there appears to be a tiny “J” on his shorts. There’s a window to the left of the panel, and we can see a woman, clad in a bikini, HANGING EIGHT. And off on the WAVES, we have Jeff’s endearing signature sinking Sailboat. But what really caught my eye this morning? Two things…The first BOARD is patterned with Hibiscus, which is the State Flower of Hawaii. They’re not colored Yellow, but I’m pretty SHORE Jeff meant them to be. And the real BIG KAHUNA of the day? HANGING around the Shop owners neck, we can see a MAKAU, the Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook Necklace, which symbolizes strength and is said to provide good luck and safe journey when out on the WATER. And that’s what HOOKED me…So, There you have it, Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone! And keep in mind…WHY POUT about things? It’s a proven fact that where there’s a will…there’s a WAVE! So we may just as SWELL smile…and  RIDE IT OUT! πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

14 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 11/30/2018

  1. Money was SCARCE and became a TABOO subject around the BRASH young financier when his success appeared nothing but a FACADE.
    Relatively easy Jumble Puzzle for a Friday. No difficulties with the words or the solution.
    Have a good day everyone.

    • Same to you, Earl, and I agree…Both with your feelings toward the puzzle and your sentences’ sentiment…There seems to be a whole new crop of up and coming Gordon Gekkos out there today…Hoping the predicted wet weather weekend brings you rain instead of snow…πŸ™‹πŸ»

        • Earl, I thought I did before you asked..Sorry I got distracted. Done…and it won’t even COST ya! πŸ˜‰ Have a good one! πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

  2. Good morning. Great job Angela from the song choice to the poem and puns. I had little trouble with the words today. Having never tried surfing when it came time to the cartoon answer I had a wipe out. I drew a complete blank. After seeing the answer I realized I should have had a V-8. It looks so simple when you staring at the solution. As always the puzzle comes in the junk mail but today it had extra writings on it and I was unable to open it. I had to use the calendar to get today’s jumble. Thank goodness for the back entry. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Good Morning, Brooklyn. Thanks for the Shout Outs,..As you said, it was a fun easy puzzle. As for the answer, I found it amusing that the hike in prices was reflected in the price tags that the owner placed ACROSS THE BOARDS! It was a brilliant move on Jeff’s part. The answer came to me immediately because of that…And as for those V-8 moments..they’re really something, huh? Knock you right over! πŸ˜‰!! I didn’t realize that your email was still going into your junk folder. I wish I could tell you why. But I guess it’s better than not getting it at all. A lot of quirky little things seem to happen with these emails. This morning, I didn’t even receive mine until 20 minuted after I posted it. It may not be for the same reasons, but it SHORE seems odd…Anyway, I’m glad you got to it just the same. Wishing you a good one, Paul. Ciao, Bello! πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

  3. Taboo took me the longest for some reason today. I kept seeing aboot (Canadian for about?). Figured out board first in the puzzle answer and then across fell into place so it wasn’t too difficult after all. Happy Friday everyone.

    • Hi Betty. Good Morning. Canadian? Considering the brouhaha we had two weeks ago, with a non-English word, I think another one wouid SHOREly WIPE us OUT! πŸ˜‚ I do believe they’re TABOO right now! Glad you got on BOARD with the solve….And Happy Friday to you too! πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

      • Hey Prof…but you eventually saw the error of your WAVES, right? πŸ˜‰ Hope you’re enjoying your day, Chuck! πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

  4. This Jumble also has an alternative answer: ABOARD THE CROSS. There was a ship named Cross ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Cross ). That would say prices are increasing on that warship but not necessarily anywhere else. Also the fourth word, DECAAF, can be played on the piano, as well as its answer, FACADE, although I don’t know of any DECAAF or FACADE songs. But DECAAF is also a type of coffee, so maybe both the music and the coffee can be found at a coffeeshop or bistro.

    • Hi Jim…Where do I begin? Every time you hit me with an alternative theory…I mean answer, πŸ˜‰, you cause me to seriously shake my head….But as we speak, I’m in the throes of a vertigo attack, so sadly, it’s not an option. But rest assured, you have me bewildered as always. This ship you speak of? WATER you want me to do with this information? I’m drowning as it is! And as for the piano tunes..you get me so KEYED up, that I’m just going to let that one WASH RIGHT OVER ME. But if you NOTE, I did make a DECAF comment in my post…and there is Sinatra’s 🎢The Coffee Song🎢…but whatever your GROUNDS are for bringing up music is beyond me. I tell you, Jim..If I felt WIPED OUT before, you’ve SHOREly UPped the ante! So with this all having been said, I’m just going to ask for a WAVEr., and SHOULDER on the best I can…πŸ˜‚ HANG in there, Jim…πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

  5. Hi all – Got TABOO with the double letter trick and had to look twice for BRASH. SCARCE took the longest, until trying SC together. Then the answer couldn’t contain HIGHER, FASTER, or WAVES, but when I began to write the answer, the first letter B made BOARD and the rest appear.

    Great song and details, Angela. There are certainly enough surfing songs to choose from, and it’s hard to find a bad one.

    I have more errands to run right now, so I’ll just wish you all a great Friday and weekend!

    • Hi Steve..Thanks for the Shout Outs…and I’m surprised you didn’t have an easier time getting OVER…πŸ˜‰ Have a good one, G! πŸ„πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

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