Jumble Answers for 05/28/2024


20 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 05/28/2024

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…🧗🏻‍♀️ HIGH EXPECTATIONS 🧗🏻‍♀️

    🎶 DON’T LOOK DOWN, I can feel it when your heart starts pounding…It’s beyond your control, you know it is… But it was RIGHT ON TIME…🎶 “Right On Time” – Brandi Carlile 2021 https://tinyurl.com/manv32bz

    🧗🏻‍♀️ They both had CHOSEN not to climb with the GROUP this time out,

    To them this mountain old-hat…they felt they had some clout…

    Together they would WHISK right through, and so from the beginning,

    Their pace was good…(and here’s where I am forced to deep-six INNING)

    So starting out with sunny skies on the 15th day of June… 

    They climbed and reached the summit, as they planned…right at HIGH NOON…🧗🏻‍♀️

    There’ll be no TERRAINing on your parade with this one, Folks…And no chance of being left HIGH and dry…’Cause this sPEAKS for itself…

    So…Today, a HIGH mountaintop…And our two climbers, MILEy HIGHrus and Jodie HOISTer started out on their morning climb PLANning = TIME, according to MILEy’s dialogue, to reach the top of the mountain by NOON. And with Jodie mentioning the SUN, which is at its HIGHest POINT at HIGH NOON, and the words SUMMIT and MOUNTAIN = HIGH, TOPped off with 12 PM = NOON, given to us in our question, this was a SCALE easy one…They reached the summit by…HIGH NOON https://tinyurl.com/yx265buz …And we’ve CRACKed another one. No CLIMB and Punishment here today…

    Jeff’s💎Gem? There, off to the left, out on the water, the Sinking Sailboat…a PINNACLE in his bag of SHTICKS…

    So, There you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…and this puzzle reminded me of my friend who tried twice to climb a mountain…but was forced to turn back both times because heavy FOG made him feel HILL..And with his HIGH expectations LOWered, and not being one to put much faith into the third time being the cHARM, he just completely SCALEd back on the whole idea…refusing to RAISE his hopes anymore…But ever true to the dramatic HIGH maintenance man he’d always been, for months following he was INCLINED to say that he MIST his window of opportunity …and of course blamed it on CLIMBate change…But after a while we just all had to tell him to take a HIKE…🧗🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. ⏰ At HIGH NOON the GROUP that had been CHOSEN to attend the game, sponsored by WHISK, was told that because of time restraints they’d have to leave by the 4th INNING… ⏰

    ⚾️ He was sitting in the center of the GROUP that he came with,
    When in the 7th INNING a ball happened to WHISK…
    …Right by his head…suffice to say he definitely felt frozen,
    And his friends laughed since the seat was the one that he had CHOSEN
    He shook his head so grateful that he hadn’t turned too soon…
    He likened it to the duel scene from the movie “HIGH NOON”⚾️

  3. …AND IN OTHER WORDS…🔠🙋🏻‍♀️

    GROUP: Last used – 1/02/2023 as ROPGU

    WHISK: Last used – 1/16/2024 as SHWIK

    CHOSEN: Last used – 8/01/2021 as SOHECN

    INNING: Last used – 9/09/2023 as NGININ

    HIGH NOON: Last used – 10/23/2009 as HIONHOGN


    GPURO: Used on – New anagram

    SHKIW: Used on – New anagram

    SOHNEC: Used on – New anagram

    GINNNI: Used on – 6/01/2014

    GOHIHONN: Used on – New anagram

  4. …AND OUT OF THE ARCHIVES…The puzzle of October 23,2009. Definitely a different twist…The qurstion that day…”Drinks at lunch can lead to this”…Solve: “HIGH” NOON…🍸🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. 🧗🏻‍♀️Climbing mountains not for faint of heart,
    But a thrill to a climber imparts…
    Long as one has the nerve,
    Instead of reserves…
    It’s like following belief Descartes…🧗🏻‍♀️

    🤷🏻‍♀️Tell yourself you can do it and plunge,
    Choice of word…maybe I should expunge…
    I meant if you believe,
    And the height you perceive…
    …To be nothing…then who’m I to judge…🤷🏻‍♀️

    👍🏻Our gals set out for their morning climb,
    With intentions to keep to a time,
    And had a steady pace,
    That they put into place…
    It’s their usual rhythm and rhyme…👍🏻

    ⌚️Miley we see is wearing the watch,
    Did she check it when they reached each arch?
    Or just leave it to fate…
    Right out of the gate?
    Confident that their plan they’d not botch…⌚️

    🧗🏻‍♀️Whatever our gal’s state of mind,
    Came high noon they had mastered their climb…
    Now they savor the sight,
    From beneath the sun’s light…
    And it’s all because they were inclined! 🧗🏻‍♀️

  6. This was another great jumble day following yesterdays ! Definitely a rewarding taco-Tuesday ! The anagrams were all there for me ! And the jumble just like Angela said , had the clues at your fingertips ! Time , high up , 12:00 , came right to me ! So yes Angela , very good description of the solve and Jeff’s gems is always interesting ! Let’s keep the week going and bring on a no-hump Wednesday tomorrow ! Everyone have a great HIGH NOON !!!!!!

  7. I’ll agree….one of the easiest and breeziest….and a sure confidence builder to start out my little daily puzzle regimen. As I took a first look at the cartoon puzzle, I almost caught a glimpse of Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly in the background, and I started to hum that little ditty. I’ll bet it crossed your mind, Angela. See you on Hump Day. Terry

  8. Good morning. This one was easier than yesterday’s for sure. Done in no time at all with even a blind solve. Forget taco Tuesday and go for a nice medium rare hamburger on this special day unless you overdid it yesterday with all the cook outs. Until tomorrow take care.

  9. We know the euphoric feeling

    That leaves our senses reeling

    We’re as high as the sky

    We feel we could fly

    We’ve finally reached the ceiling!

  10. This 103yr ole lady GOT it all so EASY EL have a good day I am in a facility I read my paper every day and bible book

  11. An incredibly easy Jumble day with anagrams and the obvious cartoon solution. Chuck.

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