Jumble Answers for 10/30/2023



10 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 10/30/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…I hope this finds you well…

    🎶 I know the stars are gonna leave us the later it gets…I know the moon is gonna disappear into the west…I know the sun is gonna come and steal your silhouette…But NOT YET, NOT YET…🎶 “Not Yet” – Brett Young 2021 https://tinyurl.com/y6xp7y3w

    🦍 Most likely he’ll yell, “YAHOO”…or something of the sort,
    I’m sure he won’t speak GENTLY should there be news to report…
    He’s out there in the cold…his parka ZIPPER pulled up high,
    He’s stalwart and cut from the cloth that goes by “Do or die”…
    It’s been his MOTTO for so long…this tracker who’s named Eddie…
    Has he caught sight of the Snowman? He answers…”No, NOT “YETI””…🦍

    It’s been more than a century now…and we still see a tracker on the never-ending quest to find the Abominable Snowman. https://tinyurl.com/375xaw33 …You’d think by now someone would have put their BIGFOOT down, and SASQUATCH-ed the whole thing…but no…And here today, we find another relentless tracker not YETI to give up the search…

    If it appears that Eddie is giving his inquisitor, LOU, the COLD SHOULDER, I can’t say I blame him. Concentrating on the footprint he’s discovered, he’s probably thinking…”I’ll deal with HIMALAYA …right now I have BIGGER fish to EYE”…And one can’t fault him…The anxiYETI level would leave me feeling COLD and losing my COOL too. Maybe even heading towards a MELTdown…Let’s face it, it’s SNOW joke…So what does he answer to the question…of WEATHER or not he’s seen his prey?…”UH…I mean IG..LOU…NOT “YETI”” https://tinyurl.com/4xhrvm6t …but I do see BIG promise for the future…”…

    …And if you follow the trail of the other 5 footprints, and look real closely, you’ll see that there, inside that cave? You QUEST it…Looks like Eddie’s on the right TRACK after TALL…

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And to be honest, I’ve never understood why people are so sMYTHen with Yeti…I mean just give EVEREST…So METCH ado about nothing, in my opinion…You can just KANGMI with a spoon over it all…🦍🙋🏻‍♀️

    • An easy Monday morning with a blind solve. No trouble with anagrams, either…yes, a great way to start the week. Thanks for your fine post, Angela. Terry

  2. 👖Although they had NOT YET come up with a MOTTO for the new ZIPPER company, words such as GENTLY and YAHOO were being considered as part of a witty advertising campaign…👖

    👍🏻He couldn’t help but think “YAHOO”…his MOTTO now would be,
    “Glide GENTLY like a new ZIPPER”…that’s one…there’s two or three…
    Excited about starting new…his appetite now whet…
    He has ideas to implement…Success…close…though NOT YET! 👍🏻

  3. Perfect Monday , start of the week ! All the anagrams came to me ! The first word I thought maybe that it’s HOOYA , but I studied it a little bit harder and then said YAHOO ! Then the jumble featuring the abominable snowman , which is a YETI , with only seven letters , I said NOT YETI ! The quotation marks secured the YETI ! This was a very cool jumble ! And Angela in your first post , I catch myself saying When someone or the weather is about the fallen flakes I say , “ Snow Way “ ! This was a great way to start a new jumble week !!!!!

  4. Good morning. T.G.I.M. Thank Goodness It’s Monday. That’s so we can recover from a failed Sunday for some.! Today didn’t disappoint, no blind solve but an easy one on both sides. Until tomorrow take care.

  5. No problem on a frosty freezing cold Monday morning with a quick solve of the anagrams as well as the obvious cartoon solution.

  6. I’m trying not to be petty
    But where are you dearest Betty?
    I know you’re on the west coast
    But we’re missing your post
    Is it a case of “not just yeti?”

    • 🤷🏻‍♀️Dearest Betty don’t post every day,
      There’s no reason, it’s just Betty’s way…
      But if she should see this,
      It might bring her some bliss…
      And she’ll drop in with something to say…🤷🏻‍♀️

      😂 Betty does enjoy Jeff’s sharp whimsy,
      Gets a chuckle from drawings of he…
      Anthropomorphics for sure,
      Have a special allure…
      And their dialogue amuses she…😂

      🦍 Perhaps Bigfoot just don’t ring her bell,
      Or perhaps daily chores have befell…
      But it’s kind that you’ve thought,
      That so far no report…
      From Dear Betty…a fine Jumble Belle! 🦍

      ⏰ It’s still early out on the West Coast,
      So she may very well do a post…
      But if she chooses not,
      Or just plain forgot…
      I’m sure there’s no intent to ghost…⏰

      👍🏻 So our puzzle about old Yeti,
      So far sans the presence of Betty…
      Is still such a grand fare,
      That despite her not here?
      Still awaits…should Betty be ready! 👍🏻

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