Jumble Answers for 09/23/2023



15 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/23/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…🚆 LOVE IS IN THE FARE? 🚆

    🎶 Hurry, get ON BOARD it’s comin’……Listen to those RAILS a-thrumming…🎶 “Take the ”A” Train” – Miss Ella Fitzgerald and Mr Duke Ellington (original recording) 1957 https://tinyurl.com/2p9hsa7s

    🚆They were iffy on the Subway, thinking Uber might be best,
    It’d been almost a DECADE since they last had taken quest…
    But since they’d given up their car, the UPKEEP gone sky high,
    They figured what the heck…let’s give the old Subway a try…
    They’d just BEGUN their trip…but it seems too much time they’ll spend,
    Trying to gauge the changes…with the Subway’s brand new TREND
    Good thing the Zoo’s not far away…’cause they just might be late…
    The A to F…or B? Who knows? it’s all UNDER DEBATE! 🚆

    When Frasier and Lilith first bought that very, very, very fine house, they rode the Subway all the time. But once their son Jack came, and then their daughter, Diane, they bought a car…But between Covid, the rising cost of gas, and a car that had seen better days, they decided that it was probably better to get rid of it…and just use an Uber when need be…And today, after all these years, they’ve left the two cats in the yard, and the flowers in the vase…and are about to navigate the NYC Subway System for the first time in years…

    So…Living in a borough of NYC, trust me…the Subway system takes TRAINing…While all roads may lead to Rome, here? Not so much….You may MAP out your destination, and eventually get there, but could it have been faster, or easier, or safer? Will you need to do a lot of walking once you emerge? These are the questions that try mean’s SOLES…So with our family looking to get to the Zoo the best way possible…the UNDERground choices need be carefully WAITed…I mean weighed… Either way…there’s usually a DEBATE…and that’s what we’re hearing today…A to the F…or B? It’s…UNDER DEBATE! https://tinyurl.com/2p8dw5je

    Jeff’s Gems? You gotta love the baby bottle in the backpack holder…And It looks like the kids are smitten with elephants…Because while Diane’s holding one, if you look closely you’ll see that Jack’s wearing a vintage 1995 Oakland A’s cap… https://tinyurl.com/mrxmpcam featuring another. Oakland, though? Hmm…I mean NYC’s a circus…but…???

    So…There you have it, Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And if you ever find yourself waiting for a train in NYC…do what we natives usually do. We exercise…we RUN out of patience…🚆🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It came UNDER DEBATE as soon as it had BEGUN, and now seemed to be the new TREND….prompting someone joke that it might take a DECADE of UPKEEP to get things back to normal…🤦🏻‍♀️

    🤷🏻‍♂️It seems like for a DECADE now the TREND has stayed in place,
    He just can’t swing the UPKEEP and he’s falling on his face…
    “Your problems only just BEGUN” he thought to himself then,
    And now he’s feeling he’s fallen into the lion’s den!
    He should have been more diligent back then out of the gate…
    ‘Cause now all of his options seem to be UNDER DEBATE! 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. It was a half blind solve this morning….Fairly sure UNDER was first word, but couldn’t find the other half of the puzzle. A quick anagram solve brought it all together. I read your little joke to Marsha and she thought it was cute. Way to go in the song department this morning….a classic. And let’s not forget that talented musician/composer who helped pen the song…Billy Strayhorn. Enjoy your Saturday.

    • Tks, Terry. Definitely musical genius all around! Hoping you enjoy your day too…🚆🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. Good morning. I got the words with no problem but opted to look up the answer to the cartoon because noting came to me right away and I have to get out on the road. I’ll read everything when I have time. Take care.

    • Hello again, I didn’t have a blind solve, but did get it eventually. I knew UNDER was a word because if under ground subway.

      Have a great day and see you tomorrow Sunday! Thanks Angela for the kind words the other day!

  5. Wow ! Great way to end the week of tough jumbles ! I hope we BEGUN a TREND today ! Now it’s time to UPKEEPeach day and use my thinking cap for the whole DECADE ! The jumble was given that a subway is definitely underground ! So the one word that came right away was UNDER and what was left , I didn’t have to have a DEBATE ! Great day in jumble land , and this is Jim if I come up as anonymous ! Great day in jumble land !!!!!

  6. Another one with a fun answer. No problems with the words, and I found UNDER pretty quickly, leaving DEBATE.


  7. Easy solve this morning. When we visited New York City many years ago we thought it was a great adventure riding the subway. We had been told that New Yorkers were very unfriendly to tourists – something that was totally not true. People couldn’t have been more help as we attempted to navigate our way to different points of interest. I’m reminded of that song MTA by the Kingston Trio.

    • Tk you, Betty. We do have a bad rap, but it’s like anywhere else…there’s good and there’s bad…And you’re right about being helpful…we know how hard it can be to navigate through this huge city! And if I’m not mistaken you mentioned this song the last time we had a train related puzzle…so this one’s for you… https://tinyurl.com/yfudhe2d
      Fare increase!???…😂😂 I think it’s been raised at least 20 times since! ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Yes, it’s my very favorite subway song. The Kingston Trio got their start in S.F. so I’m biased.

        • As well you should be! 😂 Enjoy the song…(I had to key the link over..it didn’t take the first time)…and the day! 🚆🙋🏻‍♀️

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