Jumble Answers for 01/03/2020










Good Morning, Everyone! 💡POWER TO THE PEOPLE! 💡

🎶 STAY…Ah, Just a little bit longer…Please, please, please, please, please…tell me that you’re gonna. Come on, come on, come on…STAY-yay, come on, come on, come on, STAY–yay…🎶 “Stay” – The Four Seasons 1963

💡 I think we take for granted electricity we use,
And oft times we are guilty of a little bit abuse…
Maybe we take an approach of a PIGLET…so not WORRY,
But conservation’s something we should not just favor curry…
We know it don’t come GRATIS, but despite the bills we pay,
We need to look ahead…and try finding some better ways
So I try telling Little Ones…”HONEY“…both him and her…
“Be mindful of the things we have, let’s keep STAYING POWER”!💡

Happy New Year Fellow Jumble Fans, as we enter day 3 of the Roaring 20’s…Once again today, our words are all old favorites, but we do have a quirk or two. And you know with my love affair with words, I really enjoy finding the little quirky things. It’s like being Sherlock OHMS.. Ok, let me share…So first, some of you may be saying…”DAM, didn’t we just see GRATIS yesterday”? Well, yes we did…In the Holiday Jumble. But keep in mind, that it’s not all that electrifying considering that these Jumble puzzles are submitted 5 to 6 weeks prior to publication. So that means that choosing the word for today’s puzzle was done by David back around Thanksgiving…but it still is a quirky coincidence. Next, have you noticed the letters needed for today’s solution? On their own, they form four three-letter words! And taken in order, they read: WRY – ONE – PIT – GAS! Now how cool is that? I really think this may be a Jumble First…and I wonder if it was David’s intention…Quirky! And lastly, something small but it did catch my attention…Y’day we had Sorry…today we have WORRY.  Just a switch of a consonant…Well I did say it was small…Anyway, just a few things that sparked my interest this morning. And as for our given words themselves – We’ve one repeat anagram, NOYHE, from 05/02/18,and as HONEY it’s also crossing the wire as our most recent…in fact as recent as 12/23! Less than 2 weeks ago! Hmm…Another quirk? While it’s the infamous GRATIS going back the farthest…seen on 08/25/08. And I should mention that it was the only word the Early Birds didn’t immediately plug in. Two of them couldn’t automatically see the light… Ok, so…I think we’ve spent AMPle time with our words…Now let’s charge on to our cartoon…

Finding ourselves at the border between Nevada and Arizona, today we’re visiting the Hoover Dam, the Hydroelectric Facility to be exact. Located at the base of the Dam, it’s been generating hydroelectric power to Nevada, California and Arizona since the 1930’s, as our question tells us. We see four characters, appearing to be two fathers with their sons. With POWER being a given, the dialogue of the man at left, using the words “last” and “generations to come”, and that of the man at right saying he visited as a child…and “it hasn’t changed” …gives us the major clues towards our first solution word: STAYING. So STAYING POWER shouldn’t come as a SHOCK! It’s a great pun, and I’m ecSTATIC over it! WATT will David come up with next?

Eye Candy? I chuckled at the use of both GENERATE and GENERATIONS in the dialogue of the one character. Again, it has me wondering if it was done intentionally. But I’m going to go with the two tiny workmen seen standing by the turbines…Cute little detail…(And you know I’m definitely a big fan of the little details)…So, There you have it, Volts, (Sorry, I couldn’t RESISTOR)…Done! Have a great day, Everyone…I’m off to the OUTLET stores today…with all the after Christmas sales being held, it’s like getting things FREE OF CHARGE! 💡🙋🏻‍♀️




16 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 01/03/2020

  1. 🐷 No matter how hard he tried, and despite it being GRATIS, the HONEY-colored wall paper with the PIGLET design was just plain ugly, and it made him WORRY that the STAYING POWER of his wife might win out…and he’d be stuck looking at it every day…🐷

    🎲 He’d lost a ton already…so GRATIS was his room,
    He’d eaten like a PIGLET…too much food did he consume…
    Casino waitresses bringing drinks, and he’d say “Thank you, HONEY”…
    Of course they’re free…as long as he kept losing all his money
    He knew that he should WORRY, noticing how late the hour…
    And wondered what would win out..common sense …or STAYING POWER! 🎲 🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. Good morning. Had a stumble on Gratis but finally was able to get it. Then the cartoon took me some time to get but I persevered. I was positive the first word ended in “ing” and staying with it, I had the power to succeed. Mike and Angela thanks for all you do and may the New Year bring health and happiness to you and your family. Without you guys the mornings would be a lot less enjoyable until tomorrow stay well.

    • Good Morning, Paul. I like your staying with it..and power to succeed! 👏🏻👏🏻Clever! And thank you for the sentiment. You’re very kind. And I wish the best of all that’s good for you and yours. Have a great day, Brooklyn…💡🙋🏻‍♀️

  3. Good morning again. The owner of the PIGLET named HONEY told the movie company not to WORRY as he gave them GRATIS to using the cutie in their movie. Little Honey was full of energy and had the STAYING POWER to do all the stunts.

    • LOL! 👏🏻👏🏻 Bravo! Honey sounds like she’ll give Babe a run for her money! And thanks for BACON me laugh, Brooklyn! 🐷🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. Hi all – Had to jumble the letters twice to see PIGLET. Saw the answer from the cartoon.
    Yes, I had to laugh when I saw the hardest word from Mike’s Holiday Scramble, GRATIS, show up. Sure made the solve a lot easier today!
    Excellent electricity puns today Angela; I really liked “outlet store”. After you’re done there, you could stop by the secondhand store to replace the one on your broken watch.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    • Hey Steve…Good Morning..l thought so too, but now IDK….GRATIS seems to be COSTing 😉 the most trouble today… Thanks for the Shout Out, and here’s to you having a great day as well…💡🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. The farmer told his wife not to WORRY about obtaining a PIGLET as a pet for their children since he made a HONEY of a deal for it, and besides, the dealer had thrown in two extra bags of slop-GRATIS.

    • Hi Chuck. A HONEY of a deal is golden! 😉 As is the sentence itself. 👏🏻👏🏻 You gave me a CHUCKle! Hope you’re enjoying your day…despite the gloomy weather. ☔️💦🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. I too paused at piglet for some reason and think gratis might have proved difficult if not for Mike’s holiday puzzle. No problem with the cartoon answer. Happy Friday to all.

    • Hi Betty. PIGLET’s definitely BACON a move in the polls, and as I mentioned to Steve, I didn’t think GRATIS would be such a stumper. Wishing you a Happy Friday too! 💡🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. Piglet and gratis didn’t give me any reason to pause,and given power in the cartoon answer,staying was also a quick solve.Good to be back home w a real newspaper in hand.Happy New Year to one and all.

  8. Hi Professor…Staying Power…a brilliant solution! Glad you had an easy time of it..and hoping you’re enjoying the day! 💡🙋🏻‍♀️

  9. I had no problem today but only because I spent a great deal of time finding GRATIS on the Holiday Jumble instead of this one.

    • 👏🏻👏🏻…And I can just hear you saying,,,”DAMn”! 😉Happy New Year, John, to you and yours…. Good to see you! 🙋🏻‍♀️

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