Jumble Answers for 11/06/2018









Happy Tuesday, Jumble fans! This morning I remembered that Guest Jumbler Week usually occurs during the middle of this month. I did a quick search to find out if any news had been released about which cartoonists we might see but nothing has been posted yet. I’ll search again later this week and let everyone know if I stumble across anything.

Today’s puzzle started out with clue words that were all old friends, but their anagrams came up as new. IODINE needed a few extra seconds before coming into view so it’s my pick for the most difficult anagram of the day. We last saw it used in gameplay on 4/20/18 where it was jumbled as INDOIE. Our oldest clue word of the day was JAGUAR. On 10/21/17 it was jumbled as GRAAUJ which, in my opinion, was much more challenging.

It’s back to the farm for today’s cartoon where we see two goats and a chicken hanging out in the barnyard. The dialogue suggests that the goat in the background is pressuring the other goat to try and jump over the fence. He calls him a chicken in an attempt to motivate him into action which ends up ruffling the feathers of the chicken that is sitting on the fence. I guess you could say that our feathered friend took “offence” to the “bully goats” words!!!

The cartoon was simplistic in nature with only a few extra details catching my eye. Way off in the distance we see a farmhouse with a small windmill just to the left. The fence was of very basic construction consisting of slats of wood nailed to wooden posts. There were tufts of grass around the posts and a few extra squiggly lines indicating grass throughout the panel. My favorite detail was the small bell hanging around the neck of the scared looking goat.

The letter layout for the final solution contained 10-letters and was layed out absolutely perfectly. David did a brilliant job of keeping it cryptic by grouping all of the T’s and I’s together. The G at the end stuck out like a sore thumb bringing GOAT instantly to mind. A bit of shuffling of the letters allowed me to find INTO leaving IT for the finish. Have a terrific Tuesday, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

18 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 11/06/2018

  1. 🎢 It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small…And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all. It’s time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through…No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I’m free…Let it GOAT, let it GOAT…I am one with the wind and sky…Let it GOAT, let it GOAT…You’ll never see me cry! Here I stand and here I stay…Let the storm rage on….Let it GOAT, let it GOAT, Let it GOAT! 🎢 “Let it Go” – Idina Menzel 2013
    🐐🐐 https://tinyurl.com/ybcuuuvb 🐐🐐

    🐐 So, Billy’s taunting Buck to jump, and Buck is apprehensive,
    The words a little PETTY, even making Chick defensive…
    Name calling is so TOXIC, like IODINE it stings,
    Today the perfect day for this?…We’ve seen what difference brings.
    Like JAGUARs going after prey, it seems like nothing’s sacred,
    Like animals upon a farm, our politics breed hatred…
    The name-calling, the insults, the accusations thrown,
    We now seem so divided, acting like we’ve never grown.
    Americans we are foremost, despite what side we sit…
    I hope the voting helps to end this “GOAT” HIM INTO IT! 🐐

    No new words today, but I think the last time Jaguar, our oldest word showed, on October 21, 2017, the anagram of: GRAAUJ may have been a little more difficult to decipher. But none of our words got anyones’ GOAT this morning…

    So..🎢 How ya gonna keep “em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree🎢…Or whatever’s on other side of that fence? Today, we’re seeing some ANIMAL HARM, finding ourselves HORNing in on a conversation…We see poor BUCK…taunted, teased, chicken-shamed…and for what? All because he’s afraid to take that LEAP OF GATE? It’s obvious he doesn’t want to be the ESCAPEGOAT HAIR! Why don’t BILLY jump? Billy’s a Bully! An eGOATistical Bully! With that grin on his face, thinking he can do and say whatever beHOOVES him! UDDER ridiculous, if you ask me…He’s so BAAAAAAd! And what about CHICK? (Have we seen HERBIVORE? She looks EGGSactly like a chicken I PERCHased recently, with that left wing forming a pointed CHICKEN FINGER)…Well FEATHER or not, she HERD what he said, and she’s not taking it SITTING down either! No LAY…I’m glad she YOLK up…I mean, c’mon..Billy’s just a little too TUFT…And actions like this can cause pRUMINANT damage…CUD he be any GRUFFer? Obviously he has no FURsight at all…No, Billy…Just because you may be PASTURE prime, it doesn’t mean you get to BUCK the system! DARE me, this is just a little too GRAZEy! No, Billy..you can’t “GOAT” HIM INTO IT! Great pun, David! You get to GOAT to the head of the GRASS!

    Ok, eye candy…The panel’s completely green, with the background comprised of black silhouetted foliage, a windmill and the farmhouse. Four tufts of grass are shown. The fence is a light brown. I WOOD have thought it’d be darker And Jeff’s clearly shown the nails connecting the planks to the rails. A RIVETting deTAIL. Billy’s gray, with light brown horns. Both Buck and Chick are white, with Bucks’ horns and nose light brown also, while Chicks’ comb is red. From the looks of the ears, noses, horns and beards on our goats, it seems we’re somewhere in a warmer climate. I’m not KIDding, it’s true…And Buck is wearing a BELL. Another nice deTAIL Jeff, it has a RING to it…But the candy today? It has to be the look on Bucks’ face…It’s a look of SHEAR desperation…So, There you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone…And be sure to get out there and VOTE! The RAMifications of not doing so? Well…Somethings GOAT to give, before the BUCK stops here…or there. πŸπŸ™‹πŸ»

  2. Good morning. Another easy one for a Tuesday. Iodine took a couple of minutes longer to get then all of the rest. As for the cartoon answer it was an instant solve. After writing down the letters it proved that my first thought was correct. Thanks again Mike on your post and Angela,thanks for leaving the link to the song. You saved me less grief by having it so available. I think I would have preferred “Old McDonald Had A Farm” After the goat appeared and yelled for the third time that was my exit. Sorry I wasn’t on board with you but as to the rest of your work,poem, and puns,were eggcelent. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • ROTFL! Brooklyn, you slay me! That goat’s a menace! I only threw it in there for a laugh…I guess you’re not around a bunch of little girls…That song, 🎢Let it Go🎢? There was one day in particular that one of my nieces played it over and over and…I counted! After #17! Yes, no typo…17!!! I was ready to drink the Kool Aid!! So when I found this on-line, I showed it to her…Poor Baby, she wouldn’t speak to me for a week!!! So this morning, when the lyrics hit me, I remembered the Goat video..and after my friend here fell out of his chair laughing? I figured I’d throw it in! I don’t blame you at all for reaching a limit after 3..,I’m surprised you held out that long! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Thanks for the Shout Outs, Bud. You’re an EGGScellent guy for saying so! 😘 And as for the link, you’re welcome. I suppose I can do that..it’s just that most days I don’t go looking for anything, I know the songs by heart..But I’ll think about it…One way or the UDDER, is OK with me…It’s pouring here…STILL…It’s been raining for days..We may need the Ark soon! πŸβ˜”οΈβ˜”οΈπŸ’¦ πŸ™‹πŸ»

      • Angela:
        You remind me of when my great nieces played “Let It Go” over and over again when that movie came out. At the time I heard that the song’s composer had apologized to the adults for what he had inflicted on them. Whoever came up with this “goat” version managed to do the impossible and make that song even more annoying.

        • Hi Mike..It was like they were hypnotized right? Over and over, ad nauseam…And let’s not talk about how many Elsa dolls, and sheet sets and gowns, etc, etc..were bought…As I said, the Kool Aid was never far out of reach! πŸ˜‚ And yes, there were apologies offered..The least they CUD do…We had to listen to it day after day…after day…while they got rich from it all..Talk about a KICK in the BUTT! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Yea, I agree the GOAT’s annoying…I figure it was somebody who finally just had enHOOF! Have a good one, Mike! πŸπŸ™‹πŸ»

  3. The student nurse thought her father was being PETTY when he made a TOXIC remark about the spilled IODINE in his old JAGUAR.
    Iodine gave me a little difficulty, otherwise a fairly easy Tuesday Jumble.

    • Petty? Aren’t those old Jaguars worth a small fortune? πŸ˜‰ Once again, Earl…you GOAT what it takes! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Hope you have a good one…πŸπŸ™‹πŸ»

  4. Iodine was reason to pause but jaguar was obvious if you knew how to spell it.Goat was also a given for the 4 letter word with the rest of the solution quickly following.

  5. Hi all – Are we sure this isn’t a Monday puzzle? Instant solve on everything today; nice for a change, but I wouldn’t want that every day.

    πŸŽ΅β€I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences
    Gaze at the moon until I lose my senses
    Can’t look at hovels and I can’t stand fences
    Don’t fence me inβ€πŸŽ΅

    Mike, loved your β€œoffence” and goat puns. Bully for you!
    Angela, I’m betting that you made *yourself* laugh with β€œHERBIVORE”. It did for me.

    Have a great day, everyone.

    Off topic, if you’re worried about Artificial Intelligence taking over, maybe not quite yet. I usually attempt (and rarely even solve) a chess puzzle in the morning, and decided to ask Siri a question:
    Hey Siri – Is a chess endgame with just two kings and a bishop an automatic stalemate?
    Siri: β€œDo you mean Sacramento Kings or Los Angeles Kings?”
    Ohhh-Kay; go back to sleep Siri; I’ll try again in a year or so.

    • ROTFL! I just asked Siri the same thing after reading this…At least she’s consistent! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ BUTT she may not be that baaaaaad after all…I mean, she’s not Regional, that’s for sure! She MUSK know we’re sports enthusiasts! πŸ˜‰ ?.or maybe she just needs more RAM??? And you want to talk covers? Try to guess how many artists did 🎢Don’t Fence Me In🎢..GOAT on, guess…Too NANNY to mention! πŸ˜‚ Thanks for the Shout Out,, Bud…I PLANTed HERBIVORE in there just for the UDDER delight of it! And I just knew you wouldn’t miss a BLEAT! I’m glad you got a KICK out of it! Ok…gotta CUT this out now, WETHER 😬 we’re having a good time or not…πŸ˜‰Have a good one, G…πŸπŸ™‹πŸ»

      • No matter which answer I gave, she should have known the game would be a loss! πŸ˜‚πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

        • OUCH! I thought it was so funny…I guess the word ‘game’ got to her..maybe ‘end’ too.. Once in a while, I “tease” Siri, bait her..sometimes it’s fun…sometimes she’s as bored as I am!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ™‹πŸ»

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