Jumble Answers for 07/10/2018







Good Morning, Everyone!           🚦DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION? 🚦

🎶 Can you take me to the store, then the bank?…I’ve got five dollars we can put in the tank…I’ve got a court date coming this June…I’ll be DRIVING soon…Passenger side, passenger side, I don’t like riding on the passenger side…I don’t like riding on the passenger side…🎶 “Passenger Side – Wilco 1995

🚦 A young boy with a license, a story old as time…
The road he travels getting there not always so sublime,
He wants to be behind the wheel, he’s positivity smitten,
He’s thinking what he’ll name his car, perhaps it might be KITTEN.
But SOUPY thoughts had filled his mind, confusion blocked his view…
He passed some cars, not a smart move, the act strictly taboo.
His Mother stands there waiting, she senses something’s wrong
I’m now going to use this line to get rid of that PRONG
No SNAZZY car for our boy here…once more he will bemoan,
And maybe next time he’ll stay clear of the NO PASSING ZONE! 🚦

Just the second day in, and we may already have another new word with SNAZZY. But our three others, Sweet Repeats, caused no TIE-UP at all. So, on to our CARtoon: Today Jeff places us at the LICENSE BUREAU. We see a young teen, bemoaning the fact that he’s once again failed his ROAD TEST. We see the TEST Examiner, bemoaning the fact that he was possibly DRIVEN to drink, and we see the teens’ Mom, bemoaning the fact that she’ll still be STUCK chauffeuring him around. Mom’s thoughts…”Gimme a BRAKE“! The Examiner’s thoughts, “I’m EXHAUSTED“! The teen’s thoughts, “I didn’t know…The SUSPENSION was killing me”. With the dialogue telling us that he went around cars in error, and our question stating his FAILURE…The solution to this TEST is…He was in a ...NO PASSING ZONE!…BEEP! BEEP! Hand us the KEYS, Dave’s given us the GREEN LIGHT! Good one, David! You’ve DRIVEN it home!

Ok, eye candy…Hmm…The ROAD’S pretty CLEAR this morning…Let’s just go with the Examiners’ CLIP BOARD…It reads, “FAIL“…and we’ll STOP right there…So, There you have it, Folks. Done! Have a great day, Everyone! And remember…Don’t PASS on the RIGHT…You may find yourself LEFT BEHIND! 🚦🙋🏻


37 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 07/10/2018

  1. The SOUPY dense atmosphere in the less than SNAZZY KITTEN Klub allowed the owner to get away with using forks with more than one PRONG missing.
    Tuesday presented no real challenge with the clue words or the solution, I was a trifle intimidated with the number of circled letters but the cartoon and the Zed made the task easier.
    Another song I am in the dark about Angela—appropriate lyrics, considering the examiner had to sit on the right side of the car and probably would have preferred the left!!
    Clever poem and post and puns that I can appreciate without audible groaning—brilliant.
    Have a great day everyone–busy day ahead.

    • ROTFL! Less than SNAZZY indeed! More like SEEDY KITTEN Klub, no? What in God’s name happened to the PRONGS? The mind boggles! 😂😂 Creativity at its finest, Sir! 👏🏻👏🏻 Bravo! And absolutely loving the Zed! 😉 I didn’t think you’d be privy to the song, and/or the group. They’re an alternative rock band, not exactly what I imagine to be your cup of tea. But they have a nice mellow sound. Of course, if you’re interested? YouTube to the rescue! But I think you may have misjudged my intent. The “passenger” in the song, is the teen. Poor kid is TIREd of being the passenger..He yearns to get behind that wheel….Thank You for the Shout Out and the Poem Nom. Brilliant is extremely generous. Much appreciated, Sir. As for the groans? I’m EXHAUSTED, Earl…I just couldn’t get that MOTOR REVVED up this morning…😉 …As a result? Everyone benefits! 😂😂 Have a great day…busy as a bee is always good, Buzz! 🐝🙋🏻

    • 👏🏻👏🏻 Huh? ROTFL! What’d’ya mean ran out of gas? I’m down to two CYLINDERS, CARo! I’m TIREd! Trust me, the TANK is FULL, it’s just the ENGINE that’s SLIPPING a little! Gimme a BRAKE!! 😘!!! Thank You, CARo, I needed the laugh!… But be assured….nobody’s looking to TRADE me IN just yet! Have a good one, Big Guy! 🚙🙋🏻

  2. Good morning. I have no clue on the song Angela but will check it out after this post. Enjoyed your poem and puns. Don’t think I’ll visit Earls Kitten Klub any time soon. I like my folk with at least four prongs. Today’s jumble was another easy one for me. Just a slow caution sign when it came time for snazzy. It took me a minute longer to come up with that one. The cartoon was no problem even though there were a lot of letters. In my head I had an idea of the answer so it was just a matter of crossing out the first and last letters for a possible solution. My confidence level is starting to rise up and up. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Brooklyn in the House! Good morning! Thanks for the Shout Out and the Poem Nom, Bud. Much appreciated. I like your “Slow Caution Sign”…Very REVelant! 😉 (I think that may be the groan Earl was missing)! 😂 So how cool is it that I’ve got you YouTubing? (Yes, I’ve turned it into a verb)! I’ve broadened your musical horizons! I’ve introduced you to all new artists! I’ve probably caused your phone battery to die with a much greater frequency! 😂 But it’s been worth it, right? That’s what counts! And that confidence level? The sky’s the limit, Bud! You just need to remember that those little letters are more scared of you then you are of them! Trust me…they got nothing on you! Have a good one, Brooklyn! Get out there on that Bocce Court and take no prisoners! 🚦🙋🏻PS: And stay away from that KITTEN Klub…Sounds like ptomaine’s on the menu! 😝

  3. Hi all – Got the words. “Snazzy” was cute. Then PASSING seemed to jump out, and I wrote the letters to see the answer.

    Love the song Angela, and I guess Jumble Jeff will too. “Passenger side” indeed – reminded me of Motown’s “Shotgun” by Jr. Walker and the All-Stars. As in (“riding shotgun”)
    Thought you might have gone with:
    🎵”I told that girl I can start right away
    And she said listen babe I got something to say
    I got no car and it’s breaking my heart
    But I’ve found a driver and that’s a start
    Baby you can drive my car. Yes I’m gonna be a star
    Baby you can drive my car. And maybe I love you
    Beep beep’m beep beep, YEAH!”🎵
    And another “Indeed” for “BEEP BEEP.” Hey buddy, how can he get that Little Nash Rambler out of second gear?
    (The Chronicle has a great review today of “Yellow Submarine” playing at SF’s historic landmark 1910 movie palace, The Castro Theater, in a 4K digital restoration with surround sound.)

    Have a great day, folks.

    • Hey G…Puzzle, easy, breezy…The movie! There’s a frenzy already! My cousins are going tomorrow night! 🚬😉 Lou’s getting tickets…I’m psyched! Tried to stay “pure” with the lyrics.. Thanks for the Shout Out! 😉 🎶Baby You Can Drive My Car..🎶..There were 2 licenses between them…This poor kid’s still trying! 🎶Shotgun.🎶Great song, but soooo not “pure ” enough! 😂 SNAZZY is a Snazzy word, right? Hardly anyone says it much anymore. The old man at the Club says it to me sometimes.. “Those are some snazzy shoes”! 😉 So cute! He makes me laugh…I heard the word growing up…”That guy’s dressed real snazzy”…I looked in the files, and couldn’t find it. Pretty sure it’s a new addition Who knows? It may make a resurgence after this! 😉 Hope you’re having a good one, Bud! 🚦🙋🏻

        • 👏🏻 Thanks Bud..The Mediocre Minds.😉 .I already texted them, and told them to check it out on line. I didn’t want to take a chance with the Chron busting me for a view..There’s a lot of ink out there…So exciting! 🎶🙋🏻

      • Snazzy shoes and “Reet Petite, the Finest Girl You’d Ever Want to Meet.”
        Is he wearing a Zoot Suit when he says it? 😂🙋🏻‍♂️

        • Hey…Well.🎶Lookabell, lookabell, lookabell🎶 here!!! He’s 86 yrs old! A little respect! And he’s a Cutie Patootie! And he’s the one that cooks all those great meals! Zoot Suit indeed! (How’d you get Zoot past the Auto Suggest? I had to do it 3x’s! Kept giving me Zootopia)! 😂🙋🏻

  4. For those who don’t get the LA Times crossword, Jumble was one of the theme answers today. This is from a LAT Crossword blog:

    20. Scrambled words newspaper game: DAILY JUMBLE. Disorganized units of language in a game format, with a helpful illustration.

    • Hey Mike. How’re you doing? How cool is that? But a “helpful illustration”. Humph! Pedestrian description, IMO! 😂 Thanks for sharing! Hope,you’re having a good one! 🙋🏻

      • Angela:
        I wondered about the “helpful illustration” part also. The one with Saturday’s pirate puzzle was a tad misleading for some. Just to be clear, “Disorganized units of language in a game format, with a helpful illustration” is from the blog, not the crossword. I’m doing good. We got a couple of inches of rain yesterday in Austin, but things are warming back up today.

        • Oh, the blog. Yes, I did misunderstand. Hmm. Does this make it better or worse? 😉 Anyway, just one man’s opinion…And we are all entitled, right? A couple of inches? Texas size rain, huh? 😉 So are you born and bred? 🙋🏻

          • Yep, born & bred. By the way, how do you make the little popup with the emojis come up on this site? The other day I got it by accident, but I don’t know what I did.

            • Mike..Did you notice I asked you if you were born and BREED in Texas? As if I were the Pro-Life Police? 😂😂 Sorry about that! And I didn’t mean to get so personal, I’d have understood if you hadn’t answered. The emojis? I don’t know if I’m following you correctly, Mike. I don’t think it has anything to do with the sites controls, it’s keyboard generated as far as I know. I’m going to defer to Steve..I KNOW he’s out there…and both he and I use iPads, so he may know better than I. Steve? NOW you’re “Riding Shotgun”! 😂🙋🏻

              • You caught me before I go out shopping. Yes, I use an iPad (Mini).
                When I’m using the on-screen keyboard, the happy-face key to the left of the spacebar brings up the emojis. If I’m using a real bluetooth keyboard, I hold down the ‘control’ key and hit the spacebar and it brings up the pictures; same to return to text. I found that out by Googling. Hope that helps. 🙋🏻‍♂️

              • Ok, So it’s nothing to do with this site itself, right? Tks, Bud, that’s what I figured. Mike, I don’t know if this helps.
                And Steve..Note what I said about Amazon…🙋🏻

              • 😁I think I finally got it. I’m using a Windows 10 Desktop, so it’s different, but I Googled it to find out. I clicked on the task bar and selected “show touch keyboard button”, I click on the touch keyboard button, and then click the smiley face like you.😍

              • And that concludes today’s lesson of “Learning to Love Your Emojis -101”. 😂😂 Kudos! You got it! 👏🏻👏🏻I’m so spoiled rotten since using an IPad. The virtual keyboard makes everything so simple. I sit at a Desktop now and I’m like a novice! I’m swiping the screen, and spreading on graphics and wondering why I’m not getting any results! A mouse? It’s been years! Creature of habit! So yes, what you’re using is very different. As for Google, I’m always asking what did we do before we Googled? Were we the unwashed masses?😂 I can’t even remember. Now we have everything at our fingertips, literally.. It’s amazing, really. Before when I was speaking with you and Steve, I was lying on the beach…Who could have imagined, right? So now, you’re on BOARD, Mike! Welcome, 😂 and Enjoy! 🙋🏻

              • I can remember before Google. There were other search engines, like Yahoo, and you would search for something, and the engine would give you back pages and pages of links that might have a word or two in common with what you were searching for, but were really no help at all. You might go to the third ;page of links before you found something remotely useful. But then Google came along, and it was like it could read your mind and know what you really wanted😀

              • God Bless America, right? God Bless Google! 😂😂 It made life sooo much easier! I must Google stuff at least 20- 30 tines a day. Mike and I could never pull off our posts if we didn’t have Google! I know I’m spoiled rotten…and terribly dependent! 😉 Mike, did you read the post about the Yellow Submarine Book? 🙋🏻

              • Well, I think any Beatles fan should look into it. “Google” it if you get a chance!!!. 😂😂😂
                I’m sure it’ll be a collectors item…🙋🏻

              • Even before Yahoo, there were command-line engines like Gopher and Archie, and as you said, most of the sites that showed up were irrelevant or offensive.
                I was reading an article that explained that Google produced relevant searches by *literally* downloading the *entire* internet (and causing raised eyebrows at their Stanford dorm over the electricity bill!), and then seeing which sites cross-referenced the terms the most. Ok, enough nostalgia for one day for me!

              • Excellent Mike! 😁 I used Windows a lot when I was still working, and my wife has Windows 10 phones and tablets, so I’m not completely unfamiliar with it.
                Still prefer the iPad, especially since the underlying guts are my first operating system, Unix. 🙄 (I know, hopeless!) Oh, also since my last desktop died a awhile ago.

                Angela, life before Google indeed. Hard to believe, but I sure *sound* smarter now with that and Wikipedia at my fingertips. I once read a guy marveling at modern conveniences by telling of driving back from a ski trip in the Sierra, and his car “rang” (over the stereo system), and he’s instantly talking to his girlfriend who’s lying in a hammock on the beach in Belize. 😎😂🙋🏻‍♂️

              • We’ve had this discussion so many times, right? Bottom line, we are smarter…or at least a lot better well read! 😉🙋🏻

            • Mike, I was just going to tell Steve, and I meant to tell you also. Amazon’s taking pre-orders on the Yellow Submarine Cartoon Book that’s coming out next month. It’s illustrated by Bill Morrison, the Editor of Mad Magazine, and a friend of the Jumble. If you remember, he was featured here last November during “Guest Jumbler” week. They quote you a price, and you’re guaranteed your copies, and should the price lower by issue date, they afford you the adjusted price. I ordered a few for myself…and a few to GET BUY…(🎶With a Little Help From) 🎶my Friends! Earl…You were looking for a groaner?? 😂🙋🏻

  5. Hi, all! Quick & easy, less than 2-minute solve.

    When our older one, Joyce, got her drivers’ license the morning of her 16th birthday, all went well, but Diane, our younger one, got checked in by a prankster.

    Diane gave the lady her birth certificate, which the lady looked at carefully & then said, “This is the correct date that you were born, but your birth certificate says that you were born at 2 p.m. and right now it is not even 10 a.m. so it is 4 more hours until the actual time you were born.”

    When my little one looked at me with a look of horror that she would have to wait 4 hours for her license, I immediately hugged her, laughed, and assured her that the lady was teasing. On the way home, with license in hand, we came up with some rude descriptors of the lady whom Diane did not think was funny. Jerry and I, who both thought it was funny, laughed about it only when Diane was out driving.

    • 👏🏻 ..And after all these years later, you’re still getting MILEAGE out of the story! 😂 Memories! Hope you’re having a good one, Lelia! 🚦🙋🏻

    • Hi Lelia – Wow, thanks for that wonderful description of your first monsoon yesterday! I didn’t mean to cause it by mentioning it. (Heard the OLD joke about the schoolkid who wrote down “Wethrer”, and the teacher said “That’s the worse spell of weather I’ve seen in twenty years.)?
      There was another detail that was even more interesting to me, though. I knew there were “snowbirds” – farmers etc. in Canada and Minnesota who spend the winters in Florida, Las Vegas, or San Diego to escape the brutal winter weather. I didn’t realize that the opposite existed – people escaping the Arizona heat by going fishing in Canada in the summer.

      • Hi, Steve, you are quite welcome, and Jerry & I have decided not to hold you responsible. Lol
        I had never heard the teacher joke about her student’s bad “spell of weather,” but now I will pass it on to our two teacher daughters.
        I included the monsoon detail just for you & wife that our neighbor was fishing in Canada while we watched his roof blow off. His son came right over and put heavy canvas on the damaged places. His saguaro cactus is the first one I’ve ever seen sway in a storm. A full grown, fully hydrated saguaro can weigh almost 5,000 pounds.

        • Bad enough a 5,000 pound plant could fall on you, but with SPIKES, YIKES! That’s really adding insult to injury!

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