Jumble Answers for 10/29/2017










Good Morning, Everyone!             🙌🏻  MIME over MATTER! 🙌🏻

🙌🏻 🙌🏻 The first time that I saw a MIME on a street in New York City
I remember thinking “He’s flexible…I wonder if he’s witty…”
And my FATHER grabbed me by the hand and took me from the GUTTER
And said, “You can’t get up so close…Come, Let’s go find your Mother…”.
“My Mother, Are you kidding me? She’s somewhere in the mob…
We know so many people here…and she’s one to HOBNOB…”
Of course it wasn’t said out loud, but this is what I thought,
My Father was still tugging me, ’cause tickets he had bought.
A show?…I want to PICKET itthe show held no allure…
My mind INFUSEd with wonder now…The Mime, please an ENCORE.
So when the show was over, I forced my Dad to seek
This white-faced man with that one tear, who he said didn’t speak.
I wasn’t going home yet, and I made my Father walk,
I wanted to give money to this man who couldn’t talk.
We found him and I stared wide-eyed at that one falling tear
I got up close and said, “Don’t cry…and I hope that you can hear…”🙌🏻 🙌🏻

Childhood for me was a mixed bag of fun and endless, endless questions. Sort of like our words today…Are they new, B B with an H, Farther, how do you spell Feng Shui? Fun, but questions…Great words, though, if I do SAY SO myself. So, our cartoon. Jeff shows us a street scene; a group of people, with a mime passing the hat around. And sadly, the only two who care are the oldest and the youngest. Oh, and the dog. By the dialogue, the other three are all TALK, no ACTION. The indifference though, leaves me SPEECHLESS. “An imaginary dollar”? Please, there are NO WORDS. It’s a tough crowd for this mime, like walking through a MIME field! Dave’s clue TELLS us that the mime “earned ‘Some’ money…” Jeff’s showing us it wasn’t much…”NOTHING TO SPEAK OF“. Good pun, Guys. (Good lesson, too). Eye candy today? Coffee cup? Man-bun? Waggin’ tail on the dog? Two blonde women dressed in purple? (Oh, I forgot. We weren’t going to TALK about that)!  No, it’s the quarter going into the hat. Enlarged, you can actually see Washington’s profile! Kudos, Jeff, what detail! Now THAT’S SAYING something!

So, there you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone!

And today, let’s try thinking Outside the box! 🙌🏻 🙋🏻



26 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 10/29/2017

  1. Good morning, Angela. No paper this morrning. Yesterday’s Jumble is online. Well done, as usual. Have a good rainy day.

    • Good morning, Moose. Thank you so much. How’s your wife doing? I pray she’s feeling better.
      Use this link for today’s puzzle. Just scroll down one or two, and you’ll see the Jumble. Let me know if it works…
      Pouring here all morning. Nor’easter threatened for later. Yikes! Be well. 🙋🏻


  2. Normally do not do Sunday’s but glanced at it and solved w/o CWs. Well every once in while a blind hog will find an acorn!

  3. Hey Harry. In NY we say “a blind squirrel finds a nut”! Six of one, half a dozen of a NUTTER!
    Have a great day! 🐿 🙋🏻

  4. Good morning. Had the six words fairly quick. Would say that encore was the tougher word. It was the last word I got. Called my friend to see how she was doing and she didn’t even start it. In trying to do the cartoon answer I nodded out. The phone rang and it was her. She had the last three words of the cartoon answer and between the two of us it was solved. Her third word was missing giving her trouble for a completion . Going to bed near two and getting up early for church and not sleeping more than two hours at a time left me tired. Until tomorrow stay dry and well

  5. Solved the clue words but for some reason the cartoon answer eluded me. Had to walk away for a while and come back to it. But was able to figure it out. Don’t know why but Mimes give me the creeps. Happy Sunday everyone.

    • Hi Betty. As I got older, the fascination waned somewhat, but they’re ok. But, you’re not alone in your feelings. I think most people dislike them. Have a great day. 🙋🏻

  6. Thanks for the link Angela. Our Sunday paper also gives the solution. I try not to peek. MUMS the word.

  7. Good morning Angela. I hope you prevail in your battle “against the wind” today.

    • Good morning, Steve. Thanks. I’m trying not to think about it. I’m pretty sure I’ve battened down all the hatches. Anything goes wrong, it’ll be MIME mistake! We shall see. 🙋🏻

  8. My FATHER did not HOBNOB with the local bigwigs but did erect a white PICKET fence in front of the house, kept the GUTTER scrupulously clean and went to the vaudeville shows to cheer for another ENCORE to INFUSE some cheer in the neighborhood.

    For some reason ENCORE eluded me because I wanted it to be CORNER and that messed up solving the puzzle for a while. Still having problems accessing blog site. Think I’ll give it a rest for while and see what happens.

    • Hi Earl I wondered where you were. Great sentence, a man of the people! I saw Corner also for my initial glance, but I crawled out of it!
      Mike asked y’day what kind of problem you were having. I’ll ask him to contact you.
      Hope your weather’s better than mine! Enjoy your day! 🙋🏻

  9. Hi all – This was inexplicably hard today. I had to go through CORNEE and RECONE (like fixing a speaker) before getting ENCORE, then stare before getting INFUSE, and taking the longest on FATHER, even though we’ve seen the word lately; was getting distracted by FEATHER, FARTHER and AFTER. Needed all the letters to see the answer.
    I envy your quick solve, Harry!

    • Hey Steve. I’m surprised to hear it. Shake it off, Bud, we won’t TALK about it after today!
      Maybe not enough Peets! 😉🙋🏻

  10. Yesterday’s classic rock song heard while grocery shopping was Dire Straits’ “Walk of Life”, a music video I used to watch on MTV when MTV played music and videos. For those of you who have been following my extremely interesting stories about this (all both of you, probably – zzzzzzzzz), I did learn something, though. First, I’m not the only one noticing. It turns out there’s a YouTube channel by “BrutalBubba” (!) called “Songs Heard at Safeway”, Spotify playlists, and a playlist on Last.fm which says “There is a Safeway grocery store in Santa Cruz, California that occasionally plays inappropriately beautiful music over the loudspeakers, always making for a pleasantly surreal shopping experience.” (And you think *I’ve* got too much time on my hands! I do love her phrases “inappropriately beautiful music” and “pleasantly surreal”, though!)

    I also found out (should have suspected this) that the songs and announcements are supplied by a company called “InStore Broadcasting Network” that competes with firms like Muzak and also supplies Winn-Dixie and Walgreen’s. There’s an onsite server that the company programs over the internet.
    Guess I’ll go shopping and see what’s “InStore”for me today.

    • Steve, I think we hear some of our best music in stores lately. When I’m in Shop Rite now, I dance down the aisles! (When I’m not dodging those pesky voices)! I found that commercial that I told you about. I’ll put it on IOW. We have a clean re-set page today, for all the non-related puzzle stuff.
      “In Store”? 👏🏻👏🏻

  11. Hi All – I had to jumble 3 clue words on paper – encore, hobnob and father. Nothing was the first word that came to mind for the answer.
    I remember really liking the great mime Marcel Marceau.

    • Hi Caroline. The words were “questionable”! Fun, but questionable! I liked Marceau also. And before he came upon the scene, I think a successful MIME was totally UNHEARD of! 😉
      Hope you won’t be in line of the Nor’Easter. Ironic, it’s coming today, huh? Be well. 🙋🏻

  12. Hi, all! My favorite clue word was PICKET. I’ll tell you why.

    Steve has given me a long list of comics and one showed a picture of a doctor & his nurse playing a game that looked like Scrabble but was called SCRIBBLE.

    I gave a copy of it to my doctor last week, who said he’d seen a funnier one of a group of doctors in a PICKET line with signs so illegible that no one knew what they were picketing.

    • Hi Lelia – Thinking about your story of how Jerry discovered how sharp a shark’s teeth are – that is *such* a guy thing to do, but I hope he didn’t apply that technique while he was an electrician. “I wonder if this circuit’s live? — ZZZZAP!”

  13. Good one, Angela! Thanks for mentioning the weather because I just checked and it’s supposed to be pretty bad here, too. It’s been raining all day. Luckily, I don’t have to go anywhere.
    Steve, I’ll have to start listening when shopping – very funny.

    • LOL..Thanks, Caroline. I thought of it after I finished my post! I hated to remove all my decor outside so close to Halloween, but the warnings have been constant. Better safe than sorry. It’s pouring here, and the winds have picked up considerably. I just pray there’s no downed trees and power losses. It’s so dark here! Be safe. 🙋🏻

  14. Too bad about your decorations. I just have one rubber spider outside. Good luck with the storm.

    • Feel badly for the kids. They get a kick out of all the hoopla. Good luck to you also. Stay safe. 🙋🏻

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