Jumble Answers for 05/27/2017








Good Saturday morning and I hope your long weekend is off to a fantastic start!!!  DREDGE was the most difficult word for me today.  No matter how many times I looked at it, all I saw was “degree”.  A few minutes of self-jumbling did the trick and I moved right along to my favorite part, the cartoon!  I was SHOCKED when I saw that the setting was a comic shop, and what a delightful surprise it was!  There’s no better place to visit on a Wednesday morning when new books hit the stands and you get the next installment of a wonderful story.  With top notch art and a weaving tale of suspense and intrigue, what’s not to love about comics!  SKETCHED was the key word in the sentence and looking at my clue letters, I found “draw” first.  CROWD came next leaving me an E.  With a quick switcheroo (yes it’s a word!) of the A in draw to an E, I had the solve and could finally admire what has become my favorite cartoon to date.  In a unique twist, Jeff drew himself being the sitter while his likeness along with his beloved Wilco t-shirt where transformed into a cherished keepsake.  Oh what I wouldn’t do to be featured in one of his cartoons!  I’ll have to wait until the cartoon is published online so I can zoom in and gobble up all the delectable details of the comics in the background — the newspaper version just doesn’t do this piece justice!  Count on a close up sometime mid-morning, and until then, enjoy the start of summer and I’ll see you tomorrow!  😉


19 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 05/27/2017

  1. Good morning, Mike, good morning, Everyone. Mike, This one is REALLY for you! We have some good words for a Saturday morning! Nothing BLASÉ about it! NOT…But for the record, I do like the word BLASÉ! Just so laid back! LOL. I think we’ve seen words 1-3 before, but is WALLOP new? Not a word heard that often. Either way, easy breezy. The solution: Sketched=Drew, Long line=Crowd. The people lined up, the cartoonists DRAWing…Solved! But then… this amazing cartoon! First, we have the cartoonist in front seeming a bit PENsive. He’s FACEd with a dilemma… “Is that a smile, or are you just really happy to see me”? A little too much ANIMATION on that mans face. Then the Richard Nixon look alike cartoonist in the middle? What’s wrong with this PICTURE? He’s not SKETCHing the kids, he’s DOODLing some sort of stick figures! I’m DRAWing a blank! And finally, the last cartoonist? Is Jeff CELebrating a birthday? Is there an elephant in the room? Isn’t that him sitting in the back, in his Wilco tee shirt? (Being drawn by a blonde woman in a purple top-what are the odds)? And depicted in his SKETCH playing a guitar? And he even waited in line to get in? I don’t know what to think….! I’m DRAWing a LINE in the sand!
    So, Mike, will this cartoon become indisPENsable to you? Do you plan to FRAME it?
    Wishing Us all a PICTURE perfect day! 🖌✏️🖍 🙋🏻

    • Hey Angela, hope you’re feeling better.
      When Davie Bowie’s “Golden Years” came out, nobody could understand the line that the online sites now claim says “Come get up my baby.” I thought it sounded like “Come WALLOP the baby”, which my friends thought was amusing.

      • Thanks, I’m getting there. He said whop whop a lot in that song, remember? Maybe that’s why you heard the phrase as wallop? ..IDK, It’s a stretch! Never really a fan. 🙋🏻

  2. Angela, you are amazing and I’ll forgo any attempt at witticisms today! Words and solution came easily with no need for a “sketching” pen or pencil. Not sure why no hang ups on dredge or wallop, just got lucky I guess. Have a great weekend all.

    • Good morning, kind Sir. And thank you. You are way too kind. But wasnr that y’day? 🎶”Amazing Grease…”🎶 LOL. Don’t underestimate your word prowess, it’s more than luck. After I posted, I thought of INKling and I was so bummed! Would have been a 10 pointer! I wasted so much time trying to come up with a pun for pencil, that I didn’t even look any further. The forest for the trees! Thank you again, and I hope you have a great day! 🖍🙋🏻

  3. Good morning. Found today’s puzzle rather easy. Just had to correct my spelling on dredge. At first I had (who knows why) dregde. Wallop was an instant read. The cartoon took an extra five minutes because I put the g in instead of d. Brain freeze caused me extra time. All in all real easy day. Happy memorial day to all. Till tomorrow stay well.

  4. Earl, CHALK!….I missed a pun for INKling; I’ll CHALK it up to being tired! LOL…🖍🙋🏻

  5. Good Morning, Nice goldilocks puzzle to end the week. But the setting? Who goes to a comic shop for a sketch portrait?

  6. Hi Ron, good morning. I’m wondering if the three cartoonists Jeff drew are comic book illustrators that he’s familiar with. That would tie it together. And it was like a promo thing. You know, “Come in, buy a comic book, and have your portrait sketched by your favorite graphic artist”. It just seems like these people are wayyyyy too happy to be there! LOL. 🖍🙋🏻

  7. Couldn’t get dredge, but got the puzzle and worked backward. Monday puzzle for sure — maybe they are taking the holiday off. Have a good one everybody.

  8. Hi all – I only paused at WEARY because I thought it might spell AWRY somehow. No chance of seeing those cartoon details in the newspaper.

    Hope it’s good weather in New Hampshire so Mike can put his idle hands to good use with the lawnmower. :-)🙋🏻‍♂️

  9. Fairly easy puzzle today; did have to think about dredge. Have a joyful weekend! 🙂

  10. I am new to this blog. I enjoy the jumble every day and live in Dallas. Debbie

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