Jumble Answers for 05/19/2017








Good morning, Mike, good morning, Everyone.

Mike, This one’s for you! ⚾️💤💤

TGIF! Today we’re in the Black Hills of South Dakota, visiting Mount Rushmore. You know, the only ROCK group, with four men who don’t sing! If there’s any connection between today’s date and today’s puzzle, may the historians amongst us please step forward. Personally I don’t know much about it, except that it’s huge, it’s iconic, it’s “America”. Kind  of like our Jumble. So, let’s get to it.  Nothing here today of any great SCALE.  No word in particular that could CHIP away at our thoughts.  Easy, breezy, good jumbling of everyday words. The answer: Really a give away, with those big heads looming large in the cartoons background. For those of us who write the letters down to solve, we saw the answer words as we wrote. For those of us who wing it, easy guess. Why Lincoln’s portrayed with the same mustache as the guy holding the specs…? Imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Talk about CHIPping away… Look where it got him…You know this undoing is putting them way over budget! Even back then! Jeff gave us a lot of little stone masons in the background; the two tiny ones atop Roosevelt’s head, HILLarious! All in all, an over the top puzzle to end the week.

Hoping Everone has a great day, and let’s not take anything for GRANITE! 🙋🏻







55 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 05/19/2017

  1. Good morning. Took a short break from you guys. Was in Angela’s neck of the woods for a confirmation party Saturday Have relatives and friends in Staten Island. Poured all day and part of the night. Had a great time. Today’s puzzle was fun. Could not get phobia so I went to the cartoon and seeing the Hs as Mike said had an instant read on the answer. Now knowing I needed HOA was able to get the word. Till tomorrow stay well

    • Good morning, Paul. I noticed you were missing! Saturday? What a day, right? I think we had 26 straight hours of rain. Glad you had a good time despite the terrible weather. Yes, today’s puzzle was cute. Hope you gave a great day! 🌞🙋🏻

  2. Phobia had me scratching my head for a wile as words ending in vowels cause me mental anguish. With all the “h” s the answer came rushing along. Great puzzle. Have a wonderful weekend and if appropriate, head for the hills.

    • Good morning, Mr. Welker! Those vowels can get us every time! I like your RUSHing along, whether intentional or not! I wish I could head for the HILLS today, it’s already 86 here and threatening to go higher. Not ready for all this heat so soon. Hoping all is well; enjoy your day! 🌞🙋🏻

    • Ha! Ain’t it the truth. Words like STUDIO, CASINO and TABOO get me every time.

    • Hey Rita…Good morning! This is why I relate to Miss Scarlet so well….We just worry about it tomorrow! Glad you had an easy go of it. Have a great day! 🌞🙋🏻

  3. I had to pause at phobia but backed into it since I had figured out the cartoon answer. Nice way to end the week. Beautiful day here today in S.F . And we’re in for a warm weekend. Happy Friday everyone.

    • Hi Betty. I’d agree toughest word of the bunch, but yes, perfect Friday puzzle. Warm weather? We went from 46 a few days ago to 93 y’day. I’d pay good money for some warm weather, it’s just too hot here already. I’m jealous! Enjoy! 🌞❤️

    • Hey Betty (Please excuse us here for a moment, folks) – If you have a farmer’s market with Lucero seascape strawberries, they will transport you directly to heaven. I got mine at the Thursday North Berkeley “gourmet ghetto” location, and they’re also at the Sunday Claremont DMV market in Oakland. Maybe SF Ferry Building?

  4. Hey Angela –
    🎵”Somewhere in the Black Hills of Dakota
    There lived a young boy name of ROCKy Racoon” 🎵, eh?

    • 🎶 Checked into his room, only to find Gideon’s Bible….You met your match… it’s only a scratch…🎶

  5. No problem with words or puzzle. I would have thought that PHOBIA would cause trouble but for some (subconscious? Freudian?) reason, it was obvious. mmmm, what does that really *mean*?

  6. Easy solve today; pic reminded me that I want to visit Mt. Rushmore again. I found it to be awesome; especially at dusk with a light show. Have a blessed day!🌞

    • Hi Sue – I read an article that said that after the human race has run its course, Mount Rushmore is probably the only artifact that will still be around to be glimpsed by our earliest replacements. And on that cheery note, have a great weekend!

      • Steve, this was posted on Rushmore’s site and fits with your comment.In the words of Mount Rushmore’s creator, John Gutzon Borglum, “Hence, let us place there, carved high, as close to heaven as we can, the works of our leaders, their faces, to show posterity what manner of men they were. Then breathe a prayer that these records will endure until the wind and the rain alone shall wear them away” 🙂

  7. Angela, Sue, et al – Are you horsey folks excited about the Preakness, or is it just a Derby kind of thing? I see the NBC coverage doesn’t start until Saturday, unlike Wednesday for the Derby.

    • Steve, in Louisville and surrounding areas, the Derby Festival starts two weeks before the actual race. Thunder over Louisville, bed races, parades, balloon race, balloon glow, steamboat race, galas, and it goes on and on. These are all covered by local television and starting on Oaks Day the coverage is almost non-stop. We like to watch The Preakness, however, no local stuff, just whatever is on NBC. My family likes to do Derby parties, however, we just watch The Preakness and we like to see the Derby winner take the Preakness and on to the Belmont. I hear my kitchen calling that it needs cleaning; talk to you later. Have a GREAT day! 🙂

  8. EEEEKKKKK.Rocky Racoon, Mt Rushmore at dusk, Phobias, FREUD,, “gourmet ghetto”, FREUD…The possibilities are endless….But I have an appointment to keep. I mean today wasn’t my turn in the rotation….but somebody’S absence sucked me back in. 😂 I have to run…but I’ll be back locked and loaded. Steve, take your nap now, ok! LOL….LATER…..🌞🙋🏻

  9. Hi, Mike et al, easy clue words and cartoon answer today. Yea.
    Jerry, having an artistic bent, loved being at Mt. Rushmore. We had planned to look & go, but he enjoyed it so much that we stayed to eat two more meals in the restaurant built high above the parking lot where one can see the faces through a glass wall while eating. That was a very memorable part of our vacation.
    Enjoy the rest of your Friday!

  10. Steve, when I got back last night from the Cracker Barrel after having their Thursday special, turkey & dressing, with Jerry, my favorite turkey, I found your very nice comment to Mike about me, but I thought it was too late to comment again. I Googled and greatly enjoyed hearing Smokey Robinson sing I Second That Emotion, so mellow & nicely sung. Of course, there’s a time to hear Jerry Lee Lewis and the Big Bopper & other wild ones, but I am going to remember this mellow one, too. Thanks!

  11. This was an easy one for me . It reminded me of Hitchock’s great film, North by Northwest, with the final scene on Mount Rushmore. Not a great film for someone with a phobia of heights.

  12. Steve, thanks for the heads up about the Lucero Seascape strawberries. I’m hungry for them already. I’m not familiar with the gourmet ghetto but I love the name and how appropriate that it’s located in Berkeley. You’re right the Ferry Building Farmers Market may have them and we also have a very good farmers market at Fort Mason on the weekends so I’ll check it out for sure. I have never been to Mt. Rushmore but as a graduation present I am taking my grandson on trip to “Cowboy Country” this July. We begin at Yellowstone National Park and end up in at Mt. Rushmore. We city slickers are so looking forward to the adventure.

    • There’s no accounting for taste, but my wife loved them too. “Gourmet ghetto” is where Alice Walker started Chez Panisse.

        • Thanks, John, I appreciate the heads-up. About an hour after I posted that I went “Duh!!”. 🙂

        • No sorries needed here……you just blame it on the auto correct! So where is Mike? 💤💤 🙋🏻

        • Anyway, I had already started humming “Alice’s Restaurant….! So, the gourmet ghetto is a real place? I thought you were just trying to come into 2017….Again…Mike? 😂🙋🏻

          • He joined me under the table. Kids these days; no stamina! 🙂

            • Exactly! Sleeping late means sleeping late. It doesn’t mean..See you trow! He owes me! LOL 😅 Gotta run again..today’s sooooo not being good to me…(Baseball’s been berry berry good to me….)! Catch you later…🙋🏻

          • It’s a semi-official well known knickname that has been around since the ’70’s.

  13. Scrolling through the posts, these came to mind: the Siamese cat who owned Kim Novack was named Piewacket in the film “Vertigo”” and I cannot get the song from ” Alice’s Restaurant out of my head. Imagine a Rushmore-type of memorial with Alfrd Hitckcock and Arlo Guthrie side by side.

    • Earl, that a tough one. Alfred Hitchcock and Arlo Guthrie. Side by side,….all the while I’m thinking of that cat…Truth, Earl? My imagination pales in comparison to yours! LOL…Hope you had a good day! 🙋🏻

  14. Mike, In case you’re out there…How many peanuts can one man eat? .if a woodchuck could chuck wood…Tough one. Good luck…⚾️⚾️

  15. Angela – All is well. Just busy, and have posting fatigue from yesterday – did you see 177 posts? Sounds like you got them all at once.
    Poor Mike, poor Sox fans! It looked so good; walk-off foiled in the bottom of the ninth, then disaster.
    I’m just starting to hear the postgame “Hip-Hop Fireworks”.
    Be well, see yall tomorrow; goodnight Gracie.

  16. Apologies: I did not spell Pyewacket correctly, so there is the correction. Also Pyewacket was not in “Vertigo”. But in “Bell Book and candle.” Thanks Google and Wikipedia–can’t trust my memory to be totally accurate ,

    • Good morning, Earl. No apologies necessary. There’s no grading here on this blog, and even if there was, I’m sure Mike would have to grade on the curve! LOL. “Bell, Book and Candle”…I don’t remember the movie that well, but the phrase brought to mind something I learned years ago in a religion course. Something to do with excommunication from the Catholic Church, I think. At 8AM, it’s way too early, I’m not looking it up! LOL. And it looks like someone had a crush on Kim Novak! She seems to be the common denominator here! LOL. Beautiful woman. Sadly, i remember that she made an appearance on one of the award shows a while ago, and was criticized for how she looked. In fact, Donald Trump was one of the harshest critics, and he did it in a tweet. The twit was tweeting nasty remarks even back then. (IMO). Anyway, judge not, lest ye be judged, don’t you think? So, don’t worry about your memory…you’re safe here! Hope you have a great day! 🎥📽 🙋🏻

    • *I’m* certainly not going to criticize after calling Alice Waters Alice Walker! Among many other flubs. You’ve got lots of company here! 🙂

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