Jumble Answers for 09/25/2023



13 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/25/2023

  1. Good Morning, Everyone…💲 CONSPICUOUS COMBUSTION! 💲

    🎶 A PLACE where nobody dared to go…The love that we came to know…They call it XANADU.. (it takes your breath…🎶 “Xanadu” – Olivia Newton-John 1980 https://tinyurl.com/yc86fyt2

    💲The year was 1941, we weren’t yet at war,
    There was no MODEM to speak of…the years would number more…
    A movie opened, “Citizen Kane”, the star was Orson Welles,
    Portraying a man so wealthy…a mansion’s where he dwelled…
    The world a BUFFET for this guy, (COLONY? It won’t go),
    This man named Kane, he was a BRAND in himself…ebb and flow
    Case you don’t know, I’ll post a link…the story there to learn…
    ‘Bout Xanadu and the movie…and the MONEY TO BURN…💲

    “Citizen Kane”, https://tinyurl.com/bdk6fchv the classic, controversial, Academy Award winning movie is our MAIN ATTRACTION today…And instead of wrestling with the plot here, I’m including links should you somehow not be aware of its RICH history,..

    Today we see Orson Welles, https://tinyurl.com/3338wwhd in his career defining role as Charles Foster Kane, and his second wife, Susan Alexander, played by Dorothy Comingore. And the palatial Florida estate,…Xanadu. https://tinyurl.com/mu655mdf …And as far as our solve goes…between our question…”WEALTHY” = MONEY, the extensive, extremely RICH dialogue, and the cartoon showing firewood getting ready to BURN…this one was handed to us on a SILVER PLATTER…The high cost didn’t bother the Kanes, because they had MONEY TO BURN,… https://tinyurl.com/mrxnd4j9 …Brilliant!

    But the SHOW stopper today? Jeff’s amazing cartoon. The wad of money in Orson’s hand, the multiple dollar signs on the bill being presented, the abundance of firewood…all helped with the PLOT…but the REEL DRAMA? Emily is wearing what is now a vintage fur scarf/stole that was known as a Kolinsky, https://tinyurl.com/yxarh827 something very rarely seen in the media today. I’m fortunate enough to have three of them, that belonged to my Mother and Grandmother. I treasure them. Next, if you look closely at the built-in urns flanking the fireplace, you’ll see that SKETCHED, I mean etched into the stonework are David at right, and Jeff at left. And if that wasn’t enough to LIGHT my FIRE…look beyond Jeff to what’s leaning against the wall…A SLED…with the image of a ROSEBUD!… https://tinyurl.com/pmkbxu7z …If there was ever an Academy Award for Jumble cartoons?…This is definitely it!

    So…There you have it Folks…Done. Have a good one. Be well, be kind, stay safe…And people always wondered if there was a hidden meaning to the line “Rosebud” from the movie…Or was it just the last thing Kane SLED? 💲🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 👍🏻They members of the COLONY sat at the BUFFET discussing the BRAND of MODEM that had become most popular…and with MONEY TO BURN agreed they’d invest in more than one…👍🏻

    🤦🏻‍♂️ The BRAND new MODEM gave him grief…trouble from the day one,
    Like seeing a COLONY of ants…his anger spread…he’s done…
    Selection like a BUFFET…but he didn’t choose well,
    He didn’t opt for warranty…he hated the hard sell…
    And now he’s stuck…and his stomach is doing a slow churn…
    He’s so upset…his funds are tight…he’s no MONEY TO BURN! 🤦🏻‍♂️


  4. Good morning Monday , start of a new week ! This is Jim , and I skipped yesterdays , Sunday jumble , just had too much going on , but I’m back at full force with todays and it was wonderful ! All the anagrams were there and the jumble like you said , Angela , the fire logs BURN and all the MONEY being shown , it was a nice solve ! I just wish I had enough MONEY TO BURN ! And your description on each action of the cartoon was so there ! This one was fun ! So everyone have a great start of the week Monday , and let’s all not BURN any MONEY ! This is Jim saying , see ya tomorrow on taco-Tuesday

  5. Upon a first look, didn’t know the answer…but after a minute or two, the solve popped into my brain. A pretty common idiom to start off the week. Anagrams followed suit. One of my favorite movies…thanks for pointing out all the little details, Angela. And the song so appropriate. Enjoy the start of the week and signing off anonomously….Terry

  6. Easy breezy Monday morning puzzle. Thanks for all the analysis Miss Angela. Jeff packed a lot of information in that little cartoon. Betty

    • YW, Betty…and thank you. And I definitely applaud Jeff with this one. It blew me away! 💲🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. I finally got a blind solve today Angela. The words came to me lickety split, and the solution followed after a few minutes of thought. Couldn’t you smell my brain burning like the money into the fireplace? Hahaha. It’s getting colder here Angela and we hope you have a great day today Monday! See you to morrow and I’ll have a taco for you.

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