🦃 Jumble Answers for 11/23/2017 🦃








Good Thursday morning everyone and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! The clue words were no problem at all today. CANOPY was the only word that gave me a slight pause and would be my pick for the most difficult anagram to decipher.

Jumble artist, Jeff Knurek, did a superb job with today’s Thanksgiving themed cartoon! Looking at the panel, we see two people having a conversation. There’s a giant turkey on the countertop and a football game on the television in the background. We have seen these two particular characters many times in the past and they are magician Mac King and his beautiful wife, Jennifer Sils. Reading the dialogue and sentence, we learn that Mac is ready to spend some time with his wife, but Jennifer still has some “stuff” to do before she can relax.

The letter layout and solution for today’s game was well thought out by Mr. Hoyt. With HER being given to us, ON seemed like a great word to begin with. HANDS jumped out at me at that point leaving THYME to finish off the puzzle giving us a fantastic surprise answer.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I’ll see you tomorrow! 🙂

21 thoughts on “🦃 Jumble Answers for 11/23/2017 🦃

  1. 🎶Because you know I’m all about that BASTE…’Bout that BASTE no treble
    I’m all about that BASTE, ‘Bout that BASTE, no treble…I’m all about that BASTE…’Bout that BASTE, ‘Bout that BASTE,…🎶

    🦃🦃 You get up before dawns’ bright light, a few things to get done
    You’re thinking ’bout last minute chores before the day’s begun…
    The table’s set already, you did that all last night
    You’re having coffee, watching news. A donut? Yes, you MIGHT.
    Your punch list’s right here HANDY, so that nothing goes UNSURE
    You won’t forget to…Wait, is that a knock upon the door?
    You look out ‘neath the CANOPY, a man’s there in a suit…
    It’s your neighbor, with a Cornucopia filled with fruit!
    He comes inside, this man so sweet, you sit with him and talk
    He’s on his way to visit relatives out in Norwalk.
    He tells you things look beautiful, the day will go just fine…
    And if you think you’re getting stressed…Just have a glass of wine!
    You share a cup of coffee, laugh while new serenity lands
    You’ll be just fine, you’ll be the girl who’s got “THYME” ON HER HANDS! 🦃🦃

    Thanksgiving Day, 2017. It’s here, Folks! Let’s not BASTE any time…
    No problem with our words, easy as PIE. Next COURSE, our cartoon. Thanksgiving Day, in the kitchen…A man and a woman. He’s got two GOBBLEts of wine, and he’s asking, “Ready for a Toast”? She answers, “Yes, I YAM, as soon as I ROAST”! She’s rubbed that TURKEY the right way, and she’s ready to relax and watch the Lions play the Vikings. SAUCEy, isn’t she? She’s got “THYME” ON HER HANDS! Great pun, Dave! SEASONed to PERFECTion! Ok, Eye candy. There’s such a CORNUCOPIA of choices today, making my eyes GLAZE over…We have the gridiron showing the Lion’s game. We have an onion, with some THYME to spare. We have the TRADITIONAL ombré blonde in purple. And then we have the apron, reading “Kiss the Cook”. But you know me, I look for the real GOBscure…And I think today Jeff threw me a FOWL ball with this BUTTER BALL! I’m swinging at it anyway! I’m going with the STUFFING! Yes, look closely…You can actually see what this BIRD’S made of! Good job, Jeff..You always were about the deTAIL!…
    So, there you have it, Folks! (It’s all GRAVY, and this bird is)…DONE! 🦃

    Have a great Thanksgiving, Everyone! I wish you all a day of Family, Food, Fun, Football, and most of all, Peace…PIECE of Turkey, PIECE of Stuffing, PIECE of Pie.. 🦃🙋🏻

  2. Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to all. Hope it’s free of Family squabbles. Today’s jumble was a cinch. A five second read on words 1,3,4 with #2 taking a double look. The cartoon answer was also simple with getting hands first then on and the left over letters leaving thyme. Think Jeff went easy on us today to give everybody plenty of time to prepare for today’s event. As always stay well and as Autry would say “till we meet again”.

  3. Hi, Mike et al! I agree with you Mike, that CANOPY was the word that took a second glance and the cartoon answer was unexpected but fun.


    Master Chef Mike at the store,
    Purchased special food galore.
    Today every pot
    Contains something hot
    And his guests are at the door.


    • Thank you for the wonderful limerick, Lelia! I hope you don’t mind, but I shared it with my Thanksgiving guests. I also told them some of your wonderful stories which they also enjoyed very much. I trust you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I’ll talk to you soon. 😊😊😊

      • Hi, Mike!! You are quite welcome for the limerick, and I am delighted that you read it to your guests. I’m wondering which of my stories you liked enough to tell.

        We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I’m sure you did, too. What side dish did you decide to pleasure your guests with in your crockpot?

        I have posted the same comment twice about how happy & surprised I was to see the beautiful winter wonderland you have created for us. I put it on IOW and at the very end of today’s comments and thanked you for it. Thanks again!!

  4. Steve, congratulations on your San Jose Sharks growing their teeth back and beating my AZ Coyotes “Desert Dogs” 3 to 1. I saw the whole game LIVE on the channel 1073 you gave me. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  5. “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.”
    I would like to send special thanks to Mike for creating this whole space where we can enjoy each other’s company.
    To you all, I wish family, friends, good health, good food, laughter and puns (where applicable).

    Speaking of food, I saw this quote online:
    “Last year a “bakery” sent “biscotti” to our newsroom with a press release. We ate the whole bag before someone actually read the release, from a dog biscuit bakery.”

    Angela – “two GOBBLEts of wine”? 👏😂
    WATTLE you come up with next?

    • Hey, Grasshopper. Happy Turkey Day! Yes, GOBBLEts! LOL…Thanks!
      WADDLE? 😂 Here’s your puns…
      Made a decision…This year I’m not going to eat leftovers all week. I’m going COLD TURKEY!
      We’ll have a ton of biscotti today…I better read the fine print, huh? 😂
      Actually, I had one with my coffee….It WAS a little RUFF going down…
      There’ll be some conservatives at dinner today…They’re always looking for two right wings…
      And I’m expecting to hear what I heard last year as I wrapped up the leftover turkey….FOILed AGAIN! 🦃
      The GAMEs will begin around 1ish. As we speak, we have four ovens going…I’m full just from the aromas! Hope you have a great day! WISH..(bone) ME LUCK! 🦃🙋🏻

  6. I did, and thanks. This actually feels more like Christmas, what with the festive new background, and a visit from The Creator (Dave)!

      • It works for me on my iPad and it’s a nice change (“Change is good”!) I don’t know if people on phones will find the tree interfering with their reading of the text, but that’s for them to say.

    • Paul. Go up to the top right to the calendar. Click on 24, and it should bring you to today’s page. Let me know if you need further help, ok?

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