Jumble Answers for 11/13/2017








Good Monday morning, my friends. I was super excited when I opened my newspaper to find that it was Guest Jumbler week! For those of you new to the Daily Jumble puzzle, Guest Jumbler week is when our current Jumble Artist, Jeff Knurek, invites various other artists from different comic strips to take over his duties for the week. It’s always a pleasure seeing how they choose to draw the cartoon by using their different characters and settings to broaden our Jumble horizons. Before we delve into today’s piece, we can’t forget those clue words. CHANCE completely baffled me this morning, causing me to dust off my notepad to do some self-jumbling before it became visible. With that being said, it’s my pick for the most difficult anagram of the day.

Moving along to the cartoon, we find out that Joe Stanton is today’s guest artist and he brings us face to face with iconic police detective, Dick Tracy! His 2-Way Wrist Radio is alerting him that another case is ready for his sleuthing skills, so perhaps he’s off to bust Flattop or Breathless Mahoney. The final solution to this puzzle didn’t require you to be a “Dick Tracy”. After writing out the clue letters, WATCH was an instant find followed by CRIME for the finish.

That’s all for today folks! Have a wonderful Monday morning and I’ll see you tomorrow!!! ๐Ÿ•ต๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธโŒš๏ธ

45 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 11/13/2017

  1. Good morning, Mike. I spent a few minutes on CHANCE. Rest of clues and solution were easier. Have a good day. Stay warm.

      • Good morning , Angela. How are you this AM? May get a little snow or freezing rain later. Gonna scoot to WM. Later

        • I’m well, Moose. Thank you. It’s raining here, and the leaves are making for slippery spots. “Let’s be careful out there”…(A salute to Hill Street Blues..In keeping with the theme)! Talk to you later.๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

      • Good afternoon Mam. Busy AM. Shopping at WM, then spent 3 hours outdoors winterizing lawn equipment. Then more raking, now taking it slow for the remainder of the day. How’s by you?

        • How’s by me? I got tired just reading what you’ve been up to! ๐Ÿ˜‰ We’ve had rain almost all day. I won’t even say what I’ve done today. Pales in comparison. Glad you’re taking a break.๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

    • Good morning, Moose! It sounds like we were on the same page. Actually weโ€™re ordering heating oil today before the price goes any higher. Stay well, my friend!

  2. Good morning, Mike. I like you’re sleuthing skills! I went with those 2 characters also. ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

  3. ๐ŸŽถCalling DICK TRACY, calling Dick Tracy…Come here Tracy, This is Sam. What are you doing up there? Calling Dick Tracy, calling Dick Tracy…Do you read me, Tracy?…”๐ŸŽถ

    โŒš๏ธ๐Ÿ”ซ In the Detroit MIRROR way back in 1931,
    Dick Tracy first appeared, Gumshoe second to none…
    With his THICK jaw and hawk like nose and narrow eyes like slits
    He won the hearts of readers with his looks and with his wit.
    With yellow hat and overcoat, the City he did DWELL
    Pat Patton was his partner, and they gave the criminals hell.
    And then in 1946 his Watch made its debut
    Inventive and way ‘fore it’s time…a Radio for two!
    And readers thought..”How can this be, he speaks into a Watch”?
    And Tracy’s popularity for sure went up a notch…
    Then Patton got promoted, the year 1949
    Sam Catchem got his CHANCE to help Dick Tracy control crime.
    The Comic Strip went on for years, Dick Tracy was the man…
    And Apple’s CEO Tim Cook’s child fantasies began…โŒš๏ธ๐Ÿ”ซ

    “CRIME DOES NOT PAY”! But it sure paid for Chester Gould! When he created Dick Tracy, he gave birth to a cast of characters that had readers LOCKED UP for years. FLATTOP JONES, PRUNEFACE, CHIN CHILLAR, just to MUMBLEs a few. One raises their BROW just thinking of them! And what about PAROLL LEA, SAL MONELLA , KISS ANDTEL and DON QUICK OATIE! Mr Gould was a punsters’ delight. And let’s not forget 2013, when Dave and Jeff were featured in a Dick Tracy story line about the criminal, the JUMBLER! And the Jumble did a series of puzzles centered around Dick Tracy. There were even Jumble puzzles shown along with the CRIMESTOPPERS TEXTBOOK, giving CLUES to help solve the case! Folks, you can’t make this stuff up…Oh wait, They did! Ah, the good old days! Ok, enough with this walk down Memory PANE! Let’s solve the case! The City was safer because of…Tracy’s…CRIME WATCH! It’s a wrap…PRINT it! Case Closed! And “I’M ON MY WAY”…to the Eye candy. HEELS BEALS, are you kidding me? I’m BREATHLESS over the watch…
    So, There you have it, Folks! Done! Have a great day, Everyone! โŒš๏ธ
    “SIX-TWO AND EVEN…OVER AND OUT”… See you in the Funny Papers…! ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

    • Lots of background info, Angela, so thank you! Such a surprise to see that it was Guest Jumbler week already. Excited for tomorrow!!! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

      • I absolutely LOVE Dick Tracy! I even have a Dick Tracy doll…(Yes, sometimes there’s no accounting for taste)! ๐Ÿ˜‰ In fact, I learned to read from this comic! So, you’re welcome for the background info, but he’s like “Family” to me! LOL..
        I knew as soon as I saw it that you’d be excited about the week! And I know who you’re hoping for! ๐Ÿ•ท Have a great day, Bud! โŒš๏ธ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

      • LOL! 4:30. And I got so excited when I saw Dick Tracy I didnโ€™t even need that second cup of coffee! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

  4. Those who DWELL along a canal where there is a CHANCE of THICK fog should keep a eye on their rear view MIRROR in the morning.
    Easy solve today and until I studied the clue letters thought the answer might be “smart phone” When I saw no S, knew I had to keep searching and the answer came quickly.
    No fog here today but large wet snow flakes.โ„๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜

      • Western New York–Fingerlakes Region. I exaggerated a little, nothing sticking but this weekend could see our first measurable snow.

    • Earl. Good morning. Did you know Tim Cook said that he got his idea for the Apple Smart Watch from this? It was his favorite from when he was 5 years old! โŒš๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

    • Hi Earl, light snow in the Hill Towns, west of Albany. Luckily it was of short duration. Stay warm.

  5. Mike thanks for the heads up on guest artist. I will pay more attention now. The only word I had a tough time with was CRIME…..I was trying my best to squeeze out a W so I could use WRIST as that was my first guess. Tough getting that out of my head. Kinda like an ear worm!

  6. No blind solve this morning, but an easy one nonetheless.

    I need a recommendation for a reliable online version for the Sunday Jumble. The one I have been accessing through my local paper rarely functions correctly anymore.

  7. It was a fun puzzle this morning. I always really enjoy guest jumblers. Chance took me a moment to solve but the rest or the words and cartoon answer fell into place easily. Will be fun to see who contributes tomorrow. Happy Monday everyone.

  8. Hi, Mike et al! Quick solve today for me with the cartoon answer and all 4 words. I donโ€™t know how I got CHANCE instantly, but I did. Dick Tracy was a favorite of mine, too; read it every day.

    The only police story I know is when I was caught one day on the I-17 freeway in Phoenix in a police dragnet that was after a kid who had stolen a car and was headed north on the freeway. All of a sudden I was surrounded by at least 6 police cars, but they let me out as quickly as they could when they were sure they had the kid in the net.

    Wanting to find out what happened, as soon as I got home, I called my favorite radio station to tell them about it. They put it on the next hour as their first item of news.

    Great post today, Mike. Stay warm with your wood pellets and heating oil.

  9. Hi all – Whenever I see โ€˜CHโ€™ I try it at the beginning or end to see if the remaining letters form a word. That worked for CHANCE but not THICK, but the same trick often works for โ€˜THโ€™, which this did.

    One glance at the picture and the circles and I knew it had to to be โ€œWrist Radioโ€. All that was missing was the little box saying โ€œ2-way wrist radioโ€ with an arrow pointing there. Of course it wasnโ€™t and wouldnโ€™t have been a pun anyway. The letters made the answer obvious.

    It was also obvious that Mike would be Hog Heaven for a week. Enjoy!
    Iโ€™m amazed how much of the science fiction of my youth has become reality – this radio as a smartphone or Apple Watch, and I often marvel as I use my iPad that the communication device in โ€œ2001โ€ is sitting in my lap.

    Angela – GREAT pickup that Tracy debuted in the MIRROR!!

    • LOL…Thanks, Steve. And that it was one of today’s words! For a minute there I thought I was going to have to go with Dick looking in the mirror attempting to shave that square jaw of his! And it rhymed sooooo much better! It warmed my TrueHEART! ๐Ÿ˜‰ And that’s the WRIST of it! โŒš๏ธ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

  10. Good afternoon. Just got the blog less than two hrs ago. Tried to use the calendar but even that wouldn’t let me in. Great cartoon today should be a fun week. Agree that chance was the hardest of all the words. But just maybe fifteen seconds more to get. The cartoon answer was simple too after putting down the letters. Let’s hope tomorrow I get the blog in the morning rather than late in the afternoon. Until then stay well.

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