Jumble Answers for 03/29/2021








23 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/29/2021

  1. Happy Monday everyone! Today’s clue words offered very little resistance. GFIREU is the only one that needed a few extra seconds to become visible so it’ll be my pick for today’s hardest solve. The double-letter trick worked perfectly on PLAZA and MUFFIN, but I highly doubt you had to go that far to solve them. The only other thing I noticed was that all of the anagrams were arranged in reverse alphabetical order, which, by my count is the 6th time David has done so this year.
    Adorable cartoon of an artist painting a portrait of a pig. It seems the amateur Pig-casso has finally stumbled upon the exact color combination to make his piggy’s portrait pop. I really would have liked to have seen the moment just before this where the artist was getting his muse into the outfit. I suppose if the pig didn’t cooperate he’d have learned the alternate meaning of getting dressed! The details of the top hat, bow tie and cane really gave the pig a dapper look, but my favorite detail was the bit of portrait that was visible through the finger hole in the artitist’s paint pallete!
    The final solve was an anagram consisting of seven letters. Two of them were vowels and the remaining five were consonants. The layout wasn’t overly cryptic and I had no trouble finding PIG within the first few letters. The rest of the solution fell neatly into place to seal the deal. Have a magnificent Monday, and keep Jumbling!

    • Mike…The little peak through the palette’s🎨 hole? The Pig and the Pendulum? 😉🐷🙋🏻‍♀️

    I LOVE IT….
    Monday is usually a snap and such it was………………..
    It was 90 today in SoCally. First time in months I activated the AC. It will be a little cooler tomorrow.
    For the first time in history UCLA and USC will be in the Elite 8, way cool.
    Old Mig

    • I hadn’t heard that bit of trivia, thanks! I’d actually like to see Oregon State write the full Cinderella story.

      • I like Oregon State also Steve but my loyalty is with the LA colleges since I graduated from both……..

  3. Another fast solve Monday, which I am sure it will be for most everyone. Go Figure I ate a Toxic Muffin in the Plaza and my Pigment changed. Warm and windy day on the Great Plains causing a Red Flag warning for fire danger.

  4. Good Morning, Everyone. I hope this finds you well….

    🐷 You look and try to FIGURE out what’s up with the mustache,
    Our model Pig don’t have one, so do we give it a pass?
    And wonder too where will this hang, a PLAZA about Pork?
    I’d hardly want it in my home…people would definitely talk…
    Besides all that, I do eat pork, it’s not TOXIC to me,
    In fact an Egg McMUFFIN? Ah, the bacon and the brie…
    So this woman who’s fawning, is it just about Pig’s tint?
    ‘Cause something don’t add up here…all he got was the PIGMENT!🐷

    Have a good day, Everyone. Be well and stay safe. 🐖🙋🏻‍♀️

    🙏🏻 Prayers for all our readers affected by the weekend’s storms.

  5. 🎨 Unable to FIGURE out how to get the PIGMENT right in their paintings of the PLAZA and its surrounding foliage, the atmosphere turned TOXIC when the art teacher lost his patience with the class, and even his coffee and MUFFIN peace offering didn’t help…🎨

    🕺🏻He stood out in the PLAZA, and a fine FIGURE he is,
    The model for Armani, and this photo shoot is his…
    But things soon got quite TOXIC, when they wanted him to eat,
    He’s dressed in a tuxedo, and a MUFFIN in the street?
    He balked and called his Agent…and down south the whole shoot went…
    The anger turned his face so red…it ruined the whole PIGMENT! 🕺🏻

  6. No problems today. I really liked Jeff’s drawing and the origami pig in the voting box. March 1 was National Pig Day.  I learned from a news feature that day that pigs are among the smartest animals.

    • Good Morning, Caroline…National Pig 🐷Day?! And we forgot to send well wishes to Betty’s sister! 😱 Oh no…the sHAMe!!! I blame it all on this quarantine…the memory’s just not the same! 🐷🙋🏻‍♀️

      • I never heard of the day before this year. I forgot about Betty’s sister and pigs.

        • I totally forgot too…I think I’ll need to be investing in some of Paul’s 🫐blueberries!😂🙋🏻‍♀️

          • Yes, I always send her some sort of a card with a pig on it and save pig jokes from the comics to include. This year I found some Pig Races on You Tube which we thought were hysterical. Check them out.

            • Hi Betty. Yes, that I remember you saying. And last year you even mentioned that you found her some pig masks too. But the date itself complete slipped my mind. The months seem to have all become one big blur lately. Like it’s not bad enough dealing with the Quarantine Fifteen and the tight jeans…now I have to come to grips with the lessening of the brain cells! 😂 Too bad it’s not the other WEIGH around! 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. Good morning. Being Monday I flew through the words and colorful cartoon answer. In fact I did it in such good time that this little piggy will have plenty of time to spend at the market. Yesterday I was having trouble with the words and never got the chance to finish as I had a Baptism to go to. I’ll tackle it now that bocce is out because of all the rain yesterday. Until tomorrow stay well and stay safe.

  8. Guess we’ll have to have pork chops for supper.As far as the anagrams and puzzle,a snap for all on another easy Monday puzzle.

  9. So easy that 89% had no trouble with this jumble. I would be interested to find out if this is the highest % ever!
    As for this jumble… Ingenious!!!

  10. Hi all – Easy words today with the double letter trick showing MUFFIN. I was stuck on a pun involving “hog”, so I had to look at the letters and then PIGMENT was obvious.

    Good wishes to everyone.

    “The new coffee and MUFFIN shop didn’t FIGURE on there still being TOXIC waste buried beneath the PLAZA.’

  11. Went whole hog today and solved the puzzle in record time. Sounds like we’re all off to a good start this week. Happy Monday!

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