Jumble Answers for 03/25/2021








27 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/25/2021

  1. Happy Thursday everyone! The difficulty level of the puzzles seems to have peaked as we inch closer and closer towards the end of the week. URCHIN had me searchin’ those deep, dark spots of the brain that aren’t used to a workout this early in the morning. Not only is it my choice for the most difficult offering, but it was also the only word that I had no idea what the definition was! I assumed URCHIN referred only to SEA urchin’s, but good ol’ Merriam-Webster got me straightened out. One of the alternate definitions is an archaic way of referring to hedgehogs, but the more common use is a way to describe mischievous and raggedly clothed youngsters. All of the anagrams, including the one for the final solve, have previously been used. I should note that the last time we saw HIGHER-UPS, which was 06/15/83, the solution was technically “THE” HIGHER-UPS, but THE was given to us so it wound up being a perfect match.

    Impressive cartoon featuring a few floors of an office building. I didn’t recognize any of the other buildings in the panel so I would assume we’re still in Jumbleville. There weren’t any concrete clues to assist in identifying the type of business they’re in, but I did note the employees were dressed in casual attire so it’s probably some type of support. The absence of telephones on the desks leads me to believe all of their business is conducted online. The CEO appears to be a woman as she’s seated at the head of the conference table. I doubt she has as cool a title as Elon Musk has though. Last week he changed his title from CEO of Tesla Motors to “Technoking of Tesla.” And if that wasn’t zany enough, he went ahead and changed the title of his chief financial officer to “Master of Coin!” I guess when you’re at the top you can pretty much do as you please. A bit of humanity was expressed through her dialogue though, so I’d say she wields her power responsibly. My favorite detail within Jeff’s offering was the aforementioned conference table. The gentle curves of its base gave it a space-age sort of vibe.

    The final solve was an an anagram consisting of nine letters. Six of them were consonants, while the remaining three were vowels. The layout was a big ol’ pile of mush that easily disguised the answer. My biggest clue came not from the cartoon, but from the use of “EXECUTIVES” and “TOP FLOOR” in the sentence. It didn’t take long to find UP, and the rest of the solution fell neatly into place from there. Have a terrific Thursday, and keep Jumbling!

    • One of the nice things about Jumble is seeing words that you’d forgotten about or had only remembered as part of a phrase, not realizing they could stand alone, like urchin.

  2. CRYPT = Last used on 02/04/13 as PYRCT
    SHIFT = Last used on 12/16/20 as IFSTH
    URCHIN = Last used on 01/03/19 as NRIHUC
    GOTTEN = Last used on 05/19/20 as TONTGE
    HIGHER-UPS = Last used on 06/15/83 as PUIGESHRH


  3. Got it all but almost 6 minutes so this week is getting harder!
    The puzzle solution was a puzzle for a brief time but everything else came together in time.
    Time is money look in the clock…..

      • This is mind-boggling, Mike! You didn’t know “urchin” but you know that the “time is money” quote is from a “My Little Margie” episode? How? – even I’m too young for that! Hope neither of you is in the path of a Gale or Storm today!

        • Gale or a Storm! 😂👏🏻👏🏻! But didn’t we have a discussion here going back about the episode and the clocks? 🤷🏻‍♀️. I have to think…Unfortunately, lately I’ve fallen victim to the Covid brain! 🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. Good Morning, Everyone. I hope this finds you well…

    🎶 Uh, stress is cruel, fame’s a lie…But you’re special, on every level…Success is cool, money is fine…But you’re special, another level…And we’re climbing, once again….Gettin’ HIGHER, HIGHER, HIGHER…🎶 “Higher, Higher” – Justin Timberlake 2018 https://tinyurl.com/s6zy6nbj

    🏢 Some cubicles are like a CRYPT, they’re small…no room to SHIFT,
    One might feel like an URCHIN…if you understand my drift…
    But we see here executives who’ve risen to the top,
    I guess the rule applies that it’s the mighty who may drop…
    They’ve GOTTEN up the food chain and unless something might flux,
    They’re sitting pretty, just because they’re deemed the HIGHER UPS! 🏢

    As the old idiom goes…Cream always rises to the top, and here today that holds true on two levels. Because with ”TOPS” “BELOW”, and “TOP FLOOR”…not only has David given us enough hints to hit the heights, he’s partnered his wording with Jeff’s lofty carton to definitely rise to the occasion…HIGHER UPS, indeed! Have a good day, Everyone…Be well and stay safe out there…🏢🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. 👗Squeezing into the dark, tiny dressing room that felt like a CRYPT, she tried on the SHIFT, only to feel she looked like an URCHIN, and wondered how the HIGHER UPS of the fashion industry had GOTTEN so far off the mark…👗

    🤷🏻‍♂️He now had pulled the graveyard SHIFT, he wondered how he’d GOTTEN,
    Stuck with these hours, often lumped with things that are verboten
    He’d take a break and go outside, an URCHIN there he’d see,
    Just sitting in a CRYPT-like place…of course he took pity…
    He’d often give him food and something warm in a few cups,
    And would have brought him inside, if for not the HIGHER UPS….🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. Good morning. It took a little time to get Urchin and then I checked all the words to make sure I was correct but my brain reversed the RY in CRYPT so I was unable to solve the cartoon answer. For the 6 letter words it came up with Sheugh and Heughs. I’m going something isn’t right and checked 3 times but I never picked up that I had crypt reversed until I decided to check the outcome. You start to get a little nervous because the older you get things like that happen a little more. Until tomorrow stay well and stay safe.

    • Good Morning, Brooklyn. I always found this quote to be amusing…”As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes…and I can’t remember the other two”. 😉And you’re hardly alone…Have a good one, Paul. Be well and stay safe out there…🏢🙋🏻‍♀️

      • Thanks for the laugh Angela. By the way, first time hearing your song choice. I was thinking of another song but darn if I can remember the name. We are back to bocce again a lot more as the weather gets warmer. Last week there was so many waiting that we used two courts and losers switched to play the winners on the other court. I’ve been trying to get them to do that when it’s that many people for 3 years now. It took a women to push the issue. Everybody was happy because there was little waiting time. Take care.

        • LOL! You’re very welcome. Gotta laugh, Paul. 😂 It definitely beats crying, right? And that’s too funny with the waiting…I remember you mentioning it a while back. But I’m a little surprised that you’re getting so many people. I guess you’re all vaccinated by now…I hope so anyway. I’m still very leery of crowds. I just hope we can all get our shots soon…maybe I’ll feel safer then. And of course it took a woman to press the issue! You know how persistent…and wise..😉we can be! 😂 And the song? I’m a big Justin fan…and as always, it was the first thing that popped into my head. The HIGHER, and the mention of success and money…and LEVEL. I just figured it was a shoe-in! 😉 (And I can’t help but laugh at you saying you can’t remember the other song! I think you’re pulling my leg)!… Enjoy your day, Paul…and please stay safe out there…🏢🙋🏻‍♀️

          • A lot of the bocce players got one or both shots. I’m waiting a little over a week for my second shot. Your name sake and her sister caught the bug in February and was for 3 weeks before they were back. The younger and thinner one who walks miles everyday suffered more. We still have guys that refuse to get the shot or wear a mask. But no mask no playing.

            • Sadly, I lost 7 people to the damn thing, so I walk on eggshells. And I have a friend in the hospital as we speak. Hopefully he won’t need to go on a ventilator. It’s crazy…And it’s definitely not discriminatory. But at least you have the no mask rule in place. Please be careful out there, Paul, and send Angie my regards. 🙋🏻‍♀️

  7. Hi Everyone – I thought of Unrich but wasn’t sure if it was a legitimate word. I was able to get the answer and then back into Urchin.

  8. Urchin also gave me reason to pause,but the other anagrams,even crypt were a quick solve.High was a given for the cartoon solution,but I was thinking up high before the final higher ups solution.

  9. Urchin was scrambled well. I figured that the “ch” would be at the beginning or the ending of the word but no, it was in the middle. Cartoon answer was a given. Not sure how many executives are working “higher up” these days. One of our local TV stations has been doing stories about the effects of the pandemic on our downtown high rise buildings – absolutely devastating. Downtown S.F. Still looks pretty deserted. Hoping for better days.

    • It’s the same here too, Betty. Everyone I know has been working from home. Except for one friend who continued/insisted on going in…traveling from NJ into the city. We all told him he was being ridiculous…And unfortunately he caught the virus. Thick-headed. But he’s working from home now. SMH…🤷🏻‍♀️And I’m praying 🙏🏻 for better days too. Be well, Betty…and stay safe. 🙋🏻‍♀️

  10. Hi all – Neither the UN trick or putting IC at the end worked, so I just had to stare until I saw URCHIN. Double-letter trick for GOTTEN. I thought the answer pun might be slightly different – that they might need more colleagues and were “HIGHER-ING” but the letters showed the correct solution.

    Good wishes to everyone.

    “On the movie set, the curious URCHIN had GOTTEN a big scare when the door to the CRYPT he was playing with started to SHIFT open and revealed Dracula.”

    (I liked your “graveyard SHIFT” Angela, and it goes well with this!)

      • Funny you should say that! After I asked how you knew the “Margie” reference, I thought about adding “maybe you fell asleep during Svengoolie and that was on MeTV when you woke up!” 😂 Of course then I thought maybe you got it the same way I did – with a Google search!

    • Tks! 😉 Shift’s one of those words that you can really play around with. And I was determined to get three different usages from it…And I’m figuring you’re familiar with the “fashion” Shift…being the fashionista that I know you to be! 😉 Pashminas not withstanding! 😂 🙋🏻‍♀️

  11. Master of Coin is because Tesla now will accept Bitcoin as payment for its products.
    I could not come up with urchin even though I knew the answer and knew which letters I needed. Oh well! Ann

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