Jumble Answers for 06/19/2020

















35 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 06/19/2020

  1. Good Morning, Everyone… ✍🏻 HAVE I GOT A TIP FOR YOU…✍🏻

    🎶 EINSTEIN, your mind was so ahead of its time…Your math was so divine…showed how the world was beautiful…🎶 “Albert Einstein” – Ellis Paul 2012 https://tinyurl.com/ydh2cwrp

    ✍🏻 One wonders if the bellboy then had left the papers STREWN,
    Upon a desk, and looked at them like once in a blue moon…
    They didn’t have much STYLE, a CHOOSY man might say,
    But keeping them the best thing…as people learned that day…
    Two letters signed by Einstein, from 1922
    And worth almost two million…’twas no way the bellboy knew…
    Too bad I’m stuck with QUART now, ‘cause Quarter would have fit,
    Had Einstein had some pocket change…the story changed to wit…
    Supposedly no coins he had… not 50 cents nor thirty…
    So our bellboy got these two notes…a tip very NOTEWORTHY …✍🏻

    So, while LYSET showed up twice, once in 2015, and once last year, you’ll never guess which word I couldn’t discover. QUART. And I’m pretty positive too…Hard to believe, right? I mean I actually became theory-eyed going through the Archives…but I ended up hydrogen…I mean high and dry…What can I say? I just don’t get it…such a common word…It just doesn’t fit the equation, does it? Oh well…let me not take up any more time and space with it…Let’s just move on to our cartoon…

    Today we have another Jumble puzzle where art imitates life. The auction in 2017 of two of physicist Albert Einstein’s (https://tinyurl.com/obojphc) hand-written notes. The first, “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness”, sold for $1.56 million, while the second, “Where there is a will, there is a way”, fetched $250,000. The story behind them? A very interesting one… you can read about it here…https://tinyurl.com/yb753s4l. And we’re seeing an enactment of the auction, complete with the astonished attendees, as well as the press, capturing the NOTEWORTHY event.

    The eye candy? Aside from Einstein’s hair never looking neater… which could be neither hair nor there…(And for you physics lovers out there…https://tinyurl.com/o2248g2)…NOTE how the notes are referred to as “Memos” in the puzzles question? It’s all relative…isn’t it?

    So, There you have it Folks, Done….Wishing you all a better day than yesterday…Be well and stay safe out there. ✍🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. 🥤Since he’d gotten CHOOSY about the esthetics of things, he couldn’t help but notice the new STYLE QUART-sized cans the soda company produced…and he felt the use of bright colors STREWN about them made them NOTEWORTHY….🥤

    🥃 The couple downed a QUART of rye…the brand they weren’t CHOOSY
    They always showed up all unkempt…and just got loud and boozie…
    The RV that they lived in, was STREWN with soldiers dead
    Whatever STYLE it once had…was long now put to bed….
    The vehicle an eye-sore, discolored…looking dirty,
    So when they drove it into town…’twas definitely NOTEWORTHY…🥃

  3. I think they mean Beethoven instead of Einstein. His writings would be NOTEWORTHY. I would expect Einstein’s to be RELATIVELY WORTHY. I imagine that those notes could have sold faster than light.

    • Jim…Al bert you never heard this one…😉
      One day, Einstein, Newton, and Pascal decide to play a game of hide and seek. Einstein volunteered to be “It.” And as he counted, eyes closed, to 10, Pascal ran and hid.

      But Newton just sat right there in front of Einstein, with a piece of chalk in his hand, and drew a one meter by one meter square on the ground.

      Einstein opened his eyes and said… “Newton you’re terrible at this game.. I’ve immediately found you!”

      Newton answered…”No, no, Albert….You’ve found one Newton per square meter. You’ve found Pascal!”

      Drop the mic…🎤 Be well, Jim, stay safe.✍🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. Good morning. My choice for hardest word was Strewn. It took longer to get than all the rest combined. After starring at the letters for a short time I saw the word Note followed with Worthy. If it wasn’t for the last word it would have been a typical Monday jumble for me. Until tomorrow stay well.

  5. Being a former math prof,I enjoyed the physics references but expected the cartoon solution to involve ” relativity” in some manner.Choosy was the toughest anagram for me.

    • Good Morning. Professor. One of the Early Birds, who’s a Mechanical/Designing Engineer, and a former physics student (whose Pascal joke I used), said the same thing. As did Jim earlier. I think David may be inundated with that reaction today…Be well, Prof. Stay safe. ✍🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

  6. Hi all – It took a few looks before trying CH showed CHOOSY even with the double letter trick and ‘Y’ at the end. Nothing like “relativity” worked for the answer, so I had to write the letters to see WORTHY and the rest.

    Love the little mustache on the auctioneer!

    I expected the notes to be about physics, so it was surprising to read that they were just used as a tip. I guess he didn’t have a yen to carry cash.
    What I didn’t expect was a physics joke, Angela! Good job, especially under pressure to produce the writeup in a timely fashion.

    And of course, even a Pope (Alexander) chimes in:
    “Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night:
    God said, Let Newton be! and all was light.” (Einstein didn’t invalidate anything by Newton, he just extended it.)

    Good wishes to everyone.

    “The treasure STREWN across the ocean floor was fabulously valuable because the STYLE of the QUART amphoras was indicative of the CHOOSY taste of a king or aristocrat.”

  7. Strewn took me the longest this morning but everything else fell into place easily. I too though relativity might be in the answer. Happy Friday to all.

  8. FYI: For those of you who play David’s GIANT JUMBLE CROSSWORDS Game, 60 new puzzles have been added this morning…10 for each letter of JUMBLE! Get your update.. and Enjoy! ✍🏻🔠

  9. Here’s an e-mail we just received and link to the puzzles that go with it. Can you solve these so I can tell Sheryl the answers?

    For years my family and I have been mystified by the only two puzzles that we have not been able to solve. Though we were able to unscramble the words – with the exception of one – the solutions remain baffling.

    Attached are the two Jumbles we are unable to solve. Once you see them you will determine just how long they have been in our family, one since 1991. Clearly, they date back so far that I am unable to look up the solutions.

    Please help to solve these two mysteries for us!

    • I haven’t solved them, but I think that the letters of the third word of the first puzzle almost certainly are, or were supposed to be, MEEZAC, not MEEZAO.

        • The first? I too think word 3 must be ECZEMA. It looks like the last letter was tampered with…not an O…it was an opened C…But the solve still has me stumped…
          And yes, I’ll try to help Sheryl…🙋🏻‍♀️

        • Thanks Angela, and great solve on No Space Age!
          I was actually able to see the originals in David’s message because my Gmail was able to show it for some reason.
          I have no better answer for the second puzzle.

          • I wasn’t at the No Space answer yet..I was still speaking with David! 😂😂 But the pic I emailed you was the original from a newspaper. Someone had it. Note that the C is showing, as it should have been? And the 2 pics from David showed in everyones email…The second puzzle is AWE LOTS (of) IT.

            • That’s certainly plausible and I don’t have anything better, but that’s sure not one of their greatest puns, is it?
              I kept thinking that “LAW” was so prominent in the puzzle, repeated twice, that LAW or LAWS must have been part of the answer, but couldn’t come up with anything that sounded right.

              • No, that’s def it. I saw that someone later showed a newspaper solve. I’ll send it to you. And Law hit me at first too…but it was too obvious. I guess that was the intent…But it wasn’t one of theirs…These puzzles went back to the Henri Arnold-Bob Lee days. If you go back and check out the old puzzles, they were tricky. Much broader…Bob Lee def pushed the envelope…Before it was a “thing”! 😂 (And notice how the characters are drawn in profile, like I was telling you)? 🙋🏻‍♀️

              • Amazing that both actual puzzles showed up!
                And yes, by “their best” I just meant “Jumble creators”, obviously long before Jeff and David.

              • IKR? …I thought I had a collection of old puzzles! 😉And oh…😉 Sorry…I thought by their you meant them! 😉🙋🏻‍♀️

    • David…The 2nd one. VALET-LYRIC-WALLOP-SEXTON…
      Perhaps: AWE, LOTS (of) IT? The hyphen maybe meant as a comma? 🤷🏻‍♀️

      • Angela…I am “scrambling” with huge deadlines today. Can you help me out and post your answers on the Jumble Facebook page. I told Sheryl to look there and she said she would. Thanks so much!

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