Jumble Answers for 01/13/2020













Happy Monday, Jumble friends! Today’s puzzle offered up a couple of new anagrams but all of the solutions were of the tried and true variety. My only hiccup came from ACCUSE and the USE at the end of the layout wouldn’t allow me to see anything other than CAUSE. An assessment of the letters showed a pair of c’s and the double letter trick managed to take care of the rest. ACCUSE was also our most recent entry with a scramble of SAUCCE on 1/24/19. ODPOR, or DROOP, was the oldest with a play date of 8/29/18. Mr. Hoyt mentioned in his video message to us that we’d be seeing some fairly recent repeats but it doesn’t look like it’ll happen this week.

These poker panels are quickly becoming a recurring staple as Jeff seemingly draws a slightly reimagined rendering about once a month. We find the cartoonist once again in the company of his good friends and they seem to have run into some trouble with their trusty deck. All of the cards somehow became wrinkled and bent but a fresh pack has been discovered in their supply box.

Four of the five characters had a logo on their shirt. I’ll identify each one and will begin clockwise starting with the gentleman to the far left. He was wearing an Indianapolis Colts hoodie while comedian Lissa Sears to his left chose a ribbon to support Breast Cancer awareness. Jeff was sporting his trusty University of Michigan t-shirt while the gentleman to his left was wearing #32 of the Pittsburgh Steelers. That leaves the lone gentleman with his back towards us. His seating position obscured from view any logo that he may have been wearing. I did notice that he looks an awful lot like comedian Richard Lewis and I wonder if anyone’s ever told him that. Now Jeff has some fodder to twit him with at their next game!

The final solve was a beautifully constructed 9-letter anagram and it kept the solution well hidden. I first picked up on the C&D which brought CARD into view. All that was left was to add the prefix and suffix for the finish. Not your typical Monday solve, but pretty close! Have a marvelous Monday and I’ll see you right back here tomorrow.



11 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 01/13/2020

  1. Because the SCRIPT called for the actor to ACCUSE his BUDDY of misdoings, the show started an immediate DROOP in the ratings and was cancelled by the end of the year.

  2. Good Morning, Everyone! 🙋🏻‍♀️

    🎥 Shocked that even his closest BUDDY would ACCUSE him of plagiarizing the SCRIPT, his spirits began to DROOP as one by one he DISCARDED the reviews…🎥

    🏊🏻‍♀️ Determined that they’d learn to swim, they signed up for the class,
    The BUDDY system well in place, they hoped that they’d both pass
    With no one to ACCUSE or judge the SCRIPT they would re-write,
    And swim or DROOP this time they swore they’d overcome the fright…
    So ready to achieve their goal, despite both feeling guarded…
    They plunged right in and hoped this time they wouldn’t be DISCARDED…🏊🏻‍♀️

  3. Good morning. Another Monday feel good day. Or is it?! Just a tad too easy for me from the words to the cartoon answer. But this time I really liked the final answer. There was no doubt in my mind I had it correct. Very clever, I give it a thumbs up. Until tomorrow stay well.

  4. Good morning. BUDDY was embarrassed so much that you actually saw his face DROOP because the teacher in his 5th grade class did ACCUSE him of not being able to write SCRIPT. This actually happened to kids in a classroom in Florida. They had trouble reading it. Take care.

    • Paul…You have no idea how true it is. My older nieces and nephews have no concept of script. They have the most beautiful block-letter way of writing, but it’s all “print”. But now there’s rumblings that schools are considering bringing script back into play. It can’t hurt! And I like your well-WRITTEN sentence! 👏🏻👏🏻 Nicely done! ✍🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

  5. ♠️♥️ When you sit down to gamble, who’s your BUDDY takes back seat,
    You’re there to win real money…all the others you need beat…
    The SCRIPT’s already written, you’d never come to lose
    And cards that are all dog-eared often lead to an “ACCUSE”
    Did someone “mark” that Ace of Spades that Sears has in her hand?
    A corner DROOP that Two of Hearts? Could help you win a grand…
    A gambler who’s seasoned…who’s opinion’s well-regarded?
    Won’t ante in with such a deck…it’d definitely be DISCARDED!♥️♠️

  6. We’re seeing double again today. Not being a card player I always wonder whether or not I’ll be able to figure out the answer when they give us a card playing Jumble (which seems to be often) however, no problem today. Happy Monday to all.

  7. Hi all – The double letter trick quickly showed ACCUSE and saved me from trying words like CAUCUS and SAUCE. Tried IC at the end of the last word, then happened to try SC at the beginning and saw SCRIPT. Thought RECYCLED or RESHUFFLED, but then CARD and the answer appeared.

    Coincidentally, this morning’s KCBS Sports Flashback mentioned Larry Csonka being named a Super Bowl MVP so I wondered whether that was our character’s jersey, but it turns out number 32 was Franco Harris.

    The sentences are all better than mine today, so I’ll just wish you all a great day!

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