Jumble Answers for 10/10/2019











Happy Thursday, Jumble geniuses! It might be pure coincidence, but has anyone else noticed that UP has been somewhere in the final solve over the past three days? Monday was the only exception so far, and you can bet the farm that I’ll be looking to see if the pattern continues tomorrow and through the weekend.

Our last new clue word was RIDDEN on 10/2, but that changed today when David tossed PUDGY into the lineup. The remaining three words were repeats from 2018, with FORGO popping up in December, BURROW in November, and MUTINY in August. All of the anagrams were brand new though for a fresh spin on our frequent fliers.

Plowing ahead to our cartoon, we encounter two Jumble characters standing in the middle of a corn field. In the background we see a combine harvester in action, and another truck being loaded with material. The teenager asks his father if their farm has always been this big, and the dad offers up a brief family history lesson in return.

Both dad and son are holding grain bags, but it’s the ones that the father is holding that can be read. The label says “STROH FAMILY FARMS” with a picture of an ear of corn underneath. Never hearing of the Stroh family, I knew that Jeff wanted us to investigate, and perhaps even educate us on these particular folks.

I found a very good article HERE that thoroughly explains the Stroh family. A brief synopsis is that the family started a brewing company and grew too big, too fast. They missed out on the light beer craze of the early 90’s and they would never recover from the missed opportunity.

The final solve was an anagram consisting of 12-letters. It was the longest so far this week, and it would have been even longer (and more challenging!) if THE wasn’t already given to us. As I mentioned in my opening, the U & P had me thinking UP as the 2-letter word, and GROUND was easily discernible within the remaining letters. FROM was all that was left to finish it off, and my task was done. Although the puzzle was easily solved, it was nice to have a new clue word and fresh anagrams to play with on a dreary and cold morning. Have a terrific Thursday, and I’ll see you right back here tomorrow!




18 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 10/10/2019

  1. Good morning. No problem today. Easy breezy from the words to the blind solve on the cartoon. Until tomorrow stay well.

  2. Good morning. The PUDGY gopher had to FORGO the MUTINY plans as he became stuck in his BURROW and was unable to lead the rebellion.

  3. Good Morning, Mike. Good Morning, Everyone! Another easy, breezy…with a little Hoosier nod thrown into the mix! 🌽🙋🏻

    🦡 After noticing the deep BURROW in the ground at the back of the yard, (seemingly dug by something PUDGY), he knew thoughts of MUTINY would arise with the landscapers, and he’d have to FORGO his plans for the day, as they’d definitely want to start all over again…FROM THE GROUND UP…🦡

    🎂 She never thought of MUTINY, she liked the group of bakers,
    But with the BURROW in the cake, she knew there be no takers…
    To have this PUDGY-looking gap right through where there’d be icing…
    She’d need to FORGO the fondant…and what about the slicing?
    Deciding to start over, she made coffee and filled cups…
    And told them all they needed to now start FROM THE GROUND UP🎂

      • Hi, Mike. Good Morning. I don’t think the Stroh Family that owned the Brewery business in Detroit is related to the Stroh Farm Supply people. Stroh Farms is in Indiana, and it’s still going strong, since the 1920’s. https://tinyurl.com/y3hxer35 But the story’s not exactly the same as Jeff’s portraying here, the being in “the family”. A bit of a conundrum! 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. The sailor decided to FORGO the MUTINY idea of most of the crew and opted to BURROW himself in the ship’s cargo hold with his PUDGY pet parrot.

    • LOL! 👏🏻👏🏻…Hey, Chuck. Between you and Paul..I think someone needs to seriously check on what these creatures are eating! 😉🙋🏻

  5. No problem-0 with the anagrams or the puzzle which was a quick blind solve.
    MLB wise,go Cards,and I’m not even a Cards fan,

  6. I was slow on mutiny as most others indicated. UP was my clue word, the rest just followed pretty easily. This week has been pleasing, clever answers with common words. Expect next week will be different, like denims with one leg longer than the other and dyed differently.

  7. Hi all – PUDGY took a short pause, and saw BORROW before BURROW. Interesting (to me) that MUTINY had two of the letter combinations I always try – IUM for elements and words like HELIUM and TEDIUM, and ITY for words like UNITY. The answer was obvious.
    I’m not sure what they’re holding – could they be BURLAP sacks for the corn? Funny that in a Jumble cartoon, the family farm name is an anagram – for SHORT.

    Mike, I enjoyed your RYE questions on the voting page.
    Angela, between all the hefty vermin and the BURROW in your cake, I’m glad I finished breakfast before I read all this.

    Have a great day everyone! Our neighborhood never lost power although some pretty close ones did; we lucked out. It was good practice to test the things we’re all supposed to have at the ready for an earthquake anyway – my wife likened it to a “field day” where Ham radio operators get together to pretend there’s a disaster and test out their communication equipment.

    “The head gopher had to FORGO making improvements to the group’s BURROW because he had become too PUDGY to fit in it, causing a MUTINY of his followers since they would have to rebuild FROM THE GROUND UP”.

    • …Yes, but at YEAST my Burrow is feasible…You know how I feel about vermin…I’m so not QUINOA them! And G…ANOTHER overweight critter? After today…there might be a switch to 5-GRAIN across the board! 🌽🙋🏻

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