Jumble Answers for 09/01/2019













Good Morning, Everyone! ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€


๐ŸŽถ How much do I love you? I’ll tell you no lie…How DEEP IS THE OCEAN? How high is the sky?…And if I ever lost you, how much would I cry?…How DEEP IS THE OCEAN? How high is the sky?๐ŸŽถHow Deep Is The Ocean”? – Miss Ella Fitzgerald (Circa 1958)

๐Ÿ‘ You go out on the water, the sky a pretty blue…
You’re hoping that you’ll “see” fish…before the day is through.
But most times how ABSURD it’d be if in the waters’ RIPPLE,
You actually could see some fish…without the boat a tipple?
It’s not something you often see, there’s usually a HINDER,
A lot floats in the water…debris..maybe a cinder…
But seeing fish so clearly, the water cool and crisp,
Like biting into CELERY, it’s often just a wisp…
EXOTIC colors greet you, and you may be surprised,
Like if a DEPUTY stopped you going over 55…
You know it’s true but still you feel there’s room for some deception…
You blink your eyes and wonder…how good’s my DEPTH PERCEPTION? ๐Ÿ‘

Ah, ๐ŸŽถSEPTEMBER MORN๐ŸŽถ! A brand new month…a brand new day…but 6 Jumble words that are tried and true! New anagrams, yes, but words bringing us back as far as 2011! While all have reappeared fairly recently, we’ve come to see each of them repeated over the years. In no particular order, I found HINDER 6 previous times, as far back as 2014, with its last showing on 10/28/18, as Nriedh. CELERY, last seen on 10/26/17, as Cyreel, was also traced back to 2014. ABSURD, also clocking in with 6 repeat performances, went back to September of 2011, making it both our oldest and newest entry, since it appeared this past February 3rd, as Sraudb. RIPPLE, here on 06/02/18, as Prliep, I found in 2016; EXOTIC, shown on 10/15/18, as Tocxie, also goes back to 2011, and DEPUTY ROUNDS UP THE BUNCH, with another 2011 appearance, but last seen on 07/08/18. And with no CATCH OF THE DAY, they were all deciphered in LINE. So, now that we’re all CAUGHT up with our words, let’s not FLOUNDER around any longer, and FLOAT over to today’s cartoon!

With FISHING being a popular theme in JumbleLand, we were last seen enjoying the sport as recently as May 17th, and before that on both April 17th and 18th…And this morning we CATCH ourselves back here again. Out on the water, we find two FISHERMEN, hanging over the side of their boat, marveling at the sight of colorful fish visible to the NAKED EYE. They seem REELy CAUGHT up in the SIGHT, and are overheard discussing the DEPTH and CLARITY of the water. We hear the Fisherman at right state how he PERCEIVES the water to be about 20 feet DEEP. And his CHUM, more taken with how CLEARly he can SEA, doesn’t quibble or CARP with him at all aBAIT his estimation. He’s probably the more easy going of the two…You know the type…always saying…”Sure, whatever you think…just let MINNOW“. Definitely not one to make WAVES, and usually always in TUNA with others. A regular paciFISHt. And David’s question to us is…With the water so clear, what did the Fishermen have? They had great…DEPTH PERCEPTION! Way to go, David! Right DOWN to the nitty-gritty…nothing KOI about it!

Ok, the eye candy. Since I have a LOX on my plate this morning, I’ll try not to STRING you along much further…There’s REELy not all that much in the WEIGH of candy today. With only the CAST of two characters, and the SCALE of them taking up the entire panel, I COD only CATCH so much…but I looked closer just for the HALIBUT. There’s a red tackle box on board, and one Fishing Line with a Lure attached is visible. (I know a lot of people who feel a lure’s not necessary…I suppose it’s deBAITable)…Four fish can be seen, one right up against the bottom of the boat, with three more beyond the floating kelp, but there’s no color to any of it, since it’s all shaded in the AQUAmarine coloring of the water. And the Fisherman at left has a Trout emblazoned on his cap. But I guess what CAUGHT my EYE is the guy at right. Why does he have his pointer finger PLAICEd into the water? I guess maybe he’s taking the MEASURE of it! So, There you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone! …And hopefully some of you may get some Fishing in this Holiday Weekend. Well, whatever you decide to TACKLE…CARPe diem, one and all…SEAS the day! ๐Ÿ‘€๐ŸŽฃ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

*** FYI:*** In keeping with the 65th Anniversary celebration of the Jumble, Triumph Books is offering a 45% discount on a select group of Jumble titles through 09/16. If you’d like to take a look, use the following link, http://www.triumphbooks.com/JumbleSale and enter code JUMBLE45 at checkout.






6 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/01/2019

  1. DEPUTY definitely HINDERed my writing today. It hardly fit any of the scenarios I conjured up early this morning…But later, sitting in Church and listening to the Gospel about the home of the Pharisee, EXOTIC decor and observance came to mind…so..๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

    ๐Ÿฅฌ Always having had a problem with DEPTH PERCEPTION, she hated when the CELERY was placed beyond the EXOTIC-type vegetables, only he felt she was being ABSURD, and couldnโ€™t see where it would HINDER her shopping…and by acting superior, like a DEPUTY of sorts, he caused a major RIPPLE in their relationship…๐Ÿฅฌ

    ๐Ÿ›‹ He thought it was ABSURD when he came home one day to find,
    A CELERY colored couch with these EXOTIC swirled designs…
    The RIPPLE feeling cushions would definitely HINDER him,
    But she stood there and questioned why he stared and looked so grim…
    โ€œYou know that Iโ€™ve detested your western-themed decor,
    With horseshoes and a DEPUTYโ€™s badge emblazoned โ€˜cross the floor…
    So why do you take umbrage now…was there some misconception?
    You know your taste reflected your issues with DEPTH PERCEPTIONโ€! ๐Ÿ›‹

  2. Exotic gave me reason to pause,but the puzzle solution was a blind solve that readily popped into my head.We had an abbreviated twin watch visit,since they were leaving for “bacation” this morning,so I had ready access to my real newspaper,which helped the jumble solution.

    • Good Afternoon, Prof. A few of my friends got Toxic and Excite in their minds this morning, and it held them back a bit. It is a masterful anagram, IMO. Bacation, how cute! Gave me a CHUCKle! Have a great day, Prof. Enjoy your time off! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

  3. Good morning. Took a little time to get all the words and my choice for hardest one is Absurd. The words from 1-6 were solved in this fashion. 2,4,3,1,6,5. The cartoon answer was almost a complete blind solve. Another clever finish. After seeing depth in the 15 letters the remaining word just appeared. Loved your two songs Angela and your use of the words. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Good Afternoon, Brooklyn. Guess what? I think I may have finally gotten to crack your code. You got CELERY first, and RIPPLE fifth. I know ABSURD was last…Now let’s see if I can remember it! ๐Ÿ˜‚ And I’m with you on the solve..It was an easy, breezy. Thanks for the Shout Out..today I knew you’d enjoy the music. Have a great day, we’re blessed with some beautiful weather…๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

  4. Hi all – The words were ok – EXOTIC took an extra jumble to see where to put the โ€˜Xโ€™, and the double letter trick was the key to solve RIPPLE quickly.
    Had to give up on the answer. I couldnโ€™t come up with the 5-letter word, and my guesses for the other didnโ€™t have the right letters, like OVERSIGHT or some kind of VISION. Sure is obvious when you read it though!

    Have a great Sunday, everyone ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

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