Jumble Answers for 03/11/2019













Happy Monday, Jumble friends! I’m a little off-kilter this morning due to the time change so I was happy to have an easy puzzle to start off my week. All of our clue words were old friends and they all solved instantly upon first glance. The anagram for GARLIC was used on 3/13/17 while the rest of them are coming up as new. Early voting in the poll indicates that GARLIC was also the most difficult to solve so I’ll make it my choice as well. PENNY was the oldest clue word with a gameplay date of 9/16/15 while GROOVY was the most recent of the quartet with a date of 10/22/17.

Our cartoon featured a group of three Jumble characters with the sentence describing the location as a plant nursery. In the rear of the drawing we see that a sale has just been completed and the customer is requesting assistance with loading the purchase into her vehicle. The employee indicates that they’re short on help and inquires if her partner is up for the task. In her dialogue she refers to him as “honey” so one can assume that they’re in a romantic relationship but I wouldn’t go so far as saying that they’re married as there’s no wedding ring on her finger. He begrudgingly accepts the task even though he’s in quite a bit of pain as evidenced by his right hand clutching his lower back.

There were plenty of great details in the drawing with one that was so tiny that you probably overlooked it. The male character is wearing a trucker style hat with a small plant on the front of it. Looking closely at his partner you can see that she is wearing a visor and the same plant is on the front of hers! I thoroughly enjoyed the different styles of plants in the background with Jeff varying their sizes and shapes to keep the panel visually interesting. In the foreground we see a group of five pots that the gentleman is working on and there was one that appeared to be empty. After zooming in I was surprised to see the tiniest little plant sprouting. Behind him and under the counter were three unlabeled bags which I assume are potting soil, and his left hand holds a planting trowel that doesn’t have any dirt on it. I’m not a plant expert so I’ll skip on guessing what the names of the plants are but I’m sure that there’s someone out there who’ll be happy to fill us in.

The final solution consisted of a 12-letter anagram that was a cinch to solve. The GRO neatly placed together at the end of the layout was all the help I needed to finish this one off leaving me some extra time to go back and admire the cartoon just a little bit more. Have a magnificent Monday, and I’ll see you right back here tomorrow!



21 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 03/11/2019

  1. The audience especially enjoyed the GROOVY trick when the magician would SWISH a clove of GARLIC around in a glass of water and make the PENNY disappear.

  2. Good morning. A typical Monday jumble for us today. I’m glad that the guys usually start us off easy. After writing down the letters for the cartoon and seeing the G and W the answer became an instant solve. Good one guys. Mike thanks for such an interesting post. You explain everything so well. I wish I could get as much out of the painting as you do. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Last Monday was a real stumper, Paul, so I too was pleased that it was a gimme. Any plans to head out to AC in the near future? I’ve had the itch to go to a casino recently so I see Mohegan or Foxwoods in my future. There’s also one in Maine called Oxford that I hear is a small facility but pays out well. 🙂

      • Going this Wednesday because the 6th was Ash Wednesday,the start of lent. Many years ago I was going to go to the track with my oldest but decided not to because it was a catholic holiday. I gave him $2:00 to place a win on a horse that I would have played much more if I was there and when he came home he handed me a $100. Was I shocked. I only picked it because of the jockey. I’m not making it up it really happened.

        • Those were some long odds, Paul! I usually stick to the slot machines but might venture over to a table if it’s not too busy. The buffet at Foxwoods was pretty good the last time I went (10+ years ago) so maybe I’ll spend my winnings there. Hope you’re having a great day and good luck on Wednesday if we don’t hear from you! 🍀 🙂 🍀

  3. Garlic was no problem for me but groovy gave me reason to pause,but the final growing pains solution was pretty much a blind solve.

  4. Good Morning, Mike. Good Morning Everyone…Chuck B…For you…🙋🏻

    ° The way they strung the GARLIC, made it tend to SWISH every time the wind blew, and he wished he had a PENNY for all the times years ago he sat listening to GROOVY music while watching his wind chimes sway in the breeze…

    ° He bent to lift the PENNY that lie upon the floor,
    His superstitions prompting him…he’d done it evermore.
    Where once he felt it GROOVY, today it caused him pain,
    Despite the GARLIC that he ate, it still seemed all in vain…
    His knees ached all the time now, he’d hear the sound of SWISH,
    Each time he tried to bend and squat…maybe he should try fish?
    They say the oils help out, he’d anything to gain…
    Relief from what he’s going through…the weight brought..GROWING PAINS

    • Good afternoon, Angela. The answer to today’s puzzle sounds like a great name for a tv show!!

      • Hey Chuck….👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 CAMERON..You think? Might be KERNSidered a little too mild by today’s eTHICKEs though….But hey, you never know…ALAN favor say…GOLDen idea! 😉🙋🏻

      • Chuck…For the record…I don’t have the NYT X-word puzzle finished yet, but I have the LA Times one under my belt. Hope you’re having a good one! 🙋🏻

        • LOL..Thank you, Chuck, but I don’t really know myself… things just kind of pop into my head…Crowded up there! 😂 Got a few more sentences for you too…Although Groovy wasn’t so groovy to work with! 🙋🏻

          ° “Oh, I’ll bet you a PENNY that you’ll love this GROOVY recipe”, she said, “as long as you add enough GARLIC and make sure you don’t do more than just SWISH the basil around the pot”.

          ° A PENNY for your thoughts, he said, and me like an idiot, told him that I thought it’d be GROOVY to SWISH GARLIC sleeves around in the air – then he left me…

          ° He stood at the free throw line, ball in hand, knowing he could SWISH it right in, but the GARLIC he ate kept repeating on him, the so called GROOVY 60’s music was annoying him, and the PENNY lying on the court distracted him…and so he missed the basket…

  5. Hi all – A quick solve on everything today because I *finally* recognized GARLIC after struggling with it so often in the past.

    Whatever their relationship, it looks like she’s gotten to the “Honeydew” phase (“Honey, do this, do that”).

    Not much else to add, so just have a great day, everyone. We finally have a dry day with sunshine which I’ll try to enjoy. Saw stars instead of clouds this morning for the first time in weeks. Yesterday, a rainbow, one lightning flash with thunder and some had hail.

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