Jumble Answers for 02/15/2019







Good Morning, Everyone!      πŸŽΆ...AND THE CHASE IS ON 🎢

🎢 Keep on TRUCKIN’ Baby…I got to keep on TRUCKIN’...Got to get to your good lovin…Huh…huh…huh…huh…huh…🎢 “Keep on Truckin'” – Eddie Kendricks 1973 https://tinyurl.com/yypv4ctr

πŸš“ The police chase when it happens, can always cause a stir,
Attention in a minute can SHIFT to him or her…
We all pay close attention, an EYEFUL‘s what we want,
The moving PHOTO we look for, we’re all part of the hunt.
Cross city streets or parkway lanes, a CACTUS we might see,
For some reason we’re all drawn in, there’s camaraderie…
The news follows the story, the cameras keep up pace,
And every local station says “We’ll now CUT TO THE CHASE” πŸš“

While none of today’s words are new to our Jumble mix, we have seen SHIFT only 9 days ago on the 6th, when it appeared as FISTH. PHOTO, last seen back in August 2017, is our oldest word for the day. And while CACTUS STUCK a few of the Early Bird Jumblers, it’s EYEFUL that seems to be the word calling for the real second LOOK… It wasn’t a stumper, but it caused a few BLINKS

Today we’re finding ourselves at the news desk of a local network, “J” TV. We see that our Anchorman, who I’ve dubbed BEN THERE, has just been told that a “pursuit is in progress“, and as a result, we’re going “live” to the scene of the police CHASING A STOLEN TRUCK. Since the Anchorman pictured doesn’t have that usual generic look of our Jumble characters, and being unfamiliar with “Jumble-TV”, I tried looking for PHOTOs of the on-air personalities at a local Indiana station, since Jeff lives in Indiana. And I thought I hit the “J”ackpot when I found a news personality that I felt bore a pretty close resemblance to the Anchorman we see here in our cartoon. Turns out his name is Dave…only thing is he’s a Sportscaster…So, it was either keep looking, or just CUT TO THE CHASE and do the eye candy…

So…The eye candy. Our panel today is shaded in a soft shade of light brown. Ben’s DESKed out in a gray suit, and a black tie. The CHASE scene playing out on the monitor behind him, is totally shaded in blue, and I can see three police cruisers, lights flaring, CHASING the stolen TRUCK. But looking closely I see what looks to be an Ice Cream Cone, crossing atop an Ice Cream Pop, pictured on the TRUCK, beside a window. Sweet detail, Jeff. And the “J” on the front of the Anchor desk is bright red…But my EYE Witness News? If you look closely at Ben’s right ear, where his hand is touching? You can see a tiny little COILED WIRE leading down into his collar…Another nice detail, Jeff…Now let’s just hope the police COLLAR our suspect! So, There you have it, Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone!…And 🎢Keep on Truckin‘🎢…πŸš“πŸ™‹πŸ»

27 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 02/15/2019

  1. Good morning. Today was a far cry from yesterday. Maybe because I have to get out of here for a doctors appointment. Yea, guess I’ll stick with that angle. I bombed out on three of the words. Took the easy way out and looked them up. The cartoon answer was a different story though. After writing down the letters, I was able to solve it without any problem. Nice job Angela on song, words and puns. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Good Morning Brooklyn. I agree, you’re in a rush…You’re angle’s fine with me…And agree again, the answer is a pretty common phrase. Thanks for the Shout Out…😘 ..But Paul, your name’s still missing…I think you need to register again. Good luck at the Dr. Ciao, Bello πŸš“πŸ™‹πŸ»

  2. The guys working the second SHIFT got an EYEFUL when a cute babe carrying a potted CACTUS plant stopped to look in the PHOTO shop window across the street.

    • Good Morning, Chuck! ROTFL! 🌟🌟⭐️ I love it…I can actually picture the whole thing…πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» And I raise you one…

      Β° And then one was bold enough to CUT TO THE CHASE and SHIFT gears, intending to get more than an EYEFUL, by running over and telling her that he was famous for having published a PHOTO book of just CACTUS plants…and would she pose for him….

    • LOL!…Already? Ah, Chuck..and you had such a good hand too! πŸ˜‰ C’mon…STAY. Listen, I’m gonna be STRAIGHT with you…I’m here all day if you want to DEAL with it again…I think we make a great PAIR! You’re ACEs at this!….Hope you’re having a good one! ♠️β™₯οΈβ™£οΈβ™¦οΈπŸ™‹πŸ»

  3. Really outstanding sentences, Chuck and Angela.
    I had to back into EYEFUL, which for some reason gave me a harder time than when I last encountered it.

    • Good Morning, Caroline. Good to see you, I’ve missed you! Thank you, he’s quite a formidable opponent! He makes me LOL! As I mentioned, EYEFUL posed a bit of a problem for my friends this morning also…And you’re not alone with your feeling of getting caught more than once with a certain word. It happens quite often. The Achilles Heel Syndrome…You know…If the shoe fits! πŸ˜‰ Have a great day, Caroline. Again, so good to see you! πŸš“πŸ™‹πŸ»

  4. Photo was the longest time to solve followed by eyeful. Chase and ‘the’ jumped out of the letters, quickly followed by cut to, for the complete solve. Our WCentral Illinois weather is topsy turvy, w a 51 degree sunny warm high yesterday, and windy cold 11 degree low this morning.

    • Hey Professor. 11? Yikes! 😱 We’re nowhere near as bad as that, although we’ve had quite the mixture here too. Right now we’re in the low 40’s, but it’s rainy and dark and dismal, whereas the past 2 days were a hint of Spring. I just keep counting my blessings that none of the craziness is snow. So once again you’ve found the answer easier than the words? I do the cartoon first, so I kind of relate. I find the idioms just come so much easier, and I get a high out of guessing them off the cuff…Stay warm, Prof, especially if you’re heading out on the road again. Have a good one! πŸš“πŸ™‹πŸ»

        • Really? How exciting for them! The adventure of a first train ride! It sounds great, Prof! I’m sure you’ll all have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy! πŸ‘¬πŸ‘«πŸ™‹πŸ»

  5. Hi all – When no words with Y at the end appeared, I saw FUL and then EYE. Then I tried the usual β€œSC” combo before trying CAC which showed CACTUS.
    The answer was pretty obvious.

    No, not the ice cream truck! How cruel! At least they won’t lose him, with that jingle tune giving away his location the whole time.

    Nice way to work β€œcamaraderie” into the poem, Angela. It made me wonder whether that’s the feeling that cinematographers share.
    (By the way, it’s not just Paul – I’m still having to enter my email address and name every time.)

    Have a great day, everyone!

    • Want to know something, G? I may have mentioned this before, but I think going at it with those set letter patterns is a hindrance. It puts you into a mind set that’s not always the case, and you can get stuck. I say approach each word with a clean slate and an open mind…Y? πŸ˜‚ Just mY waY of thinking! AnYwaY..πŸ˜‰ .That ice cream truck? I doubt any jingle could be heard over the blaring of three police car sirens…And it did look like he was just about to get SANDWICHed between the two front cruisers as it is…πŸ˜‚ Yea, camaraderie…Tks, sometimes I surprise myself! πŸ˜‚ …And obviously not just you and Paul…I think Betty’s fallen victim too. I wish I had an answer for you…Have a good one, G! πŸš“πŸ™‹πŸ»

      • Angela:
        About those set letter patterns, I’m starting to suspect that David is onto us and sometimes throws us curve balls. Like some of us look for the “LY” suffix and he throws us LEEWAY.

        • Good point, Mike! We just maY be responsible for David stepping up his game! πŸ˜‚ Just joking! The man’s a logophilic genius, in a class by himself. I bow to his prowess. It’s just my opinion, Mike, and I’m definitely not meaning to foist my way of thinking on anyone..(I have enough of a burden dealing with it myself)! πŸ˜‚ ..But I’ve just never adhered to any set pattern. I think it tends to cloud ones’ judgement, so I approach every word as its own entity, and it hasn’t failed me yet…And I like your “curve ball” reference, with the start of Spring Training! βšΎοΈπŸ™‹πŸ»

      • I just find that they save me a lot of time because they usually work (especially the β€˜Y’ at the end) and if they don’t, it’s pretty obvious pretty quickly and it’s only taken a few extra seconds. So then I start looking generally as I would have anyway. πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

        The credential thing – just a WordPress bug; nothing you can do I guess. I’ve created a keyboard shortcut for my email address! πŸ˜‚πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

        • Understandable. And again, as I just told Mike, it’s just something that never seemed to resonate with me. No harm, no foul. Nothing more than my opinion. And I apologize if it seemed that I was preaching. Not my intention….The name bug? You’ll see I just told Betty to be on alert! It’s spreading!!! πŸ˜‰πŸ™‹πŸ»

      • I kind of take a combined approach to solving a clue word. At first I look at the word holistically like you, Angela, but if that doesn’t work, I try the “tricks” that Steve mentions.

        • I know what you mean, Caroline. It all boils down to whatever works, right? Sometimes you can glance at a word, and it pops right off the page. Other times…the tricks of the trade! As long as we get the solve! πŸ˜‰πŸ™‹πŸ»

  6. Like Caroline, I too stumbled on eyeful and had to back into it. It has tripped me up before. Funny how some words seem to remain problematic over and over again. At any rate, the puzzle is now solved so on with the day. Hope it is a good one for all of you.

    • Betty..I think this is you..The phrasing, the cadence. If not, I apologize..I don’t know who you are. And once again, I’ll say..EYEFUL was an EYEFUL! The anagram was masterful! Anyway, I wish you a great day, Betty or not! πŸš“πŸ™‹πŸ»

      • β€œBetty or not”, here she comes! Hope you’re staying warm and dry over on your side of the Bay.

      • It’s is indeed I, Angela. Don’t know why I posted as anonymous. Perhaps my identity has been washed away by all the rain we’ve been having. It’s either feast of famine around here.

        • πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»And I’m glad it is! 😘 We don’t know why either, but it’s happening to a few people. Steve’s on the verge of filing a formal complaint! πŸ˜‚ And the rains? I just turned off the noontime news, and the images are once again devastatng to witness! I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I hope you’re not in harm’s way, I always think of you when I see what’ s going on there. Be careful, and stay safe. And I think Steve said you need to enter your name with each post. I wish I could be of more help, but I’m just as stymied as everyone else! πŸ™‹πŸ»

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