Jumble Answers for 02/01/2019







Good Morning, Everyone!      🎳  STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT 🎳

🎶 Rolling down the alley…Anticipating [the] tally…Rolling down the alley, BOWLING Sally and me…The score will show we are pretty bad, but look at all the fun we’ve had…Rolling down the alley…My Sally and me…🎶 “Bowling Song” – Joe Montgomery 1957    https://tinyurl.com/y9ads8bz

🎳 These bowlers clad in matching shirts, are looking like league mates,
We see them trying hard to set a morning bowling date.
One TIDIER than the other, they both appear quite calm…
I’m CONNED to think Florida’s the scene, because I’m seeing palms…
Their team name is OMEGA, but trust that they’re not last,
Bob, shown at left’s called WIPER…he’s cleaned up in the past.
And Dan who sits relaxing, hot coffee in his cup,
Appears to like a later start, he’s not that early up.
They’ve scheduled a Monday…that seems their paradigm…
Now all that’s left for them to do is just PIN DOWN A TIME…🎳

…I’m trying to PIN DOWN some TIME myself…I overslept, and now I’m caught up in a bit of a scheduling dilemma. So I’m going to take care of some business here, grab that cup of coffee, and I’ll be back in a little while with plenty of TIME to SPARE…How about we meet back here at NINE…🎳🙋🏻

Searching the Archives for today’s words, I had a feeling I might not find CONNED or TIDIER…and I didn’t. New entries into the LEAGUE. Our other two words though are true Oldies but Goodies, both ROLLING way back to 2014. OMEGA, making its’ 6th appearance today, was last seen on October 18th, ’17, as Ogame, and WIPER, having appeared 4 TIMEs in the past, was last here on November 16th, ’16, where it was anagrammed as Riwep… And it was TIDIER that was AWARDed the “Three STRIKES you’re out” prize for the day, since it stumped 6 of the 11 Early Birds….But now, let’s switch LANES and get to our cartoon…

This morning Jeff’s brought us to a warmer climate, and to what appears to be a warm, comfortable friendship. Two wonderful things,  that especially in light of the weather, I think we’d all be happy to PIN our hopes on. Although we’ve had BOWLING as a theme in our puzzle 4 TIMEs last year, (the last being on November 5th), and twice in 2017, today it’s a little more personal. We see two men, identified by the names on their shirts, as BOB and DAN. Trying to PIN DOWN a date and TIME to meet for BOWLING, we overhear that 9 o’clock seems a little too early, and that 10 PLAYS out better, since Dan, seen doing the Jumble, needs the SPARE TIME. So in answer to our question? They need to...PIN DOWN A TIME...Good one, David…you’ve THROWN us another WIN!

  • Ok, eye candy…Where do I start? At first I was trying to PIN DOWN the two men, since it’s obvious they’re not the usual generic Jumble characters. I thought maybe they were Jeff or David’s Fathers, but it’s hard to gauge the ages of these men, and besides, I know that Jeff’s father is named Tom, and David’s is named Russell. So that was my first STRIKE…Whoever Bob and Dan are remains to be seen…Ok…Starting left with Bob…The shelf hanging near his head, shows 3 Trophies. A BOWLER in stance, 2 BOWLING PINS  with a BALL, and a PIN AWARDed in 1978,  for a 299 GAME and looking to be sponsored by Budweiser. I can make out the Bob on it, but the last name is indistinguishable. As is the writing on the 2nd trophy…If anyone of you can make out the lettering, please write in and let me know. Moving on to Dan…We see a Jumble coffee mug, with sTEAM emanating. Next to it we see a BOWLING BAG, with a CROWN logo, and a name below it that’s beginning with a “K”. I know that Brunswick uses a crown as its logo, but it’s a 3-pointed one, which thus Crown isn’t,  and then what’s the”K” for? So…STRIKES 2 and 3…so far! Dan has his newspaper opened before him, and on the left hand side, we see a Sudoku grid, with Family Circus beside it, and below it the Jumble he’s working on, in pencil. It shows Jeff and Gizmo. The opposite page, top to bottom, is showing 4 drawings, and they’re harder to decipher. I think it’s the comic strip “Pearls Before Swine“, since I’m seeing Rat,  the 2nd one I’m drawing a blank on, (Again, if anyone can identify it, please let me know), the 3rd reads ” Hi Angela” with a Smiley Face and signed “Jeff“, and the last is a drawing of 2 Snowmen, one of whom has lost his head, which is lying between them. This drawing looks very familiar…but I can’t put my FINGER on it…And I’m feeling like I’ve lost my head here too, for more reasons than one! There’s a lot to SPARE! So my eye candy today? I’ll let you guess… What do you think it is? So, There you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone…And 🎶Let the Good Times Roll🎶…Shirley & Lee 1956   https://tinyurl.com/yab9yze2    🎳🙋🏻


18 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 02/01/2019

  1. Good morning. No problem with the first three words but had to look up Tidier. Even after I got it I still thought it was wrong. I don’t think I ever saw it used that way. Every day I learn something new. Now if only I can remember. The cartoon answer was another cute finish that required a little time to solve. Angela you amaze me with the songs that you come up with. Perfect pick and another one I never heard before. Nice overall job,Thanks. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Good Morning, Brooklyn. I wish my desk was a little TIDIER, because I’m always having a hard TIME PINning DOWN what I’m looking for. It’s a true Alpha-OMEGA with me…it seems like it’s all piled up here, beginning to end. I need to throw out some of these papers, get a good WIPER, and clean out the whole desk.,.I tried cajoling my friend into doing it for me…but he couldn’t be CONNED…Oh well…If I only had TIME to SPARE…😂 Thanks for the Shout Out, Paul…you know I try.. And I can’t believe I missed you by like minutes…I was just getting ready to put up the rest of my post when you came in. It’s been an insane morning here, and I’m under the weather to boot. I hope you come back and read about the details. Hope you’re staying indoors with this crazy weather, and keeping warm. It’s still soooo unbelievable cold! 🎳🙋🏻

        • Clay, Jeff…Very! Kind of reminiscent of the Skee-Ball games we used to play at Coney Island way back in the day. Not as grand as this, but many a bowler would come there and hone their craft, at a much cheaper cost than renting an alley…And they gave out prizes besides! 😉🎳😘

    • Good Morning, Clay. I knew you, the resident researcher, would come to my rescue. (As I was typing “rescue” just now, I wished for a moment that it was a Billiards-Themed puzzle…Get it? 😉 It could be Bally…I took it to be written in all caps, BOB, but it’s hard to tell. I’ve no clue to the word/name under it, nor as I stated, can I make out the 2 words in bold type on the middle trophy.,.And trust me, I tried! But I just kept STRIKEing out! My eyes are killing me! I did find a SPARE moment tho, to look back, and I’m pretty sure I do see Jeffs’ other dog, Fifi lying next to Gizmo in the Jumble puzzle Dan’s working on, and I also keep thinking that Gizmo is draped and/or dressed in a dark covering of some sort, like a sweater perhaps. I also failed to mention that it’s Billy shown in the Family Circus cartoon, and that the 2 Palm Trees showing out the window stand at the edge of a circular shaped paver-tiled walkway. Talk about a plethora of detail, Jeff truly outdid himself on this one…Its totally amazing! 🌴🌴🙋🏻

    • I also couldn’t find any famous bowlers named BOB C___Y which is all I could make out. I was too upset that the poor guy missed a 300 by ONE PIN – how cruel is that? 😂. Plus, I wouldn’t know from Bally or Brunswick because all my early tenpin alleys were AMF. Bally of Chicago was one of the biggest manufacturers of pinball machines (along with Gottlieb).Here’s another link:
      And Angela, with all that knowledge of pool and Skee-Ball, I’m surprised you never tried pinball.
      Ok, I’ve got to SPLIT and finish my main post. At least nothing is leading my mind into the GUTTER today!

      • I searched all over for the name also…spent wayyyy too much TIME and came up empty…
        And yes, I play pool very well, only I was too young to know if I was doing anything right at Skee-Ball, but for some reason pinball never interested me. Maybe because I was always half TILT as it was! 😂😂🙋🏻
        Jeff, maybe you could fill us in on the missing details?

  2. Omega first looked like omage then wiper came quickly.Not so for conned and even more so for tidier that looked like retired.The solution quickly followed with time and ‘a’ obvious choices followed by pin and down.Weather is above zero,at 8 degrees,with delivery of our newspapers,first since Tuesday,and mail also forthcoming.Plus I got out to my coffee group and the supermarket for the first time since Tuesday,

    • Hi Prof. Good Afternoon. My friends took TIDIER for DIRTIER, but eventually took a WIPER to it. And the answer wasn’t that far a stretch…We’re up to 12° here, but let’s face it, Prof…it’s a little hard to even tell the difference at this point….COLD IS COLD. Luckily, they’re predicting near 40 for trow, and early next week, rumor has it we’ll reach into the 50’s! How crazy is this weather, right? I’m glad your deliveries are back on track, and that you were able to get out. I know you for one, must really have had cabin fever! Let’s hope the worst is behind us…Have a good one, Prof! 🎳🙋🏻

  3. Hi all – GEMOA, isn’t that a city in Italy? With all those vowels, I suspected that one might be the first letter, and happened to try ‘O’ first to get OMEGA. Looked twice to convince myself that CONNED was a word. I TRIED really hard to get the last word without writing down the letters, but even that didn’t help. Even backing in with the letters I needed, I almost gave up before seeing TIDIER.
    Speaking of that word, bowling on Monday at 9 or 10? What, are these guys RETIRED or something? Thought the answer might be FIND TIME TO SPARE or STRIKE UP A DEAL, but the letters showed PIN and the answer.

    Have a great day everyone, and hope your warmup continues. The Minneapolis paper said they had just risen above zero degrees for the first time in 80 hours, and that wasn’t even close to a record.

    “Hi Angela! 😉😂”. Love the great rocking unprocessed sound on “Let the Good Times Roll”! Bon Temps Rouler to you too.

    • Gemoa, huh? Hmm. You forgot the winking face…You know some people might just take offense! 😂 And I’m surprised you’re questioning 9 or 10. You’re out for coffee by 7:30, you’re an early riser too. And anyway, they’re most likely in Florida…Anything past 10 o’clock is called lunch TIME! 😉 The sound? The vinyl, Steve. I still love the sound of the vinyl. So..”lascia che i bei tempi rotolino” to you too! (If I said it right…you know me and the Italian language)! 😂🙋🏻

  4. I hope that if Phil Connors decides to venture to Punxsutawney tomorrow that he’ll be able to return home in the same day!!!

    • LOL! Yea, right? But isn’t Groundhog Day canceled due to the weather? 😂😂 Should be tho, don’t you think? Who’d go out in this weather if you really didn’t have to? Just askin’! Are you anywhere near Punxsutawney? 💨🙋🏻

      • We’re about a hundred miles from Gobblers Knob, Angela.I hadn’t heard that it was cancelled, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Stay warm, A!

        • I love the name Gobblers Knob! Chuck, I was just making a “cold weather” joke about t’row. I guess it wasn’t that hot! 😉 Far as we know Phil and Chuck are still on for trow…they’ll HOG the attention as always! ..Hope you’re staying warm too, Chuck! Have a good night! 🙋🏻

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