Jumble Answers for 11/07/2018









Happy Wednesday, Jumble friends! Today’s puzzle started out with all of our anagrams in alphabetical order. I hit a roadblock right at the beginning with CLOAK, but a couple of self jumbles brought it into view. HARDEN ended up taking me the longest to solve which made it my pick for the most difficult anagram of the day. It’s also a new clue word making its debut into gameplay. CREHP is the oldest angram of the group with its last appearance just over a year ago on 11/6/17.

Today’s cartoon is similar to yesterday’s panel in that it was farm themed but Jeff swapped out the livestock for fruit. My eyes were immediately drawn to the large banner which read “Blossom Farms” and then focused in on our two Jumble characters for the day. We see a woman with a handkerchief on her head and she has a smile on her face after taking a bite out of a freshly picked piece of fruit. To her right is a gentleman that has just finished placing a large container of fruit on the stand. He’s wearing a trucker style hat with a logo of a piece of fruit that wasn’t immediately recognizable until after I read today’s sentence.

We learn from the sentence and dialogue that Blossom Farms specializes in growing nectarines and this years bounty was plentiful. Behind our characters we can see trees that are laden with fruit and a couple of farm workers picking the ripe produce. A quick internet search found that nectarines are in season from late April until late August. They’re almost identical to peaches with the only noticeable difference being that nectarines are smooth while peaches have a fuzzy coating. This little tidbit of information helped immensely when starting the final solve.

The letter layout for the final solution consisted of 10-letters. Although the layout was cryptic and gave nothing obvious away, the flow of the sentence and the aforementioned fact that I stumbled upon made this one an instant solve. Have a wondrous Wednesday, and I’ll see you tomorrow! 🍑

21 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 11/07/2018

  1. 🎶 Apples PEACHES pumpkin pie…Who’s not ready? Holler “I”. That’s a game we used to play…Hide and seek was its name. Oh ready or not, hear I come…Gee that used to be such fun. Apple PEACHES pumpkin pie…soon your love will be all mine…Then I’m gonna take you home, marry you so you won’t roam…Marry you so you won’t roam…🎶 “Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie” – Jay and the Techniques 1966
    🍑 https://tinyurl.com/y7vsfd8l 🍑

    🍑 For those of us who cannot bear the feel of fuzzy skin,
    A peach is not an ENTITY that for us gets the win…
    So pretty does it PERCH upon the tree ready to pick,
    But I could never touch it…’cause the fuzz would make me sick.
    So Nectarines it was for me, no choice through thick or thin,
    Unless someone was near and willing to remove the skin.
    Alone I’d wear a CLOAK of hurt, for I could not take part,
    In picking up a peach and yes, it did HARDEN my heart.
    There’s probably a name for it…us with these “texture issues”,
    A catchy little byword for this quirk we didn’t choose…
    So however cultivated first became this shaven peach?
    I have to be indebted ’cause it put within my reach…
    Enjoyment of this juicy fruit…for without Nectarines,
    I’d never know the sweet taste of a fruit so PEACHY KEEN! 🍑

    As HARD to believe as it seems, I couldn’t find HARDEN in our list of previously published Jumble words; and I was surprised, since it’s not that rare of a word. But I do think it may be today’s PICK for the stumper. Three of the Early Bird Jumblers went for Hander…”Hand her what’? I asked…”that’s not a word”! As for our others? SWEET Repeats, with ENTITY appearing as recently as September 26th…And speaking of repeats, back on June 6th, we were right here making PEACH Pies, which was “THE PITS” that day, but I guess the apPEEL must still be HANGING around, since once again, only five months later…it’s CROPped up again! A SWEET TREEt!

    So today, finding ourselves outdoors at the Blossom Farms Orchards, we see a couple discussing the FRUITS of their labor. Having made the decision to specialize in NECTARINES, we hear from the dialogue and see from the broad smiles on their faces, that they’re both tickled PINK, not only by the taste of their fruit, but by its yield. Things are GOOD with the Nectarines, which are simply smooth-skinned Peaches, and can sometimes be found hanging upon one another’s tree. It all has to do with the ALLELE, which is a gene. When Peaches are crossed or self-pollinated, the resulting seeds that carry the recessive Allele for smooth skin will give rise to Nectarines, while those that carry the dominant Allele will be Peaches. Who knew? The ApPEEL of the YIELD lies mainly with the ALLELE! 🍑 Ahem…Anyway, in answer to our question…Everything was: PEACHY KEEN! Great pun, David! You took a BITE out of this one…Ok. Today, a little twist..Before I looked for eye candy, I decided to look for PEACHY KEEN. Remembering hearing it as a child, I did a little research, and was able to PICK up this information…The idiom PEACHY KEEN, was originally used to signify that either something, someone, or some situation, was superlative in the coolest, funniest way. Its’ origin traces back to a man named Jim Hawthorne, a West Coast radio disk jockey, who popularized it in the late 1940s. He’s quoted as saying that his broadcasts were carried over five Southern California stations on what he called “the net-to-net coastwork of the Oh-So-PEACHY-KEEN Broadcasting Company.” And the phrase just caught wing…I also came across an article that said that in the 1978 movie “Grease”, Rizzo (Stockard Channing) responds to being asked “How’ya bin?” with the reply “PEACHY KEEN, jelly bean.” Now how cool is that? Ok, enough nostalgia…On to the eye candy…

    With the panel completely shaded in green, the color’s limited only to the front. Our woman is dressed in a Peach (what else)? top, with Black pants and a matching head scarf, and can be seen eating a Nectarine. The man is wearing a Blue shirt with a matching cap, which has the Blossom Farms logo, a Nectarine, emblazoned on front. They’re standing at a work bench, which holds two bushels of the newly-harvested fruit, and shows a sign reading “Blossom Farms”. If you look real closely, you can actually see the nails attaching it. Great detail, Jeff. In the background, we see 7 trees, (divided into two rows), all lush with fruit. Two harvesters are shown along the back row, with collection bags slung across their bodies, picking from two trees; and between the rows we see a bushel on the ground, filled to the brim…But the eye candy? The harvester to the left? The look upon his face? It’s the PITS! He looks absolutely miserable! Such a SOUR moue! You’d think he was PICKing Lemons! …I guess the job’s just not as FRUITful as he thought it would be! Oh well…To PEACH his own! So, There you have it, Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone! And remember…If you want people to apPEACHiate you in life? Be honest, and always practice what you PEACH! 🍑🙋🏻

  2. Good morning. I’ll read everybody later as I’m on the bus for A/C. I got stuck on the last word and had to look for the answer but, the cartoon answer was an instant blind solve. Until later. Unable to see the vote box for hardest word which was Entity.

    • Good morning, Paul. I didn’t do a poll this morning because I didn’t want it to seem repetitive. Maybe I’ll run one tomorrow that asks if users would like to see it daily. Best of luck in A/C and enjoy the day! 🙂

      • I love the poles and don’t find them repetitive. I like to know how others feel about the difficulty of the words. I would be grateful if you would include it daily.

  3. A CLOAK of mystery seemed to HARDEN around the speckled PERCH, an unknown ENTITY in tropical waters.
    Harden gave me the toughest time this AM. The solution was fairly easy, since I knew that nectarines and peaches are very similar, sans fuzz.

  4. Cloak gave me pause though no problem with the other words or cartoon solution. Easy puzzle this morning but of course that could all change tomorrow. Happy Wednesday everyone.

  5. Hi all – Got the answer right away. CLOAK took two looks, and HARDEN took three.

    Now that song I knew, Angela. My memory’s even telling me it might be a “Sweet Repeat” of yours, but I could be wrong. I completely agree about the nectarines; I buy them to avoid the fuzz, and I think they taste better anyway.
    So the rain fell mainly on the plain to yield the allele? Made me laugh with that one!

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone.

    • LOL…Ah, the mediocre minds! 👏🏻👏🏻 Yes, the apPEEL is definitely with the Allele! It’s all in the pronunciation, rain or not!!! .😂 I went thru it with Lous 2 and 3 this morning…and there was a lot of laughing taking place…And I told them then that you’d definitely PICK right up on it! 👏🏻👏🏻 On point with the song also. I have used it before, and when I pulled it out of the vault that day, you said it was the one that had been bugging you because you couldn’t put your finger on it…So, this is like a double whammy, huh? 😂 And again…you were in my head with this too, I knew you’d get it…We have to stop meeting like this!!!😂😂😂 ROTFL! I am a peach lover tho…I can’t shop for them, but I love eating them…as long as someone does the peeling…And the peaches in wine? 🍷❤️!!! Hope you have a good one, G. 🍑🙋🏻

  6. I never realized there was a relationship between peaches and nectarines, but I did get the answer.

  7. Good evening, on the way back to Brooklyn. Took a little hit this month. Thank goodness I made a little comeback and cashed a ticket with 310.00. All and all I only lost $190.00. Still have $1300 of their money. Nice job Mike and Earl. Angela, good song choice, poem and puns were peachy keen. You know you can wear Hospital gloves to touch and peel them. Wouldn’t that work. Bet you’re a scream at the blackboard. Take care.

    • Hey Brooklyn…..You know me and Math..Add the 9, carry the 1…But as long as you say you’re good? You’re good. I’ve been playing it a little closer to the vest recently…I figure I’m donating enough watching my stock portfolio turn my hair gray…so..😂😂😂 One crap shoot at a time…Thanks for the Shout Outs..I added the link just for you…And you’re Peachy Keen in my book too…Gloves? Maybe to PICK em, but I doubt to PEEL them…but you know it’s not just the feel. Looking at them close up? I have to grit my teeth! Too much angst! ..But you got me here at the end, Bud..I know I’m tired..way too much election return news all day…but the blackboard? You lost me.. Help me out…Get home safe, Brooklyn…Talk to you later..🎲🎲🙋🏻

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