Jumble Answers for 09/23/2018









Good Morning, Everyone!                 🍋 SQUEEZE THE DAY 🍋

🎶 If the sky we look upon, should tumble and fall…Or the mountains should crumble to the sea…I won’t cry, I won’t cry…No, I won’t shed a tear, Just as long as you STAND, STAND by me…And Darling, Darling… STAND by me, Oh, STAND by me..STAND by me, STAND by me…STAND by me…🎶 “Stand By Me”- Ben E. King  1962

🍋 When kids EMBARK on fund-raising, you have to give them due,
They GALLOP into duty in a MANNER of VIRTUE
Their innocence, their energy, they strive to do their best,
A SHODDY job won’t satisfy, they’re out there with such zest.
We see them here all willing to take turns manning a stand,
While someone else is EXITED to deliver for this man…
A little far-etched maybe…but it’s cute…this kid’s a giver,
That she’d offer to go way beyond and say…STAND AND DELIVER 🍋

Today’s cartoon was an instant solve…The dialogue and drawing giving us the STAND, and the Little Ladybug offering to “Carry them to your house”, giving us DELIVER. And with the phrase being a familiar one, the solution was immediate.
Two of our words I wasn’t able to locate in the archives: EXITED and GALLOP. GALLOP is also the word that the early morning Jumblers have chosen as the one they HORSED around with the most…with some telling me that they didn’t feel it “looked right”. And let’s be honest, Folks, how often have we seen the word in print? VIRTUE is RUNNING a close second to GALLOP…But the rest? Easy breezy, LEMON SQUEEZY!

Our cartoon today is pretty CUT and dry…A group of LADYBUGS, manning a LEMONADE STAND. Or should we be saying GIRLING a LEMONADE STAND? After all, they are Little Girls, right? And the word manning just seems to leave a SOUR taste…Anyway, we have a male patron (Who possibly could have been Jeff years ago, but he’s CARRYING a bit of a paunch…so we know that doesn’t FIT)…looking to buy a glass for each of his family members, but being able to carry only two. We see two of the little girls offer to help him out, “Free of Charge”...LEMON AID, so to speak…Who knew? Offering DELIVERY to your home? These kids really have a ZEST for this, don’t they? So with our question asking…What were the girls prepared to do? And us having a STAND…where they’ll DELIVER? Our solution? STAND AND DELIVER! Now how SWEET is that? David? I could just PUCKER UP and give you a kiss! This one’s a gift!

Ok, eye candy…Our colors today are pretty vibrant, making the panel very apPEELing…The LADYBUGS are wearing Brown uniforms with Red sashes. Oddly though, the girl at the end is wearing a Black skirt, and bright Blue shoes…TBT, it looks like the PITS, but maybe they’re permitted to choose between the two colored  skirts. The Black does match their berets. There’s little Red disc-shaped patches on the hats, but they’re blank. I was hoping to see Ladybugs. The LEMONADE pitcher and glasses are Blue.  Our man is dressed in a Blue shirt and Black shorts. His son, riding a red tricycle, is wearing Orange, with Blue shorts. Oddly, the entire background of the panel, adorned with many houses and trees, is all shaded in Gray and Black, no color. Maybe our Color Man didn’t have time for the daily RIND?…But that’s where the eye candy is, in the background.. A woman, pearls at her neck, and wearing designer glasses, is seen walking a Poodle on a leash. But the real PICK-ME-UP? She’s holding a tiny little bag in her right hand, and guess what? It appears to be full! Now how’s that for a deTAIL? I just couldn’t PEEL my eyes away! So, There you have it, Folks! Done! Have a great day, Everyone!…And remember…If life hands you LEMONS?… Ask for the salt and tequila…and just Enjoy! 🍋🙋🏻

15 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 09/23/2018

  1. The SHODDY MANNER in which the roper EXITED the ring at full GALLOP added nothing to the VIRTUE he would bring when trying to EMBARK on a new career in judging rodeo riders.
    No time right now—I’ll check in later to read comments and add more.

    • Hey Earl. Good Morning! Masterful use of these words today! 👏🏻 I’m fighting the time today myself…Hope to see you later…🍋🙋🏻

  2. Sunday puzzles usually puzzle me. Right off the bat, virtue was a surprise scramble, followed by exited looking like it should have been excited, then bemark looking more like kamber. Having sorted out the letters, deliver was an obvious third word, with and obvious, leaving stand for the final solution. As I said with 6 words to unscramble, rather than the daily 4, and a multitude of letters resulting, it was good to come up with a Sunday solution for a change. Speaking of change, we went up and back yesterday on our twin watch, so had an early Sun morning Mass today, rather than a Saturday vigil Mass this weekend, and a golf date coming up, after all SundaY,does end in a ‘Y’.

    • Good Morning, Professor. Yes, it does, Sir..it definitely does end in Y! And I’m glad you can get a game in today. After all, once it turns cold, you’ll be on the wagon…I agree, that today’s words hardly resulted in SOUR pusses! And our solution sort of DELIVERed itself…A good puzzle, all around. Glad you enjoyed it…And Mass? Ironically, You crossed my mind this morning, when our Gospel mentioned “welcoming one child” …I thought..unless your Chuck and you have the twins! And here you’re mentioning “Twin Watch” (which by the way is a gem)! Serendipity, Sir!…Enjoy your game, Chuck..Have a great day! 🍋🙋🏻

  3. Good morning. Angela, you had me nuts for awhile. I checked your entry two times and somehow missed your opening. I’m thinking you left out the song. Boy she really must be in a hurry. So I’m thinking my choice would be Stand By Me. I scroll through you again and there in the very beginning is your choice. Your starting to rub off on me. Nice work on the poem and puns. I had no trouble with the words but had a problem with Exited. When I checked, it changed it to Exicted. Don’t know why!! Finally when I couldn’t make anything else, I then checked all my words the usual way I do it and it came up the way I had it. I got the cartoon answer fairly quick but was disappointed. To me it should have been something else. It wasn’t cute. But then to do that you would have had to make new words. So——–I’ll give it a passing grade. I know I couldn’t do better. Earl, great job as always. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Brooklyn, you have no idea how you tickle me! I rub off on you, you tickle me…People are gonna start to talk! 😂😂 You know how it is with me on Sunday’s…it’s always up in the air! I put the words up at 4:30, because I hadn’t been to sleep yet, and I knew if I fell out…it might be for good… So I nodded off for a while, put up the song, got dressed, put up the poem, went to Mass, and then did the post…Voila! I’m sorry I had you bugging! But the song choice? You do me proud! 👏🏻👏🏻 😂 And you’re not alone with the Excited…not only did Chuck mention it, but so did 3-4 of my friends..As for the solution? Why don’t you like it!? I think it’s very witty…And it’s a pretty well known phrase…You know like “hand over your money”..We’re from Brooklyn..we should know this! 😂 Just joking! 😂 And even if you’re not familiar with it…Lemonade STAND, and the kids offered to DELIVER? I mean they’re beating a dead horse here…It’ll never GALLOP away! What can I say, Bud…you just have to go with it…Think it over…it might turn into LEMONADE yet! 😂 Thanks so much for the Shout Outs, you’re a Doll! 😘 Have a good one, Brooklyn….🍋🙋🏻

  4. Hi all – Well, that was indeed a ZESTY Sunday puzzle. Every word took me a second look, but got them on the second try. EXITED was the quickest because of the giveaway ‘X’, and I think EMBARK would have been the hardest, except that I figured the ‘ER’ wouldn’t stay there at the end and just happened to put EM at the front. I think MANNER took the longest.

    Then the answer. I thought maybe the Girl Scouts had a motto. Figured AND must be the middle word and the V gave me SERVE, but all that led to was “SERVE AND ADD LINT” which would only work if they were doing laundry (as I am right now) and not selling lemonade. Almost gave up, but then the ‘V’ and the dialog caused the lightbulb to go on for DELIVER.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!

    Say hello to Jimmy Buffett for me, Angela. I’l go with these:

    🎵”Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet
    But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat”🎵

    🎵”I’m a cold Italian pizza; I could use a lemon squeezer
    What you do?”🎵

    • LOL…I’ll take a pass on 🎶Monkey Man🎶..never liked the song, but 👏🏻 👏🏻to 🎶Lemon Tree🎶! And I didn’t think that word would be a stumper for you….in MANNER of speaking! But Jimmy Buffett? I may regret this…but…?? Right over my head…Gimme a clue! 🤔🙋🏻

  5. @Angela:
    On the Paul McCartney video I told you about yesterday–I Googled “Paul McCartney GQ” and found the page below. Apparently he’s on the cover of GQ for Oct 2018. There are a lot of pictures of Paul wearing GQ-type clothes, with captions that mention the prices of the clothes. There is also a space for the video “Paul McCartney Breaks Down His Most Iconic Songs”, but here’s the rub: that space is completely black, with the message “We’re sorry, something went wrong.” At least that’s what it says today. Maybe it’s just a temporary technical issue. Anyway, there is a possibility that that video really did come from GQ..


    • Mike!!! This is amazing! Thank you so much! I didn’t digest the whole thing yet..I’m in the middle of something..but I opened it figuring it was a snippet..and it’s like a mini “War and Peace”! And the video did open for me…There’s also another one at the end, but as I said I don’t want to open that one yet, since I can’t spend the time…Plus I’m on my phone, and I’d much rather view it on the larger IPad screen. I don’t know how to thank you, it’s totally, totally amazing…
      76 years old! Who knew? 😉 Thanks again. I’ll give you a shout out after I’ve read it all later tonight..Have a great night..I owe ya! 😘🙋🏻

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