Jumble Answers for 06/16/2018







Good Morning, Everyone!               🎾    IT’S SIX, LOVE...  🎾

🎶I’m like a RUBBER BALL, Baby that’s all that I am to you (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)…Just a RUBBER BALL, ‘cuz you think you can be true to two (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)…You bounce my heart around (you don’t even put her down)…And like a RUBBER BALL, I come bouncin’ back to you…RUBBER BALL, I come bouncin’ back to you…🎶

🎾 After a trying day at work, while looking to relax,
Two men head to the tennis courts, but not poetic wax…
Some friendly trash talk’s spoken just EMPTY kidding smack,
With smiling faces we can see, the words hold no IMPACT.
Their tennis EVENT’s starting at 6 o’clock we see…
The guy in back? I SPIRAL…Jeez, he needs to wear a tee!
But returning to our players, let’s hope they have some fun,
By the looks of them it seems as if it’s already begun.
It should be quite a match up, though they both look past their prime…
Get out there Guys, and play your game…As it’s AT A SET TIME! 🎾

After a week of a lot of HITS with just a few MISSes, we’ve no reason to find FAULT with any of today’s words either. Every SINGLE one was seen beFOREHAND, in fact within the last three months of last year. This not only makes them ALL Sweet Repeats, it also gives us a slight ADVANTAGE, don’t you think? Anyway, LET’s move on to our cartoon, and SET our minds on the solution…Today, we find ourselves in the Locker Room of what looks like a private Blue CHIP Tennis Club. Our two PLAYERS, ACE and ALLEY are MEETing up after what seems to have been a day at work. I- FORMATIONed that idea from ACE’s a-TIE-er. We hear them RANKing on one another about who has the better SHOT at WINning, and while they’re not making a RACQUET, they are HOLDing their own…We hear ALLEY say that the game’s SET for six, and he looks just about ready, while ACE is seen still changing OUT of his work clothes. Our statement: When would the MATCH begin? AT A SET TIME! Good LOB, Dave! You BOUNCED that one right off us!

Ok, eye candy…To the left of ACE’s feet, sits an OPENed gym bag with his Polo Shirt and Tennis Shoes. At ALLEY’S  feet his can of TENNIS balls awaits. Both men are in their stockinged feet, with ALLEY lacing his left shoe. Each of their TENNIS bags are shown. The gentleman seen walking past, in the background, is shirtless, wrapped in a towel, with a SECOND towel draped around his neck. Since he’s carrying a bar of soap, I guess he’s on his way to HIT the showers. Walking bare-footed though, I hope he doesn’t slip and fall FLAT on his face. Maybe DOWN THE LINE the club should make it a POINT to get its members to BREAK the habit, and FOLLOW THROUGH with a fine if needed. Even if it’s just a DEUCE. And then, beyond himwe see a wall mirror with a sink faucet, topped off by a clock denoting that it’s 5PM. So, what did Jeff DRAW that QUALIFIES for my vote today? I’ve narrowed it down to the HAIR on ACE’S legs, and the hole in ALLEY’S shoe…Should there be a TIEBREAK? No, I think today, both FIRST and SECOND SERVE as the WINNERS. So, There you have it Folks, Done! Have a great day, Everyone! And remember…In Life, as in TENNIS…It’s better to have LOVED and LOST, than to have never PLAYED at ALL…🎾🙋🏻


22 thoughts on “Jumble Answers for 06/16/2018

  1. The IMPACT of seeing EMPTY seats at the opening EVENT lead to a downward SPIRAL of optimism for the organizers.
    The only word to give me pause was SPIRAL, otherwise things came fairly easily. Tennis was my game for many years so I appreciate the cartoon and the solution.
    Great poem, post and song Angela.
    I have to prep for a day-long series of soccer matches, watching my nieces’ two sons today, so no time for further comments.
    Have a sweet Saturday, all.

    • Good Morning, Earl. I remember you saying that you were an avid tennis player, until being sidelined. I thought of you this morning while doing the write up. I love your sentence, and can see the reality of it. Great imagery. Thanks for the Shout Out and the Poem Nom. It was a fun puzzle. Enjoy the games…The weather’s supposed to RALLY heat up today…Bring enough water! Have a good one 🎾🙋🏻

  2. Good morning all. I have completely different words in the NY Daily News paper today. I double checked twice and nothing has changed. I’ll leave it at that and get back to what you guys have said. Take care.

    • Good Morning, Paul. You’re 100% right! I never cracked open the paper this morning. My friend left around 5:30 and he took it with him. So I just went next-door and got my neighbors’ paper. But take a look at the lower right-hand corner of the cartoon. Can you see what it says? 6/23. They printed next Saturday’s puzzle by mistake. If I had seen it sooner I would’ve given you a heads up. Poor Baby! You probably thought you were losing it there for a minute, huh? 😂 I’m so sorry I didn’t see it, Bud. Anyway use this link for today’s puzzle. Let me know if it opens up OK for you… 😘🙋🏻

      Click to access 5b24b61384699.pdf.pdf

  3. Angela,thank you for all the info. I did notice the date after your comment. The song was the perfect one to choose. He’s singing it right now in my head. We lost a lot of talent with that plane crash. Enjoyable post and poem. As to Earl, he always comes through with the use of the four words given. You guys never fail us. Until tomorrow stay well.

    • Hey Paul. I hope you got a look at the puzzle. Thanks for the Shout Outs, Bud. ❤️And yes, Earl is something else! But one thing…The song is great, but it’s by Bobby Vee. He wasn’t part of the group we lost in the crash. He only died about 2-3 years ago. Either way, I’m glad you’re singing it! Enjoy the weather today..By t’row we’ll be in the midst of a Heat Wave! 🌞🙋🏻

      • I did check out the post you gave me Angela and TY. I also realized that you were spot on that it wasn’t Buddy Holly who did that song. Thank goodness it’s not playing in my head still. Enjoyed it while it lasted though.

        • Good, I’m glad you took a look. Cute puzzle. And next week’s a cute one too! 😉 Easy, breezy, got that one solved in a minute over COFFEE! 😂 I know what you mean about the music in your head…after a while you just look for that off switch…Hope you’re Enjoying the weather…Beautiful out, right? 🌞🙋🏻

  4. Pretty easy Saturday, though I thought the first would probably be in and I needed the answer & letters before I could get IMPACT. Wishing all a a great weekend.

    • Good Morning, Caroline. Is it still morning? Nope..I’ll never make it! Good Afternoon, Caroline! I’m hearing a few buzzes about IMPACT. It’s having a bit of an EFFECT on people! All in all though, a pretty easy go of it, as you said! Have a great day! 🎾🙋🏻

    • DONE!
      Caroline, I don’t feel well today & couldn’t think of what to say, so I read all the comments, and yours are perfect for me, too. Hope you don’t mind but I ditto you in saying: Easy Saturday, though I thought the first word would be “in.” I needed the answer & letters to get IMPACT. I wish you a great weekend, Caroline.

      • Lelia, It always pleases me to hear when we’re thinking alike. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

      • Caroline, after reading your kind words, I feel better already. Thanks.

  5. Spiral was my problem solve,but the puzzle solution was a snap despite my writing down a y as a letter from empty,along with the e and t.

    • Hey Chuck…if you can pull off the solve with the WRONG letters..you’re batting 1000! 😉 Nice 4 o’clock start you have on tap today. I like the day games…That way if the blood pressure rises, you don’t have to fall asleep with your head pounding, Nice. I saw you’re playing at .529, and leading the division…Whereas my Mets are still needing to look up to see 450…SMH. It’s not easy…Enjoy your weekend getaway! 🎾🙋🏻

  6. Hi all – I saw SPRAIL which led to SPIRAL. Then TIME had to be in the answer which I got after writing down the letters.

    Yes Angela, as soon as I caught a glimpse of the leg hair and shorts I knew I wasn’t going to be opening the magnified site for any more details!
    Maybe these guys are lawyers, and they’re exchanging one COURT for another.

    Also, your comment on the song reminded me of a funny rant I once heard from Jerry Lee Lewis, who complained that when he was trying to break in with authentic Southern Rock and Roll, (words to the effect that) everything on the radio was light pop tunes and “EVERYBODY was BOBBY — BOBBY Vinton, BOBBY Darin, BOBBY Vee, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, Sheesh!”) 😂

    Wishing you all a great day.

    • LOL…Yea, scraggly little hairs, not real man hairs…But then again. Those were some scraggly little legs, so…😉 ..By comment you mean what I told Paul? You know something? Maybe there’s 7 Little Bobbys! 😂 Have a good one, G. 🎾😂

    • Steve, I was wondering what you would say about the shorts, and you did not disappoint. Funny!
      Sorry to hear that you had a hectic Thursday but would recuperate Friday. Enjoy your weekend.

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